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Shannon in ATL 03-16-2015 03:04 PM

Wait, I exercised on Thursday as well. So I'm on a four day streak, not three! Yay!

silverbirch 03-16-2015 03:19 PM


Shannon in ATL 03-16-2015 04:40 PM

Five! Three mile run during my late 'lunch' break.

JayZeeJay 03-18-2015 01:07 PM

Go Shannon! That's great.

nineteen 03-18-2015 06:32 PM

Shannon~ Great work!!

ICUwishing~ Thank you :)

I'm just quickly popping in...

I weighed in at 148.5 today. Not too happy about that. I need to do a bit better with avoiding sweets.

Did yoga today. Hoping for a better weigh in tomorrow. Hope you're all doing well!

paperclippy 03-19-2015 10:09 AM

Hi folks! Sorry for the absence, work has been nuts and home is always busy. I made it out for a run a couple days ago which was my first exercise in several weeks. However, I'm still sticking pretty well to my plan of no seconds, limited snacks, and one cheat per week, and it's working. Amazing how a simple plan can work if I actually follow it. :lol:

The warmer weather we had as a tease last week made me feel a lot more motivated to get in shape, but sadly we're back down in the 40s with a forecast of possible snow later this week. Sigh. I bought new running shoes, and some new exercise clothes that actually fit, so maybe I can turn things around when the weather warms up. I've been squeezing into my old workout clothes for too long and they're really uncomfortable because I have an extra 20lbs on my belly. Clothes that actually fit are much more flattering in any case.

silverbirch 03-22-2015 12:28 PM

I'm here but with very little brain space. We are at another crunch point where decisions are required about my eldest uncle's future. Had a free and frank exchange of views (with much unsaid, no doubt) with another uncle over the phone yesterday. Most of yesterday was spent on possible logistics and tactics. Also this morning. I've just woken from an unscheduled two hour afternoon sleep. Full marks to me for just conking out when I obviously needed to.

Food? It's still not quite good enough (little enough?) to lose weight. I am going to continue to maintain whilst this particular tempest rages and then will get moving again. I really cannot do any more. I am making sure I do my exercises every morning, get as much sleep as possible and eat as sensibly as I can. I'm pleased I can do that much.

ETA that I've mown the lawn for the first time. (Push mower.)

:wave: everyone! How are you all doing?

JayZeeJay 03-22-2015 05:23 PM

For about two weeks I've been consistent with eating healthy and not too much, and exercising nearly daily. End result: -0.5 lbs in two weeks. At this rate, the weight I put on in two months will take 10 months to lose. Lesson learned? We'll see...

ETA: I did run 20 miles this weekend, and both runs felt good. So, I will simply have to continue taking comfort in activities, not the scale number.

silverbirch 03-23-2015 12:36 PM

JayZeeJay, if you just weighed yourself once, that reading may not be accurate. (You know that, of course. :) ) Good to hear about your running.

I am encouraging myself to post, to get back into the swing of it. Bad temper amongst the extended family - or one member of it, in particular. I think grief is playing a large part here but there is really no need to make me persona non grata or to complain about me so much. Dear, dear. You do hope that people grow up when they turn 80 and he is beyond that.

Good news: I had a sleep yesterday afternoon, I turned off the light at a good time last night, I did a good set of exercises this morning. Food has been OK ...

Bad news. ... except for the so-called mid-afternoon snack which wasn't planned at all and which I've just wolfed down.

Action required to decide what to make for tea with some leftover chicken and a lot of home-made stock. This is to feed someone who's just biked home, an ill DB (another virus again, blood test on Friday as it's beyond a joke now) and a badly-done-by and very tired woman. Possibly chicken risotto and broccoli.

I hope you're all doing reasonably well. Any steps in the right direction are to be applauded. :cp:

Shannon in ATL 03-23-2015 03:17 PM

Birchie - sorry you are having so much trouble with the family. Hope it is nothing serious with DB. Chicken risotto and broccoli sounds lovely, and hopefully easy. Take care of yourself.

JZJ - great job on the runs this weekend! I hate thinking about how it will take me to get back to goal with the slow pace that things move for me. Down some, up some, down some, up some, etc. Hang in there.

Jessica - workout clothes that fit do make workouts easier I think. Sorry about the snow - hope you see some spring soon.


I'm okay today. Had an up and down weekend. I didn't go too far over, but had a little more nibbly sugar here and there. I did pull out and exercise every day last week except for the two I was sick, so that is good.

JayZeeJay 03-25-2015 09:55 AM

Hi all, checking in. I'm still doing pretty well with the no sugar for Lent challenge; a few little slips (after one rotten work day in particular) but overall I'm consuming far less sugar then before.

Shannon in ATL 03-25-2015 11:40 AM

Morning, everyone. Or afternoon for some, I guess. :)

I've done pretty well the last few days. I've exercised now 12 of the last 14 days. I had a couple of too much sugar days, but still stayed in calorie line. The last three days have been really good.

Last week ended up two pounds up from the week before, I figure it was a sprinkback from the large loss during the two weeks I was sick. If it only sprang back two that's good.

Have a great day everyone!

silverbirch 03-25-2015 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Shannon in ATL (Post 5146638)
The last three days have been really good.


JayZeeJay - also terrific!

I will try to channel you both about sugar. It is playing a much bigger part in my life than I want, simply to keep going. Not ridiculous quantities but more than I want.

Today's good thing: I did all my exercises before breakfast.

silverbirch 03-26-2015 10:16 AM

I'm hoping to get back into posting every day so this is a first go at that.

B - muesli and summer fruits, cc, wheatgerm. 2 slices toast (Marmite, marmalade)
S - 2 Jaffa cakes
L - parsnip and lemongrass soup, slice bread and cheese
S - I plan finely sliced apple with cc
T - salmon, potatoes, broccoli

E - have done full set of MBF. I plan to stand on one leg for three minutes each side.

It's a strange day. I slept later than usual which means I feel odd although l felt odd last night too. Most of the different tasks have come to some kind of conclusion now so I think I'm allowing myself to feel tired before the next wave.

My morning food choices were not as good as usual and that, of course, is contributing to feeling odd!

Good luck, all! And echoing saef on another thread, I hope you're OK, JayEll.

JayZeeJay 03-26-2015 11:06 AM

Silverbirch, you just reminded me how much I liked Jaffa cakes when I lived in England. Those little devils.

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