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Old 11-05-2014, 03:56 PM   #31  
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The Many Facets of Keto Adaptation

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Old 11-05-2014, 04:00 PM   #32  
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Ketogenics encourages your body to rely less on sugar-based fuels and rather to turn to fat and ketones (produced in the liver by metabolizing fat) for fuel. The benefits of a consistently ketogenic diet are primarily recognized in the sphere of neurological problems, where there has been evidence of benefit in treating obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease A ketogenic diet is one that encourages your body to rely less on sugar-based fuels and rather to turn to fat and ketones (produced in the liver by metabolizing fat) for fuel. The benefits of a consistently ketogenic diet are primarily recognized in the sphere of neurological problems, where there has been evidence of benefit in treating obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. Some folks notice improved mood, sleep, mental focus, blood sugar regulation and reduction of general inflammation. Once you are adapted to a ketogenic diet, going in and out of ketosis intermittently is thought to yield some of the longevity, anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting benefits previously attributed to calorie restricted diets.

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Old 11-05-2014, 04:01 PM   #33  
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Staying in ketosis makes it easier for many people to maintain weight loss.

A ketogenic diet is one that encourages the body to burn fat for fuel and in that process fat burned in the liver produces ketones and a state of ketosis. Our sugar-craving brains would be content with a lot less sugar if our bodies remembered how to supply our brains with ketones. (Ketosis is not to be confused with diabetic keto-acidosis which is life-threatening and only a risk for people with type 1 diabetes.)

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Old 11-05-2014, 04:04 PM   #34  
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Method One:

Protein is kept to a moderate amount because our bodies can turn protein into carbohydrates more easily than they can remember how to burn fat for fuel.

No more than 30 grams protein per meal.
Protein should be of high quality, and feel free to enjoy all the fat that is part of the meat, it will speed keto-adaptation. Gently cook pasture-raised meat, wild-caught fish and game, pasture-raised eggs and poultry.
Dairy is a good source of protein, particularly for vegetarians, but it often comes with too much carbohydrate. Focus on butter or ghee, cream, cheese, and some of the high-fat Greek yogurts available.
Fats are very important and must be eaten more on this diet than most folks are used to.

Butter, ghee, sour cream and coconut oil can be added to everything!
“Bulletproof Coffee” or Turbo-charged Tea if you prefer can be made with coffee (decaff or regular) or tea (Full Leaf Black Tea, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 2)made hot and blended with 2 Tbsp butter and 1-3 Tbsp MCT oil. The recipe may not sound appealing, but if you like blended coffee drinks, this is a great one.
Macadamia nuts and cashews are the highest fat nuts, so limited consumption is fine. (They still contain carbohydrates.
Bacon or sausage or other high-fat cuts of meat.
Carbohydrates can still be a big volume of your meals, but without much diversity. Carbohydrate restriction can cause constipation, so be sure to include these foods in your ketogenic diet.

Leafy greens will be your primary vegetable, either in cold salads or cooked alone or in soups or stir-fries.
Garlic and onions are good sources of sulfur and feed gut bacteria.
Fermented greens (sauerkraut) should be consumed regularly.
Small amounts of very low sugar vegetables (radishes, celery, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc.) can usually be tolerated without interrupting ketosis.
No root or starchy vegetables during keto-adaptation.
No grains or legumes.

Last edited by Mossy; 11-05-2014 at 04:06 PM.
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Old 11-05-2014, 04:09 PM   #35  
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Method Two:

Follow the same food recommendations as in Method One, but allow more starchy vegetables: half a sweet potato, tomatoes and carrots. Your food alone will not be ketogenic when you add these starches, though your gut may be happier. To stay ketogenic, you must add some highly ketogenic oils, either

Coconut oil, 1-3 Tbsp taken 3 times a day
MCT oil, which is made from coconut oil, but tasteless, 1-3 Tbsp taken 3 times a day.
You will need to test the effectiveness of this supplementation to find the amount that works for you.
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Old 11-05-2014, 04:12 PM   #36  
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Salt Whichever path you choose: salt your food to taste. Salt is depleted on a low carbohydrate diet.

Potassium often leaves the body with salt. You can easily find an inexpensive 99 mg potassium supplement in drug or health food stores.

Magnesium – if you tend to constipation.
Cod Liver Oil - anti-inflammatory
Vitamin C – to feed your adrenals a little extra while this low-carb eating might stress them a bit.
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Old 11-06-2014, 09:51 PM   #37  
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Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

You know what you should be eating to keep your body primed for fat loss and energy.

