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Old 12-24-2008, 02:18 PM   #61  
A pound lost is a gain!
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Hi all! Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday and remind you to keep the food in check if you choose to eat.

I read an article the other day that said if you go off whatever program you are on for one meal - you will not gain, that one meal will not cause you to gain weight. I strongly disagree (at least for me and my body)! I ate 1/2 c. of squash the other night at a restaurant and apparently it had what I detected as some bread crumbs in it. There could not have been more than a scant amount but I am up 1/2 pound from it! Really hacks me off!

My gift to myself is to come out on the other side of Christmas with a 2 pound loss so I will have lost 40 pounds since Oct. 14.

Have a great holiday and I look forward to your "victory" stories!

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Old 12-25-2008, 09:36 PM   #62  
A pound lost is a gain!
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Hey all! Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas day. I just wanted to share my thoughts on life as it is and what I find as sad.

OK so Christmas and all the surrounding food went well for me. I have been OP since I started this journey October 14. I even lost 3 pounds over the Thanskgiving holiday so I knew Christmas would be no problem. Plus I am 2 pounds from 40 pounds lost so I want to give myself that present.

I saw people today that I have not seen since I started to lose weight and they did not even mention that I looked like I had lost weight. I wear my clothes loose so I am sure that did not help but my face is noticibley thinner too. I really thought someone would say something! The people at work have not noticed either but I cut them some slack because they see me everyday so sometimes it is harder to see a difference. Bottom line and the reason I find this sad is I know I need to lose at least 100 pounds and even at the almost half way mark no one can tell a difference in my size/appearance - that is just sad to me! I must appear alot bigger to the rest of the world than I think I am.

I am not beating myself up just reflecting on the cold hard truth.

I will continue onward and upward as I have to do this for my health and well being. I find this plan so easy to live with but sometimes external messages from others gives you pause to refelct on life as it really is!

Christmas is behind us now so keep putting on foot in front of the other and remember each shake is bringing us closer to a new and improved us!

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Old 12-29-2008, 12:55 PM   #63  
A pound lost is a gain!
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Where is everyone? Am I still the only one on program???

I lost 3 pounds over the Christmas holiday so I am very happy with myself. I hit the 40 pound loss mark I was hoping for so that was my present! My clothes are really baggy but I don't want to buy new if I can help it as I figure I will go down more in size and then what do I do with these in between size clothes?

2009 is right up on us - let's get busy with the program!

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Old 12-29-2008, 11:59 PM   #64  
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I'm taking the plunge! I will be joining you all once my order of medifast arrives.

I look forward to getting to know you in the January chat.

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Old 12-30-2008, 10:29 AM   #65  
A pound lost is a gain!
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Hi Jen! Welcome to the forum!

Congrats on your decision - you will not regret it. We are here to help, just let us know what you need!

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Old 12-31-2008, 07:20 AM   #66  
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Hey all you MFers! Where is everybody?

I know I have been MIA for a here is the latest...I went WAYYYYYY off plan over Christmas. I'm not talking an extra serving of mashed potatoes here. It started with the Cosmopolitans and just 1 sugar cookie. Before I knew it it was 3 days later and I was half way through a tub of Chocolate chip cookie dough and trying to cram one more bite into my severly swollen belly!

The damage was 7.4 lbs. for Christmas. of this morning...I am back down to my pre-binge weight plus an extra .4 lbs went with it! Gotta love Medifast. So I am claiming no harm no foul and plunging straight on into the New Year with renewed focus on my goal. I have signed up for 2 challenges to keep me on track.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year! See you all back here refreshed and ready to loose in the shiney New Year! WooHoo!!! 2009 is my year to hit my goal! Bring it on!
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Old 12-31-2008, 12:11 PM   #67  
Wastin' Away Again!
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I admit to having some "cookie dough" too, djay!

And pasta... WITH bread sticks....

Yes, I've been pretty much off plan since Dec 19. I'm almost completely out of MF foods, but still trying to eat "little meals" every couple hours. I'm not TOO bad in the + category... I've gained 2 lbs, & that's not a lot, so I'm not TOO worried. I do think I'll do better once I start back to work & the "routine" kicks in. But I do have some fear, which is natural I guess, about gaining ALL the weight back PLUS more, since I can no longer afford MF.

My husband still isn't working, but we're trying to keep our chins up, because NOBODY is hiring during "the holiday season".... which will be OVER come Friday.

So ... here's hoping!
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Old 12-31-2008, 12:32 PM   #68  
A pound lost is a gain!
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Hey! Glad to see some life back here!

djay - glad you made it through the holidays and were able to get the "damage" repaired rather quickly. You are lucky that you have such good metabolism - if I did that it would be a month before I got back to where I was.

beachy - sorry no word on work for your hubby yet. It will happen soon I bet. Like you said the holidays gum up the hiring process - next week things will get back to normal. You are doing really well on maintaining your weight loss - hang in there - 2009 will be better!

Hope everyone has a good New Years Eve - I will be home safe from the drunks and excessive food!

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Old 01-01-2009, 09:02 AM   #69  
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Happy 2009!

I just don't think 2008 will be missed by many... Isn't that right Beachy? A new year is such a refreshing start in so many ways. I hope it refreshes the economy a little and your DH finds work...boy...they really hit him at a hard time for job hunting! Seems like everyone is going to take a knock before this is over. We had to take a 5% pay cut, give up our yearly raises and 401k matching so that my company didn't have to lay anyone off. I wish more companies would do that. It isn't great to have your salary cut...but at least everyone still keeps some income and benefits. I'm just sure that the hubs will find something soon. AND Congrats! Only a 2 lb gain over the holidays is fantastic! You are doing so well with the hand that was dealt!

Jacque-Congrats for staying OP over the holidays! You deserve every pound that is rapidly dropping from your shrinking frame. I bet you are swimming in your clothes about now! Ann Taylor is having a great sale!
I wish I could attribute my recent rapid weight loss to a good metabolism...The truth is... the gain was mostly water...the sodium just bloats me so bad! So once I get back OP and rince that sodium out of my system...the water goes also and I get a truer weight. I have been tracking my calories on my OP days...I have not consumed enough to add true pounds...Just Not little enough to get a good downward trend reestablished.


It's 2009! And I'm back with a vengence! No stops between today and my goal!...(oh...except my birthday in February)

OK...I know I have already written a novel...but...I have OT news. You may remember that I am expecting my second grandchild in June...well...I just found out it is a boy! I'm excited about that since I have always had girls...but then I found out that my youngest daughter is also expecting a baby in August. Not so happy about that...She is only 21...but what can a mom do...Just offer love.

So that is my 2009 beginning. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Last edited by djay; 01-01-2009 at 09:04 AM.
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Old 01-01-2009, 12:16 PM   #70  
Come on Spring!
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I just closed this thread. Here's the new one.
Onward and downward, MediChicks!
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