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Old 06-13-2005, 11:52 PM   #1  
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Default Newcomer in need of a buddy

Hello i'm a 24 y/o newlywed who needs to lose about 60 lbs. I have been on so many diets I can't count them. I just can't seem to get serious about eating right. Exercise has never been a problem for me. I enjoy working out. I work out at Curves 3-4 times a week but the eating part is what I have always had trouble with. I lost 30 lbs on WW but sticking with it has been hard. I could really use some encouragement. Any advice?
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Old 06-14-2005, 01:18 AM   #2  
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Congratulations on the wedding. I too am 24 but I have bit more weight to lose than you. I too have found that sticking to any diet can be hard so I have decided to just count calories and make healthier choices, but I allow myself cheats every once in awhile. If you want to be my buddy I'm here, I check in pretty regular.
Good luck.
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Old 06-14-2005, 03:23 AM   #3  
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Hi all,
I am 37 and have been married for 19 yrs this August. I have two boys 12 & 16. I was never overweight as a child only as an adult. I lost 75 pds on WW but gained it all back. I am currently living in Okinawa Japan but I am from Georgia. There are no WW or Curves. I have always wanted to try curves. I started last monday watching what I eat and no eating after 8:30 and walking. Lost 10 the first week and still going strong. I would love to buddy up with a group. I love to read all the threads it helps to hear how other people are dealing with the food addiction.
cacey, I have to tell myself all the time that I am to good to settle for what being fat brings. Nothing !!! feels better than being thin. Keep having small goals like clothes and etc. This one girl said she puts money in a jar and when she reaches a goal she goes out and buys something nice.
Gingerjen sounds like you are on the right track for permenant weight loss.
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Old 06-14-2005, 05:02 AM   #4  
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Hi! I'm 24 too! I just joined I think on Monday. Right now I just want to lose 40lbs. But overall I'd like to be about 100lbs thinner. It's so hard to just say that. But it's my goal. I have such a hard time sticking to eating right too! I can get on a good exercise kick, be consistent for 4 weeks or so, but not eat right, see little results, then fizzle out. I know my key to this is my controlling my eating, and learning how to plan and prepare my meals with foods I love and are healthy. I really like a signatrue I read says, "I will not sacrifice control for convenience" it helped me avoid a drive thru today, I just kept saying it to myself. Another thing that I've been trying to keep on my mind, is something I read. When exercising my will-power (something new to me) not to get discouraged with all the little bumps in the road, because like newly exerted muscles, it may get sore or worn out at first. So don't overwhelm yourself by saying, I'm going to work out 2hrs a day 6 days a week and eat nothing but rabbit food. This is something that has kept me from my success, I try to do too much too fast, get discouraged, have cravings, and give up. So I'm just trying to focus a couple things right now and the rest will follow!

So, I'm looking for people to chat with too, so I'll keep checking in too!
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Old 06-14-2005, 08:05 PM   #5  
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Hello everyone,
Nice meeting everyone. I just thought I would give a little background on myself. I've not always been fat. In high school I was a fit 140-serious weight lifter and all. Well needless to say when I went to college all my good habits managed to disappear. I quit watching what I ate and never managed to find time to work out. Funny thing is I always had time for a party or what not. Well birth control helped pack on the pounds. A year after I started college I was up to a whopping 195 pounds. But at that point I couldn't do anything about it because I found out I was pregnant with my first. When she was about a year old I tried dieting, did very well, lost 20 pounds in a months time, then my husband and I moved and I lost track of what I was doing. At this point I dropped out of college, and went to work. I just never made time for myself. Everything else was more important. A year later I found myself pregnant again. When my 2nd daughter was 4 months old I weighed 234 pounds. I knew I needed to do something about it but basicly lived in denial. Last month I finally decided I needed to do something about my weight. On May 24th I was looking online for "miracle cures" and I stumbled onto this page. I started reading peoples stories and thought I don't need find a miracle, I need to be my own miracle. Here people are losing enourmous amounts of weight and they are doing it on their own, so can I. The next day I started my new way of eating and thinking. The first week and a half I simply cut my calories, and cut out bad carbs. I also gave up my diet dr. pepper. Last week I started working out, doing the 8 minute tae bo tape. This week I started on the 30 minute workout-Wow does it ever make me sweat. I am down 14 pounds and suddenly I feel better about myself than I have in a very long time. I feel beautiful again and more confident. I know it is only 14 pounds and I have a long ways to go but I am going to win this time.
I have really started to ramble, so I will close now. Hope to see more posts from you ladies.
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Old 06-14-2005, 11:49 PM   #6  
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Hi! Welcome! I'm a 23 y/o not-so-newlywed (3 years) and had 35 pounds to loose when I started my weightloss journey, now I'm only 10 pounds away from my goal. A lot of it has to do with working out at Curves. I LOVE Curves!

