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Old 12-01-2004, 02:10 PM   #16  
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Leona.......YOU GO GIRL!!!

congratulations!! 75 lbs!!!!!! Wow!
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Old 12-02-2004, 06:49 AM   #17  
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Oh, leowna, you made my day! I'm discouraged like anything, and although I'm doing a teeny-tiny itsy-bitsy bit better, it's not enough to loose anything. I'll hold on another day though!
You too Robin- you've gotten back and I love your idea of "the sound of fat cells dying"
yesterday a real struggle, mostly at work doing a long typing project, almost 4 hours and I just ate and ate and ate. I had salami and cheese and a salad with tuna and egg salad on it, then more salami and an apple and a little applesauce. TOO MUCH FOOD> That was just at work! At night more turkey and a little stuffing with gravy and squash. But I deserve a minus 2000 calories for the Ben and Jerry's that I DIDN"T EAT!

today should be better- And I am going out to dinner so I can do the grilled chicken cesear thing that ususally works for me.

I have only done one little Xmas purchase(books online) so I need to get moving. And I want to decorate a little bit. Last year was the first year in the new house and we didn't do much. this year the living room is more presentable, and I want to have it look nice. for myself as much as anything! the rest of the house has been set up for MIL, and I have few places of refuge! I sometimes sit in the LR to read...the TV is always on in the den. if I am in the kitchen, she comes in for company. So I am putting candles and ornaments and window lights up this year in the LR for ME to enjoy!

that's it...have for scramble some eggs before I go. The key to a good morning for me is a protein only breakfast!

have a good one,
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Old 12-02-2004, 09:04 AM   #18  
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wow meowna! Congrats! 75 lbs!

disappointed/ angry need to vent today. we're getting married in March and then having a reception in Maine for my family in June. we're dressing all up again and everything. another cake, more flowers... well, when we asked our best man- Chris' older bro, we told him that one of the things we wanted him to do was to be able to go up to Maine to recreate the bridal party. Don't accept the Best man duty if you can't do this. We said we were asking the same of all our wedding party- not singling him out. He was fine with it. My Maid of Honor is from Maine and coming down for the wedding and then she'll obviously be in Maine for the June reception. and then the rest of the bridal party is immediate family so they'll obviously be at both. well, the boys went to get measured last saturday for the tuxes. The best man didn't go... we got over it, fine, you'll have to go by yourself to get measured. Then I sent him an email with all the dates he has to remember- March 3rd, final fitting, March 4th, rehearsal and dinner, March 5th the wedding- please bring back our tuxes after the wedding- it'll be over at 3:30 and we can't bring them back on Sunday.
March 6th- inviting everyone to church with us and then going on a group outing here in NC.
and then I asked him if the dates in June would be ok to fly up.
He replies back, We're not going to be able to go up in June. It would cost us too much money. I've told him before my mom has gotten a hotel room- Ramada Inn at $29 a night (she used to be manager and can still get discounts) and then I thought my parents would have a big dinner for everyone a couple nights- they're big on family get togethers. Not asking alot- just airfare. UGH! Haven't told Chris yet, but I know he's going to be mad. He almost "fired" his bro as Best man over the tux incident. (we told him over a month in advance we were going to get measured and he was fine until the weekend before he scheduled something)
ugh! should be fun at Christmas with everyone mad at each other! can't get too mad though because this is the same bro that owns a flower shop and has given us all of our flowers as a wedding present. I'm having a bouquet of 30 roses- so I don't want to make him too mad and have him revoke the present... ugh! what am I marrying into?!
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Old 12-02-2004, 09:24 AM   #19  
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Default Good Morning!

Dottie your doing good.....I wish we could subtract for passing up our favourites!!! You would think that would make us so much thinner, because I know there are LOTS Ive passed up, and really, I should be a size 6 for it!

Kandice, I have no words of wisdom for you. When dh and I decided on a date to get married, we only had 2 weeks to get ready. We knew we were getting married this past summer, but didnt really have a date picked out. So literaly last minute, when family members were going to be in town is when we chose to get married. They were very suprised when they arrived to find out they were going to be going to a wedding. It was nice very casual and very little stress. I wish you the best in your plans!!

Well I worked on my sign yesterday for about 4 hours, thought it was beautiful and lovely when I was done. Until I started to wipe off the lines I had made for leveling and centering. It seems that every mark I made on the aluminum scratched the white pencil right into the green background! I hadnt realized it until I was finished of course, because Ive never had trouble with this type of marking pencil before! I was furious! All I could think about was the $500 sign totaled, and we would have to do it all over again! So of course I did what any logical female would do. I threw a fit, and I really dont remember what was in my hand, but it smashed up against the chimney (I was working in the basement). Good thing no one else was around!! I high tailed it up stairs and got on my walking shoes and set out for my walk. Let me tell you....when you are flamin' mad, you walk really fast!!! I did my 3 mile walk in 38 min!!! Instead of my usual 45! When I got home, dh was there, loved the sign and told me how we could fix it. Im a smart woman for marrying him!!! Then he took me out for supper cuz he didnt want me to cook anything. All is well in Robinville again

Today, Im going to pick up some more wrapping paper and get that finished, make the muffins I was going to do yesterday, and enjoy the sun while it lasts out there.

Have a good day everyone!

