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Old 12-11-2002, 04:50 AM   #1  
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Default Happy Hump DaY/Wed. Dec.11/02

Good morning to all of my friends,
I am ready for work, it is now 5:45. In order for me to get a post out I know I will make a lot of mistakes. So excuse the spelling,
I would be interesdted in this oxysize tapes and program, where do I get one?

Tonight is weigh in night!!! Then we are goig to eat out for our Christmas party. The group is paying for it all.

I have tomorrow off and too many things to do. I don't know if I will go to town or to our grandsons Christmas party that his school puts on for Grandparents. It is a large Christmas dinner?

I hope today will be a no pain, no trouble day for all of us.

Last edited by tazcat; 12-11-2002 at 04:57 AM.
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Old 12-11-2002, 06:24 AM   #2  
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Morning TAZ you are up early. I am trying to get ready for work too but need an infusion of cofee first.

TOM is here and i guess that is why i have been trying but failing at being OP. so now i can understand it.

Shjerrie i have found you pounds please send them some place else!!!

I need for my sanity to get back OP. I have been so gassey it is not funny!

I am not ready for Christmas I am not even decorated yet. the tree sitas half decorated. i am working on ti slowly it may be done by the first of the year!
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Old 12-11-2002, 07:08 AM   #3  
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Greetings from the deep south!

Busy day today, lots of last minute things to get done. I'm still worried about leaving boy's in charge of daughter, but I'm sure that will be okay. My friend Jenny is only a phone call away. Peachie wish you lived closer!

Sue our tree is up, but doesn't have the first decoration on it. It had been sitting on the deck in the tree stand since Sunday, but because of rain yesterday we brought it inside. Guess SOMEONE, not me, I don't do basements.........must go down and get the decorations. We would like to get it decorated before we leave, but who knows it may need to wait until we get back.

I need more coffee, everyone have a terrific day
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Old 12-11-2002, 07:49 AM   #4  
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Good morning everyone. We are getting ready for our BIG ice storm that is hitting us right now.

We are supose to have "several inches" of ice before everything is done.

Good think the kids are home with me. I probably would not have sent them to school even if they would have attended a school. They are a little bummed about still having to homeschool today. They wanted to lay around and watch TV

DH came back from camp with a doe. It's a nice size and we are having it processed. I love the peppersticks that we have made. My mouth waters just thinking about them.

Off to get the kids up...they think they are going to get away with their plan of laying around today. Oh, the beauty of homeschooling! LOL!!

Blessings, ChirssyB
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Old 12-11-2002, 08:48 AM   #5  
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Default Good cold but sunny morning from Eastern Ontario!

We are warm and cozy with our new oil tank - they finally got the old one up the stairs and the new one in. I think swearing at it acted as Vaseline! It took the whole darn day so we were pretty chilly by the time the furnace was running again!

Taz, go to the grandparents party at the school. I just wish my grandbabies were closer so I could do that. They will always remeber that you came. Sue, the tree will be decorated by Christmas, I'm sure. Debkay, have a great time in St Lucia. I am sure your daughter will be just fine with the boys. ChrissyB, stay safe and warm. I didn't know another ice storm was on it's way down there. I really think the kids should have the day off like regular school kids.

My mail out parcels are finally done! Unfortunately they are way too big and heavy for me (and for DH really) so I will be asking a friend to help get them to the Post Office. Remind me to do the gift certificate thingie next year. Lucy was a great help with the packaging - she had a ball with the packaging tape and ended up with bits stuck all over her fur! Luckily I had another roll - of tape, not bread!

Today, I hope to get to the big city of Kingston to try to get DH a red vest for Christmas. It's been on my "to make" list for four years now and I'm finally going to loosen the purse strings and BUY one. I also need to get one of those throw thingies to put over my couch since Lucy somehow "learned" to get up on it while I was on my trip. I don't need the new upholstery ruined! I'll pick up some good veggies while I'm in town - half a cucumber and a few wrinkled cherry tomatoes do not a good salad make!