You understand why some coffee is good for you.

Now you can learn how to make the best cup of coffee on earth (with a catch).

Bulletproof Coffee is becoming popular for a reason. Aside from tasting awesome, it makes you feel lean, focused, and energized. It allows you to transform your diet without resorting to chewing on sticks of butter (though that’s not a bad idea…).

Here is the simple version of how to make Bulletproof Coffee.


At least 1-2 tbs Kerry Gold unsalted grass-fed butter (I like up to 1 tbsp per large cup) (Made in Ireland) Kerry Gold Butter is the only brand you should use.

1-2tbs of MCT Coconut Oil (15-30 ml) or Barleans Swirl Coconut MCT Oil

2 cups (~453g or 500ml) of hot coffee brewed with low-toxin beans

Optional Add cinnamon, splash of real vanilla, teaspoon of unsweetened dark chocolate, or a sweetener like Stevia, erythritol, or xylitol (this is technically a sacrilege if you use awesome beans, but some people love their mocha…)

#5 : Put on a satisfied look and enjoy the high performance buzz from your creamy mug of Bulletproof Coffee as you watch your tired coworkers eat low-fat yogurt and twigs for breakfast. It’s almost unfair.

Oh, and what’s the catch? You will have no excuse for not getting things done now that you’re powered by Bulletproof Coffee.

There’s a new trend going around that may forever change the way you drink coffee. Instead of the usual cream and sugar, many people are now adding butter to their coffee and it’s just about the greatest thing ever. To most people, putting butter in their coffee sounds skeptical if not borderline dangerous, but not all butters are bad for you. In this case, there is only one kind of butter you should put in your coffee: grass-fed butter.

Kerrygold unsalted brand is probably the most common that you can find in stores. But why grass-fed butter? Most cows are corn or soy fed. It’s cheap and filling, but cows aren’t actually meant to eat that- they can’t even digest it properly- and their milk produces the kinds of fats you don’t want in your body. Grass-fed cows on the other hand commonly produce the best milk and beef, and the butter made from those cows is just as good. Here are five reasons why you should be putting this kind of butter in your coffee (and just using it in general from now on):

1. Only grass-fed butter has the right fats that regulate cholesterol, not add to it. Grass-fed butter has the best ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids (which reduces body fat) and is a good source of vitamin K, both of which according to a studies reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. It provides healthy fats for your brain and body to create cell walls (membranes) and hormones. The short-chain fatty acid Butyrate, once thought to be bad for you, has been linked to preventing neurodegenerative diseases, increased energy expenditure, and is also anti-inflammatory, further preventing heart disease.

3. Drinking it each morning puts your body in the routine to burn fat all day, helping you trim down overall. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), found in grass-fed butter, has been shown to reduce body fat mass especially in overweight individuals.

4. “Bulletproof” coffee will give you energy as well as increase cognitive function that you can literally feel when it kicks in for about six hours- and without the crash. Mixed with more healthy fats from coconut oil, this amped up drink will help produce ketones, which are created when your body creates energy from fat rather than carbohydrates.

5. Two tablespoons of butter in your coffee is all you need to replace a breakfast meal altogether, making this a quick alternative for people on the go. Providing your body with essential fats and calories is a higher performance blend than a carbohydrate source like oatmeal.

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Old 11-06-2014, 10:26 PM   #38  
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Keto Crepes

2 oz. creme cheese (Kraft - full fat)
2 eggs
2 Tbsp Coconut Milk Powder (65% Virgin Coconut Oil) (Enerhealth Botanicals)
Splash of real vanilla
Cinnamon and/or Nutmeg

Mix altogether with a blender or by hand if creme cheese is thawed
Use med heat with non-stick skillet sprayed with coconut oil spray

Makes 2 crepes for one
Each crepe has 1 carb
Excellent plain with a cup of Bulletproof Coffee

Can be used as a bread substitute
BLT's, scrambled egg sandwich...ham, roast beef, your choice

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Old 11-06-2014, 10:33 PM   #39  
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Keto Whipped Cream

Put cold heavy cream and flavorings in mixing bowl. Avoid ultra-pasteurized cream if possible
Try 1 to 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract per cup of cream, and 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar equivalent, such as Stevia
djust to taste. Other extracts or flavorings (such as mint or chocolate) can be used as well.
With an electric hand mixer or a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat cream. You can use a hand whisk; it just will take longer. Start slowly -- if you set it on high at first, you'll have cream all over the place. Set the mixer so it goes as fast as possible without splashing.