Last edited by RobinH; 12-02-2004 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 12-02-2004, 11:03 AM   #20  
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awww- robin- you got yourself a good one for taking you out to supper...

I got mad at Chris one weekend morning when I was tired and wanted to sleep in (when we first started dating and moved in together)- he asked what we were having for breakfast. Let me tell you- he has never asked for breakfast again!

Thanks- I thought a 13 month engagement would be perfect- allow everyone enough time to save and everything- but now I wish I did it last minute- I'm second guessing everything and it's so stressful!
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Old 12-02-2004, 11:13 AM   #21  
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Kandice, I didnt mean for you to second guess yourself. I was engaged for almost 3 yrs. I had loads of time to plan, but its not my thing. So when it comes down to the wire, you just put your head down and plow forward. What works out does, and what doesnt, doesnt. Dont get worried about it, just go with the flow. You want to enjoy your day, not worry about everything and everyone. This is your day remember, and if one of the wedding party cant be there for the 2nd party, its his loss. Sounds like your going to have fun in maine, and isnt that the whole point of it all?

Dont stress over it......remember, everything happens for a reason. IMHO

Im thinking I should have taken my own advice when I was finished with my sign yesterday!!
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Old 12-02-2004, 05:17 PM   #22  
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Ick weddings not my forte......divorced x 2 here, did the big wedding the first time, eloped the second.........and if I ever mention # 3 shoot me fast, it means all my marbles have hit the floor and they are escaping. HA HA

I wish you the best of luck in all your planning Kandice, just remember to have FUN yourself, it is your day to remember not everyone else.

Things are well on the homefront, eating is going ok, latest bad habit is chewing "bubble gum" eeeeek, and not sugar free, am working on that habit.

Gotta go check out the recipes, have pork loin chops and broccoli something to make for supper here.

ty very much for the congrats.....

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Old 12-03-2004, 06:49 AM   #23  
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friday morning! finally!

Kandice, I can only echo what Robin and Leowna have said: it's your day, and you'll find th
at you'll be so happy that everything else recedes into the background. After March, the rest won't seem so important. Enjoy, this is a wonderful time.

Hi Robin, your MAD walk sounds like my day yesterday, except I couldn't go walking. I sat at my desk mad at some work-related unfairnessess, I just pouted for a while. But I have to say, Thank God for low carb. With what other diet can you go out for a scotch and a steak to calm your frayed nerves? Watched survivor and went to bed early.

Just going to get through this day, and think lovely thoughts about the weekend!

have a good one-
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Old 12-03-2004, 10:30 AM   #24  
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Default Good Morning!

Steak and scotch sound lovely Dottie!!

Alright, Ive got myself worked up, and a bit blue. I decided yesterday that I was going to get on the scale today. Today because.......3 months from today Im turning 40. I dont want to turn 40, but it beats the alternative So, I know this.....I DO NOT want to look like this when I turn 40, nor do I want to feel like this when I turn 40. The scale was alot higher than I thought So that means it was a whole lot higher 3 weeks ago when I got back on plan. (I was too chicken to get on it then).

Since the scale makes me nuts, here is the plan. I will get on the scale one week from today, just to insure Im loosing and doing things properly. Then I will not get back on it until Jan 3, then Feb 3, and then on my 40th birthday This gives me 3 months to move into the 40's more healthy and hopefully a whole lot smarter about food.

Also since I know that exercise is the only way to whittle off the extra pounds a bit faster than sitting on my arse......I have been walking the last 3 weeks, but today I will start my exercise ball routine, and tomorrow starts my weights. As well as walking everyday, weather permitting.

Ok, Ive laid out my plan.....Im counting on you ladies for support. I did this before with your help. Im going to do it again, but this time Im going to remember everything I learned and keep it off!!

Ready Set Go!!!!!

Have a great day
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Old 12-03-2004, 10:42 AM   #25  
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Oh yes, TGIF, Dottie! Can't wait to stay snuggled in the covers tomorrow morning. It's been colder than a wit...., um, it's just been REALLY cold here lately and sooo hard to get out of bed at dark thirty.

Kandice - I agree that it's your day (or actually 2 days, since you are doing it twice) and you should just concentrate on that. Besides, your future BIL is really doing a lot for your wedding already. It would really be a shame for something like this to put a wedge in the family. What is really important is your future relationship with Chris and the joining of families and you don't want to hurt that.

We'll I've decided that the kids and I are going to Disneyland for a few days right after Christmas and that will be their present. (we've talked this out and they really want to do it). So a cubicle mate at work heard me talking about it and said that he has a hotel connection and would get me a great discount. So we are going to be staying in a nice hotel, in a suite, for $25 a night! Wow! I'm getting excited about it all now!

TOM is over and now I'm going to really do a stern talking-to with myself and get my eating under control. I will do some planning this weekend, probably some cooking, and get prepared. I would really like to start losing a couple pounds rather than holding steady. Meowna - You are very inspiring! You must have great inner strength to deal with all you do AND get yourself in great shape. It has been one year now since the kids' dad left and I feel like I'm holding it together well but I need to break out of this holding pattern and DO SOMETHING - start living more. Oh, I don't know, everything is fine, I'm just having a I-don't-know-what-I-want-to-do-when-I-grow-up moment. Forget about it - I'm just being silly.

Have a great Friday all! YEAH, IT'S FRIDAY!

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