Whoops! Just checked my calendar and I missed a Country Christmas wind-up meeting last night. This weekend is Village Carolling on Saturday night - I hope the weather co-operates because it is a fun and Christmassy thing to do. The school Christmas Concert is next Tuesday - another fun community event. Delta is a small town but lots goes on - you either participate or grumble about being bored!

My friend Claire came over yesterday with a gingerbread family for our Christmas tree. She made a big GB person for the six adults, three small GB persons for the grandbabies and nine doggie GB cookies! Isn't that sweet? Now we just need to get the tree hauled up from the basement, assembled and decorated! (Next Monday afternoon AFTER Gail cleans.)

I'm rambling so am going to grab another coffee and make a list for groceries.

Have a great Hump Day.
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Old 12-11-2002, 08:55 AM   #6  
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Busy busy day for me--when am I not busy?

Have an executive meeting in about an hour and it isn't going to be pleasant. We are in a situation where we are going to be forced to let some people go due to water issues at some facilities and we have to close the program. I feel like such a Grinch, just before the holidays too! The rest of the day is filled with more pleasant things, I am getting my hair done, buying the Stuart Little 2 movie for Miree and then doing some grocery shopping.

Chrissy, I love deer meat! especially steaks! mmmm....

Deb, you just go and have a FABULOUS time in St. Lucia! Gees, can you stow me in your suitcase?

Sue, why don't you get the kids to decorate? Lots of laughs and I swear it will be finished in half an hour!

Taz, hope you have great newson your weigh in!

Ruthie, you snuck in on me--have a fun time shopping!

Hope you all have a fabulous wonderful day!
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Old 12-11-2002, 09:16 AM   #7  
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Good Wednesday Morning!

I just returned from a wonderful mini-trip. Is there any LONGABERGER BASKET collectors out there? I think there may be a few. Well my basket consultant organized a bus trip to Dresden Ohio to see the factory and shop. We also toured their business office, shaped like a large basket, not gawdy at all, it was beautiful. The town was a cute and small, it was nicely decorated and full of tourist shopping. I even was able to make a basket myself, that I will someday pass on to Don when he marries. I hope to visit again so that I can make an heirloom basket for Darren as well.

The trip was great in so many ways. It was well deserved me time. I enjoyed the shopping and sites. It was also a bonding and spiritual trip. The only person I knew was my consultant, but all the others were so kind and caring. While making Don's basket two of the ladies from our trip stopped and watched me and offered to take pictures of me making my keepsake. How sweet. They later returned with a gold label for my basket saying "Hand made by ". I was just moved to tears that they would be so sweet to someone they only met just hours before.

The only draw back was I spent way to may $$$s, please do not say a word to dh!

Sherrie * Hope your mouth feels better. Congrats on the 17 lbs!

Pooky * Take care of that cold, this time of year is way too busy to be down with a cold.

Jif * I do my comparisons on my home scales and always keep in mind that doctor scales are heavier than my home ones. It still a bummer to see the numbers, I often close my eyes at and ask the nurse not to tell me the weight.

Debkay * You certainly do have brag rights! Congrats on baby girl's solo, lucky you were sitting next to her teacher.

Ruth * Hopefully the house is not demolished around you! Morna has been in touch with me, she is such a dear. I am anxious to see baby pics!

Hi Robin, Dyan, Linda, Tazcat, peachie, and all others!
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Old 12-11-2002, 10:03 AM   #8  
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Default Good Morning

Hi everyone!!

Lets see, its less than a week away from my trip to ThunderBay, and I seem to be coming down with a sore throat and a nasty cough! Not the way to be skiing in the chilly north!

