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Old 06-28-2004, 03:06 PM   #16  
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What is 6 Flags?
I'm still not OP but I'm really not eating much. I think it's the meds for my finger making me feel slightly queasy all the time.
Another lovely day here. I have to go for a finger x-ray today, then to vote, but first to the bank. Peter actually collected some money over the weekend and I hate to have cash hanging around. (much rather spend it )
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Old 06-28-2004, 07:53 PM   #17  
Trying to find my way.
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Six flags In NOT a place to go when it is cool and windy!! It is an amusment park with plenty of wet rides. (I got on one that just poored water down my back and in my shoes!! )

I about froze to death but we closed the place. the kids had a great time. I dropped a bundle of money much more than I would have wanted to do other wise. food was so expensive a bottle of water or soda was 2.50 and I have a problem paying 1 for it!!! I got soaked on just a few of the rides. the kids were all over the place but they had a great time. there was this hellacious ride that you were brought up in a tower held on by only a harness and the droped like a gigantic swing. I almost vomited watching those people do it!! But anyways. i am busy and got yelled at for being too nice. now I am really far behind on my work. I am not happy, I had 3 calls in today and I had to cover the floor which put me so far behind that I am looking at my but. the some one said they would help do orders for me and well guess what she did not get a chance as she was too busy so now I can not even see my dust.

Red hat... she was wearing her red hat all day today!! You can let your people know that it is going strong here!!!! Do you have to be a bit crazy?? If so I fit right in!!!

well I have to feed the kids and get the other one from boyscouts. the others I dsid not let go swimming. I did not have time. If I live through this two weeks then I will count my blessings!!!
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Old 06-29-2004, 07:12 AM   #18  
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Hello all you wonderful gals!! I continue to lurk , but havent jumped back in . I recognize most of you from my earlier days here at 3fc's.
I am up a bit early, gonna do some babysitting and then see how much energy remains!! I am still going strong with Curves and eat low carb about 75% of the time. Is everyone blown away by how much low carb has surged in popularity this past year???? We should say , WE told ya so!!!
I will be here alot more. Great to hear from everyone!! Linda, (formerly Va Lady)
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Old 06-29-2004, 07:27 PM   #19  
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Tuesday evening...what a busy couple of days...

My MIL had a malignant tumor removed yesterday, but the good news is the doctor felt they "got it all." That was good news. She also had a hysterectomy so was still kind of out of it. But she'll have some preventive chemo after she heals from surgery. The other son will go for a few days, then we'll go back at the end of the week. It will be a crazy couple of months ahead getting her through this, but I think we can be optomistic.

I was home today while our bathroom guy was here all day, got plumbing and the tub in. Electrical tomorrow I guess. I picked up the tile and then did home stuff. MOwed the lawn, did some errands. then just hung out. DH not due home for a couple hours, he'll be exhausted.

So, no food news, just holding my own. I haven't' gotten on the scale lately, I'm too scared

that's all the news...still pretty tired from the trip and up early. I think my bed is calling me!

have a good night...

Last edited by dottiejon; 06-29-2004 at 07:31 PM.
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Old 06-29-2004, 08:11 PM   #20  
workin' my way back down
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Dottie..... mowed the lawn????? hmmmmmmmmm.... wanna come over and do mine? All good thoughts and wishes go out for your MIL's speedy recovery. Don't let DH and yourself get run down and worn out in the trying to take care of her, tho! It can happen VERY easily.
I have decided that I am staying away from the scale, too - last time I looked it was so frightening that I almost passed out!!!! Hope all is going well with your contractor......

Today was a quiet day, just one shift, and that was in the office....... same tomorrow. DH sorta likes the days when I don't work in the afternoon, 'cause that means I can actually COOK supper!! (of course, neither one of us likes the effect on the wallet of not working!! ) So, of course, I cooked a terrific - mostly LC dinner.......... if no one has tried the "adobo chicken" that is somewhere in the recipe section of the board....... YUM YUM YUM YUM...... it was fabulous - I did "tweak" the recipe a bit, by adding chili powder and cayenne pepper .... dh loved it, and so did I! the prep takes about 5 minutes, then throw it in the oven for around an hour - THAT's ALL! (and it tasted like I slaved for hours )

Virginia Chickie... welcome back....... pop in often and let us know what's happening. Gee, isn't it wonderful to be able to feel like a knowitall and say to those "others"... I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

Everyone I missed: .......... have a good night
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Old 06-29-2004, 08:42 PM   #21  
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I actually accomplished something today. First time in three weeks I've done any actual housework with this darned infected finger getting in the way. After watering all my patio containers I vacuumed, dusted and even washed the kitchen floor. It sure feels good to be able to do even the basics again. Funny thing about the finger. The whole top layer of skin is now peeling off as if I had a bad sunburn. Looks like crap.
Not much else is new here.
GOod to see you again, other Linda.
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Old 06-30-2004, 01:47 PM   #22  
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LInda, you sound very productive! I am using the renovation as an excuse to NOT clean my kitchen floor. I'll just wait til it's over. Glad the finger is better, ieven if a little gross.