As the cream thickens, turn the speed up. As it gets foamier, start checking for a soft peak, which is what you want. Stop the mixer and lift the beater(s) from the cream. The peak should bend over at the top when you remove the whisk. As it gets close, slow down, because if it goes too far, it will lose volume, then clump and separate (essentially become butter). This can happen quite quickly if you're not paying close attention at that point.
If you forget to adjust the flavorings, you can still do it at this point. Ta-da! Whipped cream!

Ultra-pasteurized cream is harder to whip, and the texture isn't the same, but it can be done. It helps if you use a metal bowl and the equipment is cold -- put the beaters and bowl in the freezer for a few minutes before using.

One cup of heavy cream will yield about 2 cups of whipped cream. After a few hours, it will start to lose volume, but you can mix it again and it's still good to eat, even after a day or two.

The higher the butterfat content, the better it will whip, since the whipped fat traps the air bubbles

Last edited by Mossy; 11-06-2014 at 10:35 PM.
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Old 11-06-2014, 10:44 PM   #40  
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The Ultimate Dill Tuna Salad Sandwich

1 can tuna (your preference – I like the solid white)
3 tbsp mayo
1 pinch of dried dill (fresh dill would be nice too – you may need more)
salt and pepper to taste
hamburger dills, or any dill that’s sliced the long way
Combine all of these ingredients (except pickles) to taste, then let the tuna salad sit in the fridge for about 15-30 minutes (or overnight).

Get yourself some long sliced dills. You can use hamburger chips and the refrigerated dills from the deli.

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Old 11-06-2014, 10:48 PM   #41  
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Red Pepper Pesto Chicken Cucumber Sandwich

If you like pesto and red peppers....

1/2 cup shredded chicken (or chunk chicken from the can if you must!)
2 tbsp of your favorite pesto (homemade if you have it!)
a pinch of shredded parmesan
1/4 red pepper, chopped
Cucumber, halved and cored
Salt and pepper to taste
This one is super simple. Combine all the ingredients and fill up your cucumber. For added fun, you could add a slice of cheese, but the parmesan is just so delightful in this, it’s totally not necessary.
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Old 11-06-2014, 10:51 PM   #42  
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Spicy Avocado Egg Salad Ingredients

1 hard-boiled egg
2 tsp spicy guacamole (The Wholly Guacamole brand doesn’t have any weird ingredients, but you can also make one yourself or make your own favorite guac recipe and mash in half a jalapeņo.)
1 tsp mayo (again – pre-made or make your own)
salt and pepper to taste
I like to use an egg slicer to dice my egg – one set of cuts in the wide direction, then carefully re-positioned and cut again the long way.
The next part is easy – combine all the ingredients together and add salt and pepper to taste!

Place egg salad into red or yellow pepper halves (washed, seeded)
Celery sticks on the side
Black or green olives, too

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Old 11-06-2014, 10:58 PM   #43  
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Keto Italian Sub

1 lettuce leaf (outer leaf)
1 slice of cheese
3 slices of turkey (the small slices from Oscar Mayer’s deli fresh)
3 slices of ham (same)
4 slices of pepperoni
1 large round of Italian dry salami (Naturalissima brand)
1/2 of a chopped up pepperocini
Pretty much piled it up in the bowl of a giant lettuce leaf, wrapped it and it turned into keto sandwich Add 2 tablespoons of Italian Dressing which has 1 carb and is delicious) on the side for dipping.

Also try real italian meats and salami, consider those when you decide to make it!

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Old 11-06-2014, 11:05 PM   #44  
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Bulletproof Afternoon Tea

Make your favorite cup of tea
I like Twinings Irish Breakfast, Darjeeling, English Breakfast, or Green Tea
1 Tbsp MCT Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp KerryGold Butter

Will satisfy hunger or cravings
Use in the evening if tea doesn't keep you awake

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Old 11-06-2014, 11:21 PM   #45  
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Mug Breakfast Muffin - 1 Carb

1 large coffee mug
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp Coconut Milk Powder
1 egg
1 packet of Stevia
1 Tbsp pecans or walnut pieces

Spray mug with coconut oil
Microwave for 1 minute or longer depending of microwave
Place on plate if you like

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