What problems are you having with sticking to WW? Is it the variety, or feeling hungry all the time?
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Old 06-15-2005, 08:29 AM   #7  
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Hey Xuzi,
I am so jealous about curves .They need one here in Japan. They don't need it because they walk everywhere.You will have that ten pds off in no time.
Sun_flower2 I love the saying " I will not sacrifice control for convience" as a fastfood addict I kept saying that all day today.
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Old 06-16-2005, 06:57 PM   #8  
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Hey, I just thought I'd check back in. Well, today is a good day! I went with my mom to the gym and did the Elliptical Trainer for 15mins then I did weights for 20mins. On Tuesday I went on a 1.5mile walk with my sis' and did some lunges & squats out on the trail. I've wondered about going to Curves, there's one not far from my house. I have a hard time going to the gym, i just don't like working out in front of other people. But this gym I went to today has a Women Only! side. So that's real nice. It was pretty empty their was only one other lady there, that was nice. But anyway, I've been buying some of the Lean Cuisines, Weight Watchers, & a couple of the new South Beach Diet frozen dinners. I've been eating those at night, I get so lazy and don't want to cook, so those have been helping me avoid the drive thrus. I also eat a piece of fruit or a yogurt with the meal, I've also been measuring out 1 oz of SunChips. I know I don't need that, but it helps with the flavor. I know that it is still healthier than the greasy fast food. Hopefully the more I do this, the more often I'll get the urge to cook something healthy and tasty. Well that's all that I have to say.

Thanx Vicki... I know I have a problem succombing to the drive thru, so I'm trying to find other easy ways to eat, without going to McDonald's, these frozen dinners are helping alot. I know it will help get control on my eating habits.
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Old 06-17-2005, 04:40 AM   #9  
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Hey all,
This week has been a good one. Now going to the gym due to the rain here. They are calling for ten days more. I wonder what it will be like when we have a typoon. I bought a cd player and music for the gym. I will be in my own little world. I hope I don't start singing. 12 days with no fastfood
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Old 06-19-2005, 11:07 PM   #10  
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weigh in day and I am down 6pds. I can't believe I can lose without being on a diet and counting something.
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Old 06-20-2005, 10:34 PM   #11  
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Hello Ladies,
Dieting while being on the road can be so stressfull. Okay a little background, my husband lives four hours away due to his job. This weekend I was out with my husband looking for a house and job because I am going to move out there with him. Anyway conveinence stores are a little short on healthy food, and all. Well on top of the stress of finding and affordable house and getting the utilities turned on, is finding time for exersize and healthy eating, well needless to say exersize didn't happen and healthy eating was tricky. I let my husband choose where we ate all weekend and he likes fast food so we know how that went. Anyway I learned Sonic has a great salad and there is enough for two meals. I was so worried I put some weight on this weekend. I promised myself I wouldn't weigh tonight, I never weigh in the evenings, well I couldn't resist, and I am down another 2 pounds and I don't weigh until Wed. I am so relieved. Okay I have rambled but I am so excited. Later everyone,
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Old 06-21-2005, 11:07 PM   #12  
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Hey Jen,
Being on the road is so hard for me. Sounds like you did a good job. I know what you mean about the scale. It is a week before my TOM and I will probally go up a few and then go down more the next week. This week with pms will be a big test.
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