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Old 02-28-2003, 04:45 AM   #1  
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Default TGIF,Daily Chat last day of Feb.

Starting the thread for the day, it is 5:40am so I must hurry as we are soon going. It is very cold again today -16. I have the weekend offfff. I think I will go to town tonight and buy me a new pair of pants, as I need them.
I read a lot of the new threads today and it looks like I am not the only one that did not have a loss for the month.

Well Chicks have a great day, today I am serving frendship pie so give yourself as big a slice as you want.

A frendis a precious possession

Whose value increases with years.

Someone who doesn't forsake us

When a difficult moment appears.

Henry Van Dyke

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Old 02-28-2003, 05:44 AM   #2  
Come on Spring!
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Friendship pie with my coffee! Thanks, Taz!

Taz, this has been a bad "diet" month for me too so I'll join you in the no loss circle! Anyhow, I'm glad February is nearly over and we move into March towards Spring.

Today will be another lazy day, I'm afraid. The darn cold has really settled in and coughing kept me up most of the night. I did get some meds that were sugarfree. They make me strange - sort of half awake and half asleep! I will try for an afternoon nap today.

Kevin is coming back this morning to replace some kitchen baseboard that Lucy chewed in her misspent youth. The wallpaper is still not fixed although I found the paper and border. Maybe after a coffee, I'll get to it.

Will check in later when I'm perkier.
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Old 02-28-2003, 06:14 AM   #3  
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Ruth I am discovering that afternoon naps are better than any night sleep I have had in months. Hope that you get some rest today.
I gave my husband my scales this morning and he has hid them. I am not weighing myself all of March. Instead I am going to measure myself. February was not all I hoped. I lost a total of 4 pounds which I know is better than nothing but not what I wanted to loose. I know my clothes are too big and I am down at least a size so measuring in March will be how I go!
Jacob has a double ear infection so now I have something to blame the fever on. I am trying to be patient with his whining because I know it hurts but lack of sleep is setting in!
Be back later once my fingers wake up! Even typing is an effort this AM.
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Old 02-28-2003, 06:28 AM   #4  
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Morning to Taz, Ruth and Tammy!!! And of course all of those to come!

Glad it is Friday! I am down a little more this am - I am not really using this weigh as I weigh on Tuesday - so it appears I am down about 9.5 lbs this month - I will take it!!!! That is motivation let me tell you!!!

DH is taking DS to my bro-in-laws for the weekend, so it will just be me and DD. I plan to finish some cleaning I started yesterday - I took the day off and washed all the curtains - cleaned some closets etc.

Have a great Friday ladies!!!!
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Old 02-28-2003, 07:18 AM   #5  
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Good morning Ruth, Tammy, Taz and Scooby! Coffee isn't started yet, so this will be brief.
As of this morning I have lost 6.5 pounds since Feb. 16!! Sunday is my official weigh-in day, and with any luck, I hope to at least stay with this loss. My pants don't fit differently yet, I think I'm losing it in my stomach/rib area. Although my glasses felt funny this morning---could my big fat head be shrinking?
I hope everyone has a great morning. Stay warm and healthy.
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Old 02-28-2003, 07:47 AM   #6  
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Good morning everyone! Nettie, your "big fat head?" My head did shrink, my glasses were falling off every time I leaned my head down. And how's this for unfair? My first few pounds were in my feet! I lost a shoe size, but that's not making the butt look any smaller!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a great day, it's Friday!! It's not payday, but there's still some redeeming quality about it being the last day of the work-week! Get lots of stuff done today, and I'll talk to you later.
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Old 02-28-2003, 08:56 AM   #7  
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Good Morning Ladies

Wow, congrats on all the losses this month!!! You have done great!!!

I'll go sit in the corner with Taz and Ruthie, Im not even going to get on the scale today! Let alone see what damage I did for the month.

Heading off to work in a bit, Ive collected a few more twigs, and a few more pictures of furniture, and I think today I'll build something lol, not sure what yet. But it will keep my busy

Have a great day ladies
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:14 AM   #8  
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I can record a loss! I lost just one pound this month--one stinkin' pound, but hey, I can say that it IS still a loss and its better than maintaining, right? Matters not, I'll take it anyway.

Dh and I have been MUCHO stressed lately so we are taking off to Niagara falls for the weekend! We did this back in May las t year and I won $250 at the casino. Let's hope for some more luck!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:25 AM   #9  
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I see I was not the only one busy yesterday--7 posts in all--is that a lo-record??
Well-quick one today as I am off to the Doctor--Yes today is REALLY the day! Of course last night I overdid it on pizza and beer--so who knows--probably no loss here either! My friend and I went bowling last night (exercise?? ) and we went in on some rip-off tickets--well we ended up hitting 600.00--$300.00 a pieace!!!! believe me--It could not come at a better time!! I was getting worried about dance lessons and softball sign ups and lunch money and......the list goes on and on--I need a job!

