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kfs151 09-25-2003 07:51 AM

Thursday Chat Sept 25/03
Morning All

Coffee's on and lots of eggs to go around!

DH is driving this morning so I can start making cupcakes for DD to take to school tomorrow for her birthday. Then there's the cake to make, party stuff to organize and all kinds of stuff - busy! busy!

I am volunteering in the library this afternoon so I'm not going to make it to the gym today but at least I'll be beating the muffins by hand :lol:

Had a good week OP so far but cake decorating, etc. is hard. Licking the frosting off my fingers seems to be an autonomic response :devil:

Sunny and nice today, Enjoy!

fullfig 09-25-2003 08:28 AM

good afternoon! all is well here--beautiful day out. i'm busy with boxes all week though. my goal is to be completely finished with the boxes by sunday. so, off to finish dd's room and playroom. have a great day!

Ruthxxx 09-25-2003 08:33 AM

Good morning, Low Carbing Buddies.

Hey, KFS, wear surgical gloves when icing cakes. There is something about them that will keep you from licking your fingers. :D

Fullfig, you are already more than half through your day and here we are just cranking up. Good work on the boxes. Are you ready for company yet? :lol: I'll let you know when I arrive.

It's dark and wet and cool here this morning so I splurged and turned on the furnace. :yikes: I am going to take an Avon Vanilla Creme (SF/FF) bath and then do some magazine sorting and sewingroom tidying. I may just stay indoors all day!

Have a great Thursday.

Pooky 09-25-2003 08:44 AM

Good Morning friends :)

You know I have been really busy but things are only gonna get busier when I make the move to Atlanta!

Found out for sure that we will be moving there and it's looking like January. I have to say being a Canadian girl, January is not the ideal time to move! Hopefully we can light a fire under their butt!

As for me, just maintaining. Lots of stress eating and :gasp: smoked a few cigarettes! Yup, sure sign the stress is getting to me. realizing what the heck I was doing, I convinced a girlfriend to come to the casino with me tomorrow night to blow off some steam.

On other notes, I am slowly cleaning out the house for our garage sale on October 4th. Dh gets back from a two week trip to Atlanta on the 3rd (he's there now) so I'm the one that has to get everything ready!

Hope everyone is doing great and I'll continue to check in from time to time when things are a little less insane :)

tazcat 09-25-2003 09:27 AM

Good day to you all. It is hump day, guess who.?
I am back, said I would only go back on line if I would only spend a little time, ha ha. been here already 1.6 hr.
must go will check in latter.
love Tazcat

Ruthxxx 09-25-2003 09:28 AM

Hey, Taz! Welcome back!
Um, Hump Day was yesterday! But you can hump today too, if you like! LMAO

RobinW 09-25-2003 10:21 AM


L144S 09-25-2003 10:24 AM

Hey all,
Ran into friends at breakfast and the kids were thrilled to have me take all of them to school! It was a wonderful treat for the kids and a great way to start the day.

off th the gym. i have been pushing for the hour + of cardio. I even did a 1/2 hour at home last night...I am realizing after reading Dr Phil 9ok I think some of it is rediculous) but even with my regular gym activity I spend a lot of the day on my tush. I also made the connection that the reason I lost weight the first time was BECAUSE I was exercising up to 2 hours a day... It seemas like a lot but in truth I can be in my car for as much as 4 hours in a day and sitting with the kids watching activities and well you know!
SO KFS i will go to the gym before coffee and the movie tomorrow.

45 for dinner Sat is shapping up. I have chairs coming today and the table is almost set....

AE my kids are great, Little man is in 1st and older boy is 4th this year...I have missed you and I am glad to see you around..I hope to see you post and see what is going on with you. I still have your e mail I hope you have mine...don't be a stranger too long ok?

Off to look at a few houses today..Opps forgot to tll you that too KFS :D
We are looking to downsize, we bought a house 13 years ago form a builder that had to sell so we did well, but I can't stand the up keep and want to see what else is out there and what I could maybe get for my house...

Have a great day,

d_rowland 09-25-2003 10:57 AM


BAD DAY YESTERDAY - will I gave in to a dip of ice cream - stress made me do it . . . . BUT - I was down a pound - so what gives???? Wondering if my carbs are too low that my body is in shock and saving everything I give it - like someone who drops their calories too low?????

