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Sheila53 10-10-2016 11:11 PM

I have to get out of lurker mode to share that I am celebrating 10 years of reaching my Weight Watcher goal. A whole decade! I've been maintaining below that weight by over 10 pounds for the past several years. Frankly, it's still hard to believe that I beat the odds, and I sometimes dream that I gained back that 100+ pounds. But for the most part, I feel better at 63 than I did at 43. :-)

traveling michele 10-10-2016 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sheila53 (Post 5282790)
I have to get out of lurker mode to share that I am celebrating 10 years of reaching my Weight Watcher goal. A whole decade! I've been maintaining below that weight by over 10 pounds for the past several years. Frankly, it's still hard to believe that I beat the odds, and I sometimes dream that I gained back that 100+ pounds. But for the most part, I feel better at 63 than I did at 43. :-)

That's amazingly awesome! Quite an accomplishment!

saef 10-11-2016 05:18 AM

I was 153.2 yesterday, which I'm surprised I didn't note here, because I felt like I was walking around with it visibly showing. This morning I'm 152.9 which is at least in the right direction.

I can't attribute this to stress because work slowed down yesterday somewhat and I was able to obsessively read debate coverage for part of the morning.

I need to get out of my head. Going to see "The Encounter" and a folk art exhibit on Sunday helped a little.

Mudpie 10-11-2016 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sheila53 (Post 5282790)
I have to get out of lurker mode to share that I am celebrating 10 years of reaching my Weight Watcher goal. A whole decade! I've been maintaining below that weight by over 10 pounds for the past several years. Frankly, it's still hard to believe that I beat the odds, and I sometimes dream that I gained back that 100+ pounds. But for the most part, I feel better at 63 than I did at 43. :-)

:bravo: :congrat: Sheila

Dagmar :cp:

alinnell 10-11-2016 09:04 AM

I wish I could say the same, Sheila. Congratulations!

silverbirch 10-11-2016 12:56 PM

Well done, Sheila! A whole decade is amazing. Thanks for letting us know it's possible.

(And thanks for calling in from time to time. It's always good to see you.)

JayEll 10-11-2016 01:46 PM

Sheila53! Good for you! :cheer2: :cheer3: :cheer2:

Shannon in ATL 10-11-2016 04:30 PM

Yay, Sheila!!

silverbirch 10-11-2016 04:48 PM

Saw the nurse yesterday for the third time. Having her on board (plus all of you!) seems to be just enough support. I'm losing and that's fine for me.

My secret? Bread very rarely. Lots of veg. Fat - haven't quite worked out my new relationship with it. Fish quite often. Brisk walking for 25 minutes most days. Also the corrective exercise for my posture.

I'm in that new virtuous period where I'm losing and I'll always be losing until I get to where I'm going and I'm going to be so healthy and I'm going look so good and I'm going to be so strong. All of that stuff. If I'm not careful it gets its own momentum and moves into 'and the house is going to clean itself and the garden will look great and all the shopping will be done and ... and ...' So silly but I quite like it.

I don't recommend roast broccoli. Yuck, and the smell lingered like in a boarding house.

alinnell 10-11-2016 05:23 PM


I don't recommend roast broccoli. Yuck, and the smell lingered like in a boarding house.
While I don't mind the taste, the smell is too intense for me. Brussels Sprouts, multi-colored carrots and squash are more to my liking as a roasted vegetable. In fact, tonight we'll have roasted butternut squash and penne pasta for dinner.

saef 10-12-2016 04:47 AM

Sheila, good for you. Congratulations for keeping up the right habits for more than a decade!

I'm still at 152.9 and don't like it. I can see it in my softer stomach. I need to stop getting scrambled eggs from the always-there breakfast buffet down in the hotel each morning.

Hoping, though not convinced, that something will have happened in my apartment yesterday, now that Columbus Day weekend has passed. It's coming up on two months since the disaster, with no activity except men coming to look around and take measurements. This is the awful part of not really owning the premises, though I own it and pay a mortgage on it, because of it being a co-op and my being dependent on a superintendent and a management company.

neurodoc 10-12-2016 09:28 AM

Hi Sheila, I remember you. Congratulations on 10 years; that is indeed an amazing accomplishment. I bet there are many people in your life who have never known you "heavy" and would be astonished to hear that you were ever anything but the size you are now.

Silverbirch- good on you. Motivation is a wonderful thing. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could somehow bottle that feeling? The world would be such a better place.

I briefly saw 129 on the scale and was quite pleased. 6 months ago, that number would have filled me with horror; perspective is everything. I could really use some of Silverbirch's motivation because I feel like every day is a struggle right now. I'm working on my issues with an intuitive eating approach, but it is SLOW going.

traveling michele 10-12-2016 10:37 AM

I'm with you, Andrea. It was only a few months ago that I was at my ideal weight, then POOF. Up 10 or more pounds depending on the day. I'm struggling to stay under 130 these days when 125 is my redline. Now I just want to see 125 again.

I've got my dd home for a few days so as I thought, exercise and eating are tricky. She's only here for a few days so I want to spend time with her. After work yesterday, rather than exercise, we shopped. By the time we got home it was dinner time.

Today she wants to get foot reflexology. I told her I needed to go to the gym (cleanup) and then go. I hope I stick to that plan.

Tomorrow after work we fly to Arizona with her. So, no exercise tomorrow, Friday or Saturday (we fly home Saturday night) most likely unless I can fit a run in somehow.

JayZeeJay 10-12-2016 11:17 AM

Hi all,

Sheila - congrats and well done!

Sorry I've been incommunicado for a while, things are finally getting back to something resembling normal here. I've caught up on a few days of posts - Shannon, I really hope you are able to go on vacation! I understand the concerns, but mental health is as important as skin health right?

Not sure what I weigh or where I'm at physically, it's been too roller coaster-y to take an average. I've started to squeeze in a bit of exercise at night, my husband has been nice enough to wait until I get home to run or ride bikes in the dark with me. This weekend I'll do a quantitative assessment.

HowlinAtTheMoon 10-12-2016 02:17 PM

Sheila, congratulations on the maintenance anniversary! You have joined a select group of people who have kept weight off after losing it!

I am still battling the pounds put on during the stressful road trip. I got down to 125, then had a "big eating" day which shot me back up to 128. This morning I'm 126. I have decided my target weight is 123 and redline is 125. Last Saturday I went to a farmer's market north of me, which is not the direction I usually go. At closing time I was selecting a few leeks and herbs, when the proprieter told me for $20 I could fill a large bin with anything I wanted! I carried it to the truck piled high with about 40 pounds of nice veggies and grapes. Now I'm working on using them up before they go bad. Yesterday I was supposed to buy some equipment for canning on the way home but I forgot :( I will try making pasta sauce from the fresh tomatoes and I'll look up some recipes for leeks. I can roast the eggplants and freeze the peppers. The grapes have been consumed already.

They also had a fitness booth at the farmer's market where a young local trainer was conducting a plank challenge. Couldn't resist doing it, and I won! It just shows how out-of-shape our society has become, when I could beat men and women half my age.

Hang in there, losers! One day at a time.

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