Well girls congrats on the losses--I will post later

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Old 02-28-2003, 10:12 AM   #10  
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I did lose this month, but this stress eating this week has put some of it back on. The good news is that I know I can do it now. Before I didn't think I'd ever break that plateau of 169. Now I know I can if I just stay focused. I'm using today's weight, because tomorrow I'm off to Mardi Gras, and that's not going to be pretty.
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Old 02-28-2003, 10:21 AM   #11  
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I know I lost about 10 lbs.. the battery on my scale went kaput this morning. Not a bad loss for two weeks, but I could have done better. I just think about all those little sneaks and how much more I would have lost !!
How come I can manage to lose my car keys everyday, which i need, and not my butt, which I don't?

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Old 02-28-2003, 10:24 AM   #12  
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Good morning chicks,
I have been remiss in posting, but I have been reading.

Life has been busy. the talent show, school play, karate,religious school....on and on.
Today is the kindergarten night fair. the K class has been working very hard and now it is time for the 2 hour presentation..oy!
Monday little man is "star of the week"so i am srambleing to get his scrapbook finished. it was either finish or take it apart....
Tuesday older boy is reading for the "authors brunch" and friday is the musical assemble.
We are leaving for NC on friday afternoon and I hope I can get all this done!

I have been good at getting to the gym. i tried a new machine (eliptical with hands) and it mesured distance! I was happy to see it hit 5 miles!

Ok my eating has been all over the place, but life happens.

Feel better to all you sick chicks and chickletts. Winter has to end soon. I can feel it!

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Old 02-28-2003, 03:08 PM   #13  
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This must be the only place in the world where losers are congratulated. Heartfelt thumps on the back to those of you who lost in February. Unfortunately, I'm one of the chickies cowering in the corner. Nobody to blame but myself though.
After last Friday's WI which showed absolutely ZIP lost in three weeks on the Xenical plan (a really shi**y plan I might add ) I decided to give myself a little break. Ahem. Well, that little break turned into a week of carb binging and a gain of 5 lb. I know that most of it is fluid retention (I see it in my puffy eyelids) even though I did drink a fair amount of water it wasn't anywhere near what I should be consuming.
Anyhow, I have made a major decision. I'm not going to take that damned Xenical anymore. I want my life back and I'm afraid to leave the house when I take that wretched stuff. I looked over my weight record for the past two years and realized (somewhat belatedly) that the only time I've lost a significant amount of weight over time was the year I was on Weight Watchers. I thought I was losing glacial-melt- slow but it was better than anything since. So, this morning I dug out all my booklets and I'm going to give it another try. I refuse to join up again and pay though. Enough is enough. I'm also going to try for a higher protein version and keep fruits and other higher carb foods to a minimum. Tomorrow morning I will take all vital statistic measurements and start a new page.
I hope you all don't mind if I hang around here. I really love you guys and miss you if I don't come to the hen house. I would never say anything negative about low carb because I know it works for so many people. It just hasn't worked for me, probably due to my meds. I have a lot of experience with low carbing and feel I can make a contribution here. I hope you agree.
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Old 02-28-2003, 04:05 PM   #14  
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Hello all--I am back from the Doctor-can you believe that the nurse tried to take me into the exam room WITHOUT stopping at the scales first--what's up with that??? If that had been any other time I would have kissed her for skipping that scale--but I have waited for this weigh-in for some long! Anyway--I am such a SLOW LOSER!! It showed a 6.4 pound loss--I know I know, I should be gratefule for that--but what is up with me losing so slow? I need to give up my diet pepsi I guess........ I may not live through this wish me luck--I think I'll wait until Monday though............

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Old 02-28-2003, 04:51 PM   #15  
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Woohoo Miss D! That's a nice chunk of money!
I wish spring would get here NOW! I cannot stand this gloomy, rainy weather. (or snow, cold, sleet, etc.) It's not good for my attitude. (or maybe I'm just a B**CH! hmmmm...)
Don't be discouraged, those of you who didn't lose. I just bought groceries, and we're having guests for the next 2 weekends, so I really don't have much hope of my loss sticking around for very long. I'm sure I'll be starting over.
Hubby and I picked up our oldest son from school today to take him for a surprise lunch at McDonalds, and much to my surprise, they have some new salads! I studied the pictures and 2 of them seemed to have breaded chicken, while the Cobb had a grilled breast, so I ordered that. It was breaded, but I ate it anyway. Every last bit. And the whole packet of dressing. And it was actually good. It had lots of big chunks of bleu cheese. Best of all it wasn't in that stupid shaker thing that they used to serve salads in. I'd like to meet the dork who thought up that one.
It sounds like a few of you have some fun weekends planned! Hope you have a great time.
Until tomorrow,
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