POOKY - what is taking you to Atlanta???? Where do you work?

L - House shopping - we are doing it for my mother - thus the stress from yesterday. She found a new one she wanted and was told it was available because the buyer's financing fell through. She was suppose to go Monday and sign papers at 1:00, but got a call from the realtor that the buyer's got alternative financing :mad: Our problem is that her house is sold in Florida and she is moving back to Illinois. They want to close in Florida in November. It will take 5 months to build a house, but after house shopping, I think that is the best route for her to take. So much on the market either doesn't have what she needs or is JUNK!!!! I can't believe what people try and sell and what they want for it. Now she has to decide definitely on which floor plan she wants. At least it will be new and hopefully will have some sort of warranty against problems. This is her first major purchase since my father died and he usually made all those decisions.

Hope everyone has a wonderful OP day :)

goodforme 09-25-2003 11:33 AM

Hey everyone! Glad to see Tazcat back, we missed you girl! Having a large slice of a wonderful day, are you? Don't be a stranger!

It's a nice day to be sick, too bad I still have to work. Hoping to feel better soon, REALLY soon! And hope you're all having a great day!

StorybookMama 09-25-2003 11:45 AM

Good morning all!

Got to work 1/2 an hour ago and ate part of my breakfast... sausage links. It's great chicken sausage, no weird preservatives or sugar!

I'm hanging in there with this diet. It's so simple... but it's giving me insomnia (see post from yesterday). I don't know what the deal is!!

Down a total of 3.5 pounds now. I just find it so hard to believe that losing can be this easy right now. I should have done this a decade ago.

Glad to be here and looking forward to getting to know you all.

KarenW 09-25-2003 01:40 PM

Lisa - It is an easy diet for me too! I wish I would have done this years ago myself! It took my doctor prescribing me to do it to get me out of my low fat mentality! The weigh loss does slow a little in a couple of weeks, but if you add exercise, it really helps push the losses farther and it helped me break through a plateau!

I just got back from the gym! 4 for 4 days! WOO HOO! And I am showing ANOTHER 4 pound loss this morning! (Tummy - I think I am seeing what you started to see with the Tae Bo!! Finally! WOO HOO!!) I am going to wait until monday to see what happens but WOW I am so excited!

Talk to you all soon!

jen519 09-25-2003 03:40 PM

Hi there.
Popping in for the first time in a few days. Got my results back from the lab yesterday. Overall cholesterol is good at 187, but my ratios are terrible. My HDL is on 34! Doctor said, get more aerobic excersize.

I hate excercise, but you're right Karen, even though this diet is easy to follow, my weight loss has slowed down. So...excercise, here I come. Gonna try to get up earlier in the morning and take a 30 minute brisk walk. Failing that, there's always my walk-away-the-pounds tapes.

On a more unpleasant note, 5 people got lay-off notices yesterday. Surprisingly I wasn't one of them. I'm the one with the least seniority, but I guess they figured that since I can cover any department in the shop I'm valuable enough to keep for a while. I did chat with the boss briefly this morning. I wanted him to know that my unemployment benefits are $40 more per week if I get laid off by October 6th, so if he's still considering it... He said it was the weirdest conversation he'd ever had with an employee!

Gotta go. Type at y'all tomorrow!


Leenie 09-25-2003 04:10 PM


Originally posted by Ruthxxx
I am going to take an Avon Vanilla Creme (SF/FF) bath
Can I lick the tub when your done :bubbles: that bath sounds good enuf to eat...


LindaBC 09-25-2003 04:17 PM

Hi everybody. Just 1:15 pm here so I'm getting into the henhouse a bit earlier than usual.
Tazcat, it's great to see you again. Where the heck you been?
Ruth, I can't believe you're already having cold weather. The vanilla soak sounds yummy. Have you started the Body Flex yet? I'm starting to notice some improvements and my scale finally budged. Not sure if it's the BF or the little change I've made in my diet. I decided to start a moderate yogurt fast. Made my whole milk plus cream yogurt yesterday and so far, that's all I've had to eat today. It's pretty good with flavoring, sweetener and a few nuts sprinkled in. I also stirred in some ground flax seed. Some people on another weight loss support board are convinced that yogurt can be a beneficial part of a low carb diet and they've lost the pounds to prove it. I just wanted to break my stall and it seems to have done that already.

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