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Old 10-15-2003, 04:29 AM   #1  
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Default Wed. Cluck/Oct.15/03

Morning Chicks, & Rooster.
Just a quickie as I am running late. I was checking the other threads too long.
I had a perfect day yesterday and stayed on program. Day two coming up. That Choc. cake haunted me all day.
Well it is 5:26am, time to go get more coffee and hit the road.

Love Tazcat
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Old 10-15-2003, 07:04 AM   #2  
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I'm joining you with my coffee, Taz. It's a really wet and miserable morning so I am seriously considering going back to bed. Sorry you have to work. However, it is Hump Day!
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Old 10-15-2003, 07:36 AM   #3  
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Happy Humpday!

I am on my way to get my first cup of coffee. I almost have all my grades in the computer. I need to have one day a week to myself, just to post grades.

My student spiked a fever and had to go back to the hospital. I suspect this will happen quite often, as his immune system is depressed. Keep him in your thoughts. His homeroom has written him letters and gathered stuffed animals to send to him, to make him feel better. What a bunch of sweeties.

Anyway,I need to get back to work, so have a great day!

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Old 10-15-2003, 09:38 AM   #4  
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Good morning, everyone...

I've been on hiatus a bit lately, keeping busy, so haven't posted at all recently.

I did have to make it a point to stop in and update my profile. After about 10 weeks, I've hit my first solid 30 lbs. Another week and a half and I'll be, as you say around here, in Twoderville--for the first time since about '98!

Chorizo and eggs for breakfast today, with some cheese on top for a change. I've gotten to the point now where I really don't actively count carbs on anything. I have mostly the same things pretty often, so there's no need for it. I really only think about it now when I try something new. It's just second-nature to me now, and really has become just a way of life. It's just so damned easy....
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Old 10-15-2003, 03:51 PM   #5  
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BRAD!! What terrific news. 30 lb!! You are so right about not bothering to count carbs after you get into the groove. Usually you can tell if something is going to put you over the limit so you make adjustments. Lately, I've been experimenting with home made yogurt and yo-cheese. Not exactly Atkins-friendly but amazingly enough, it has helped me get over a stall and having the mixture for one or two meals a day or for snacks, prevents me from being tempted by other no-no foods. So far, it hasn't caused me to crave carbs either and I do enjoy it. As long as I keep losing, I will keep using.

This morning I went to the pool and put in a solid hour of deep water jogging. Then I came home and did my Body Flex Plus workout. Feel pretty good about managing that. Now to get in a second BF workout this afternoon.

It's raining here so still no chance to get into the garden for my fall cleanup. I left it too late again, I think.

Lots of work to keep me busy in the house though. I just need someone to give me a boot in the rear to actually DO it.

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Old 10-15-2003, 05:13 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone.

Woohoo Brad. Look at you! I can't wait to hit my 30 pound mark. And you're right, it is easy. I so wish I had discovered this woe 20 years ago. How different might my life have been. Anyway, I'm losing now and that's O.K. with me.

Linda, looks like you're doing enough excercize for the both of us. Does that let me off the hook? (pleaseohpleaseohplease) How long do the bodyflex workouts take? Is it video tapes, a whole program or what? Is it expensive? Should I stop asking questions? Why?

As you can probably tell, I'm in a playful, pleasant mood. Haven't been getting in my excercise, but my house is clean and I actually vacuumed and did laundry DURING THE WEEK! Perhaps I'm possessed! Have been on Paxil for depression since 1998. 40 mg a day. I decided to try life without it again, since I'm feeling so good. Down to 10 mg a day and doing fine. Plenty of energy, no grayness, no tears. Could it have something to do with this low-carb thing? OMG another question!!!! Time to go.

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Old 10-15-2003, 11:38 PM   #7  
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Jen, I think you hit the nail on the head when you answered your own last question. A low carb plan is one of the best ways to battle depression. I was never diagnosed as a depressive but I always had a feeling that I was out of whack. My moods were like an elevator and I often cried for no good reason. The first time I went on Atkins back in the early 70s, it was as if a dark curtain had lifted. For the first time in my life I felt "normal" emotionally. It's truly an amazing side effect. Try to tell that to a traditional doctor though.
To answer your first question, I ordered the Body Flex Plus Workout from The Shopping Channel but I believe you can get it online as well. In Canada it cost me about $50 and it consists of two video tapes, one instructional and the other is a 15-20 minute workout. Oh yeah, you also get a "gym bar" which is a stretchy rope attached at each end to a plastic bar. This is for the resistance training part of the workout (my favorite). It's a great way to build muscle mass and increase flexibility without actually working up too much of a sweat. I have a friend who has lost 30 lb and lots of inches just doing the deep breathing and a few of the basic arm exercises. She can't use the gym bar due to physical problems.
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