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Old 11-12-2004, 05:45 AM   #16  
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Good morning,

Went to Home Depot yesterday and got a fan...yes, it matched the hardware on the bureaus I'm not too sure about the color, it looks more reddish to me than what's in our bedroom set. But, DH assured me that it would match. So, we'll see. We also got new knobs for the cabinets. DH put them on and it really transforms the kitchen.

We drove by both WW meeting places and I'm seriously considering joining next Wed. When I found where the meeting places are online, I noticed you could pay for 10 weeks when you register cheaper than paying weekly.

Lynn, that's a good way to use up the vitamin e. I'm really not doing too..too bad without hormones. I do find that I am more impatient than I used to be and a bit moodier than normal. I am hoping this will all pass.
Have a safe trip and a great time at your GS birthday party. A very Happy Birthday to him.

Nikki, it is amazing how you think you're doing something good for your health then find out you're not. I hope your vitamin went down well with your coffee. I got a good chuckle out of that. I really think there is too much information out there especially about what to eat and what not to eat, it really gets confusing sometimes. Did you get your car fixed?

We're off on another shopping trip this morning. We need a few things at BJ's and I need to get my cousin something else for her birthday towards the end of the month. I've already gotten her a couple of things, but I need something else.

Enjoy your day.
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Old 11-12-2004, 09:01 AM   #17  
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Goodmorning All: Well off we go in ahour or so. We both are beginning to hate these trips to the GTA. We have to do so much running around when we get there just seeing family. Now my DB has told his ex wife we are going to be there and she is calling for us to go there . The days should be 48 hours long when we are in the city. This is the weekend my friend moves up here and I would much rather be here. Oh well snough of my whinning I too have thought about the 10 week deal at WW but still don't know if I want to go to the meetings or just want their stuff. I think going to Curves will be incentive to keep going. Well off I go, have to finish packing and get to my friend'd with a key by noon. Talk to you on Monday. Lynn
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Old 11-12-2004, 11:03 AM   #18  
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Good morning,
Hey, Lynn, have a good, safe trip. Try not to over do, you need to rest often, even if your back does feel better. A big Happy Birthday to your GS
I think about the WW meetings, I will go and pay for one or two, just to see what the people are like. Like you were talking about the other day Aleka, just one or two people can really make or break a meeting. I'm still holding out for free registration. Wish I'd just joined when it was going on last time.
The car is still not fixed. I don't know when it will be. DH says he'll call our mechanic, so I'm leaving it up to him.
I woke up in some kind of mood myself this morning. I think my hormones are all over the place today. I felt like taking DH's head off as soon as he walked in the door and by the time he went to bed, he said he wasn't sure what was going on, but wondered if I was ok. I apologized and I feel bad. I seem to be getting upset over nothing all morning. The cats just ignore me
Got to get a shower and get my day going, take care, Nikki
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Old 11-13-2004, 08:17 AM   #19  
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Happy Saturday!

Nikki, hope your car gets fixed soon. Yep, it's those darn hormones. Sometimes I get so emotional at things and I never know what will set me off.

Lynn, hope you had an uneventful trip and that you'll have a wonderful visit.

Anne, wanted to let you know I'm still thinking about you and hope you're doing well.

I am re-thinking about joining WW on Wed. We just got our property tax bill for FL and since we still own the house in NH, that should be coming any day now too. So, I don't think I can afford it at this time. I'll probably wait until they're running some specials the first of the year. In the meantime I'm going to really get serious about Core. DH will do this with me, as he could lose a few lbs. too.

Have a great Sat. everyone.
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Old 11-13-2004, 09:51 AM   #20  
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Aleka, I can't imagine what a tax bill in Florida would be, but I bet it would make me go Ours isn't that bad since we live in the country and hasn't gone up too much since I bought the house. I'm sure it will after we remodel. They seem to come out to assess the house a lot more often than they use to. Last year, they said we had a patio out back, because we put some of those paver blocks down on top of the soil in a small square shape. I tried to tell him it wasn't permanent, but he still said we had a patio. I must say, the tax man is someone I have never really liked seeing come up the driveway.
I bet there will be a good WW special coming up for the holiday season and that's not too far away.
Poor DH, he has to work an extra 8 hours today. He sounded really tired when he called. He's been working a lot of OT to make extra money to fix up his old truck, but all of the extra money is going for other things, so he hasn't bought anything yet for it. He's pretty down about that.
I plan on laying some carpet in the hallway today. I've been planning on doing that now for a few weeks, just never has been the right time and if it was, I was too tired. Since DH will be gone all day, I can make all the noise I want.
Hi Anne, hope your doing ok.
Better get busy, Nikki
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Old 11-13-2004, 10:10 AM   #21  
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The FL tax bill isn't all that bad. It's a little cheaper than NH. We were very surprised. But, having to pay both property tax bills I couldn't get over your story about the taxman and the patio. When I had the cottage on the lake, I had 2 cousins who had cottages on the same piece of property and we shared the private beach. Well, being the cottage right near the water, I alone got stuck with the waterfront taxes, which really wasn't fair. If it was evenly spread out, I probably would still have that property today.
Have a good time laying carpet.
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Old 11-15-2004, 12:36 PM   #22  
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time for a new thread, see you there
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