My tree isnt up yet either, on the 20th!! Its actually at the store lol covered in mittens and hats and scarves. We have what is called a "mitten tree" folks from the area donate warm weather wear for the women and children of Haven House (women's shelter for abused women) and Im very proud to say, its heaped. Makes you feel good when you look at it

So, on the 20th when all the mittens are given to haven house, thats when I'll bring the tree home, and make christmas at our house. Im not going to bother bringing out the other decorations yet either. My daughter and I have planned to make an evening of it while we force hubby to sit, watch, and listen to christmas music, drink hot cocoa with marshmellows...and enjoy himself lol

Im off to find something for this thing Ive caught, its not good, I can feel it in my lungs already, playing havoc with my asthma.

Have a good op day ladies
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Old 12-11-2002, 11:47 AM   #9  
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Jenny - you're making me homesick! I grew up about and hour and half from Dresden OH, and I have family that live in the next village over from there. Don't think of it as spending too much, think of it as an investment. Those baskets are really collectible and sought after. My mom bought one for me when I was 8, shaped like a doll cradle, the thing is now worth quite a bit, at least last time I checked.
Gotta get back to work.
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Old 12-11-2002, 02:49 PM   #10  
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I must really be out of the loop. I haven't a clue what Lonaberger baskets look like. Sounds like you had a great time though, Jenny, and that's what's important.
Taz enjoy your dinner out and your grandkids Christmas party. You have to store up these memories of them because they grow up too darned fast.
Don't feel bad about not decorating trees yet. I haven't even started even though I had designated today to be THE DAY. Well, I still have all afternoon ahead of me. I will have some lunch and then get busy. If I just get the family room (where we live most of the time) ready, I will feel I got a lot accomplished.
It is pouring rain here and about 10 degrees celsius which is around 50F. Very dark and gloomy. It's supposed to stay like this all week too. At least it's not ice or snow. My sympathies to those of you in deep winter territory.
Well, I have lots to do today, so I guess I'd better get with it. Have a lovely day, Chicks.
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Old 12-11-2002, 03:39 PM   #11  
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Angry Happy Humpy Day !

Beautiful cool day in Houston - a bit of sun, and a nice winter day.

Just a short note as I'm off to the doctor. Hopefully this will be the formal release and bill of good health from the cardiologist.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day - and those of you a bit under the weather - chicken soup and good drugs! Hope you're feeling better soon.

Ruthie - thought of you in the wee hours of the morning. Heard strange noises that woke me. Discovered it was coming from my nightstand. Realized it was a mouse!! Like just this close to my head !!!!!! Woke up DH - plopped myself in the center of the bed (for safety! lol) - dh ended up chasing him around the bedroom, stark *** naked shaking a shower shoe at him! It was hilarious! Not so hilarious when I was awaken a couple hours later with the same noise! The next morning I discovered what the little critter was after - granddaughter must've hidden one of her PB cups in there! It is no more! But that mouse was tiny, now I'm worried there's more, too! It'd almost be worth it to be able to video dh - skinny legs, no butt, belly and, well uh, you know, flopping around the bedroom!!

Oh poop, didn't realize it was this later - doc appt. in 30 minutes, gotta run! I'll check back in with ya'll later!

Hugs to all!


Last edited by MamaJ; 12-11-2002 at 03:41 PM.
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Old 12-11-2002, 06:47 PM   #12  
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Hey everyone! Crappy day at work today, audit again. I swear, I'm starting to wonder if they're selling my location! Anyway, it will go on tomorrow also, so I'm taking my drugs at work Anyway, breakfast for supper tonight, anyone want bacon? Hope you're all having a lovely evening, try to check in with you in the a.m.
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Old 12-11-2002, 09:27 PM   #13  
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Oh J, I'm laughing myself sick over the picture you put in my mind. You standing in the middle of the bed while hubby chases a wee mouse around the the buff yet.! ROTFLMAO I'm surprised the little critter had the nerve to come back after all that....OH, and be assured..where there's ONE mouse there are bound to be many, many more. Good luck.
Well this afternoon I finally summoned up a few dregs of Christmas spirit, cleaned my family room, put up our tiny artificial tree and other decorations around the place. It looks quite festive in there now. I just want to put some lights up around the inside of the front windows and that's it for decorations for me this year. I'm almost ready now.
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