Hi, Sono...yes lawn mowing. An easy job, and it was cool last evening so I didn't mind. Sort of kind of like exercise, right?

Nothing new happening, just a quiet day. I worked 1/2 day and am going to the store for food now, then DN's softball game at 5. they lost on Monday and the fathers are depressed. I think the girls(9 year olds) are learning to humor them. It's never too early to learn to humor the men in your life!


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Old 06-30-2004, 02:38 PM   #23  
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dottiejon, many good wishes and prayers for a nice speedy recovery for MIl. I deal with my elderly parents and their declining health almost daily, and it can consume you if ya let it! So thats good that the sons are sharing the task.
Its hot and humid here in Va again, but thats the normal. I am going to fly to Chicago in a few weeks to see my Daughter. I hope its a bit cooler there. Anyone from there? She lives in Lincoln Park, off of Clark Ave. Great to be back, Linda BC!! (Other Linda ) I like that Have a great humpday everyone!!! Linda
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Old 06-30-2004, 05:00 PM   #24  
Come on Spring!
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I have to do a Hump Day check-in. It feels like TGIF here as tomorrow is Canada Day and then we segue into the 4th of July long weekend. Delta is actually bustling today as folks arrive with boats and trailers.

My wrist and arm are still giving me major grief but Advil certainly helps as do short naps! I had three 20 minute ones yesterday and am becoming quite adept at dropping off and wakening in 15 to 20 minutes! Is this a marketable skill?

The men are finishing the Gazebo roof as I write - I can hear the hammering this far from the park! The banners are hanging from the poles throughout the village, the containers are blooming nicely, Canadian and American flags are waving from the houses and we are ready for the summer influx! Two of the park benches still need painting but I may get Sarah to do that for me on Friday if the weather looks good.

I must confess to deviance today! I had a Turtles ice cream bar and enjoyed every minute of it! You just have to eat something decadent once in a while.

Have a great Canada Day, Canadian Chickies!
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Old 07-01-2004, 07:14 AM   #25  
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Yes, Ruth...they call it Power Napping. Let's put together an info-mercial! You too can harvest the restorative power of daily napping! Just a few short minutes a day can leave you refreshed, relaxed and ready to conquer your next task! Then nap again! But how can we make money from it?

Hi VA chick; don't know about Chicago- but NY is hot today- it's been OK, 80-85 but dry and nice. Today the humidity is back and that's what kills me. You'll have fun at your daughter's-it's always nice to get away.

My MIL is healing nicely, and getting up out of bed. Now the decisions for where she goes to recoup. We are hoping for a week of nursing home care then home with visiting nurse/aid. we'll see as the week goes on.

Our girls softball team won their second game in the championship league(lost the first). It was very fun, and I am even going to make DH go to the Saturday game to watch. They are so cute, but also have improved so much with extra(daily) practices. You can't believe the plays they can make. And some of these girls are tiny!

That's it. Going to hit the shower before the bathroom guys get here. I have drywall!

see you later,
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Old 07-02-2004, 09:07 AM   #26  
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RuthXXX Happy Canada Day!! And to all us down here Happy Independance Day!! Dottiejon, sounds like you have a busy life. How old are the girls that play ball? One thing I miss in life is having kids around. I am an empty nester
Whats everyone doing for the 4th? We are driving up to DC to spend the afternoon and evening and see a spectacular fireworks showm
Have a great holiday everyone!!
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Old 07-02-2004, 11:14 AM   #27  
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Oh, I've been a bad poster this week! The days just seem to get away from me -

Happy 4th to my American neighbors and Happy Canada Day to my friends in the north!

What are we doing this weekend? I'll give you three guesses: Baseball tournament, of course! It is local, tho, so we will be in town. I think the kids and I will go to the high school stand and buy some fireworks this afternoon so we will be set.

Gotta run and jump in the shower - Hugs and air kisses to everyone!

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Old 07-02-2004, 02:13 PM   #28  
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Happy 4th to and Canada Day to the north!
The thunderstorms are pushing through and I have 2 quivering dogs to contend with. Molly was up all night, needless to say I am exausted!

First week of camp done, Little man is doing rock climbing and having fun, older boy is doing CSI crime investigation.

DH and I are supose to play golf this weekend, kids want to go to the pool. I think i can manage both....

Off to do the laundry.
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