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Old 01-07-2004, 02:35 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down Hello Ladies....


first of all, thank you for getting the site up and running again! I had just found it about a week ago and it became already a part of my life!

Like I had said before, I am ready to start a new road in my life. I went through my closet and threw all the clothes out that I would not or could not wear any more. I refuse to buy clothes in my current size again! So my plan for right now is to lose weight due to eating less and moving more. This morning I got on the scale and I have lost my first 2 lb. Yippi. Anyway, I am not too worried about the numbers on the scale. Right now I am 210 lb and I fit in jeans in a size 16, anyway my first big goal is to fit again in a size 14 jeans.

Please drop me a note if you are ready to loose some weight too and are looking for a weight-loss-buddy for the journey.

Have a good one and I am hoping to hear soon from you


Last edited by Llalle; 01-07-2004 at 02:37 PM.
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Old 01-07-2004, 03:30 PM   #2  
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glad to hear you are doing well,

i have slipped already pizza yesterday curry today

i am going back to slimming club tomorrow and i know i can do it when i go there

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Old 01-07-2004, 08:38 PM   #3  
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Hi Girls,

Glad I found you again.

I hope you are doing well.

Mandy, I am in the same boat as you but as of tonight there is no more junk food in my house. And I will NOT replace it!! I think I may have actually gained a pound but that is the last one.

Llalle, way to go on the 2lbs. I will catch up to you soon.

Take care, and I will check in in a couple of days.

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Old 01-08-2004, 02:03 PM   #4  
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hi girls,

well i have been to slimming club it was worse than i thought , i now weigh 18 stone 6 lb .

at least i have not put all the weight back on i lost last year.

well heres to a fresh start tomorrow.

take care mandy
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Old 01-08-2004, 04:37 PM   #5  
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Wink Hi Ladies.....

Hi Mandy,
Hi Lynn,

Well I am glad we found each other again…. I missed you all ready.

Now what is going on with us today? I had a bad day today…. I got a call from my Mom and it sucked all my good spirits out of me. Long story, anyway, I ate some junk food (but I must say not as much as I would have eaten two weeks ago), so even though I slipped, I am a bit proud of myself for not falling in a deep deep whole and totally indulging. Furthermore the weather was pretty shitty here today, so I did not even take the kids out to play. But tomorrow, rain or shine, I will be walking again my two to four miles and I will be back on my tracks (hopefully).

So, what is the weather like where you are at?

Hey Mandy, what does that mean, you weigh now 18 stone 6 lb?

Well ladies, I will catch you later


aka Claudia
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Old 01-08-2004, 06:56 PM   #6  
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Hey, my thinking is that it is so hard to be so good all of the time, so if we fall off the wagon (so to speak) we cannot beat ourselves up for it. Just start over the next day and go on from there.

I whipped out my Atkins book last night and was reading it. I am thinking of starting that this weekend. I hear so many good things about it. I don't know that I can stick with it for life but if I can try it for 2 or 3 weeks and get some weight loss started that will motivate me to keep losing. I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses but I need to go shopping before I can start it. I have almost no food in the house right now. I hate shopping.

The weather in CT is COLD. Tomorrow's forcast is for 11-17 degrees and it's supposed to get colder this weekend. With wind chills added to that. Blah.

And don't forget - this weekend we will update each other on our progress. (or lack of in my case)

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Old 01-09-2004, 07:40 AM   #7  
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Angry Friday

Hi Lynn,
please don't beat yourself up for falling of the wagon for a meal or even a day. Just learn out of your mistakes and see if you can figure out what caused you to fall of the wagon. I believe if we figure out what causes us to overeat (or eat the wrong kinds of food) we are all ready one step close to our goal. Knowing what triggers us to loose control is helpful in planning what can be done when a situation like that arises again. Damn I sound like a magazine, (oviously I read too many of them, what do you think?)

Anyway, I ate yesterday a bit more then I should have and also some chocolate stuff (well actually it was a bit more then just some), but I did not overeat like I used to - so that is the good part about it. In part I must say, I credit this to the website. It really opens my eyes about where I get my calories from and where I should cut back.

Catch you later
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Old 01-09-2004, 08:31 PM   #8  
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Hi Claudia,

I did visit the Fitday site and it was an eye opener. Just entering every bit of food made me think.

It is strange, the more I think about dieting and planning for it the worse I seem to do. When I am not thinking about it then I find I lose weight. Is that weird or what?

Well I did avoid the box of donuts that someone brought to work yesterday. Score 1 for me!

I will write more later - just wanted to say hi.

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Old 01-11-2004, 07:55 PM   #9  
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Hi everyone,

Well, I have to admit I am not off to a good start here. I don't know what my problem is. Losing weight is all I think about and I can't seem to get my butt in gear!! Well this is a new week so i will start over. I did buy a few Lean Cuisines for the next few nights and some low-carb bread for my lunch at work. I seem to have a problem with the sweetooth though. I haven't been too bad but not great ( bought those low fat Slim-A-Bear ice cream bars and that seems to satisfy my cravings)

Enough of that, how are you two doing? How did this week go?

Tell me everything - I will check back tomorrow.

oh yea, me and my big mouth said I would report my weight once a week. I gained a pound.

I will have better news next Sunday. Take care.


Last edited by Wisertime; 01-11-2004 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 01-12-2004, 09:39 PM   #10  
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Hi All,

I just wanted to tell you that I had a MUCH better day today. I went to go exercise after work, ate fairly good and I feel very good about that. The only "bad" thing I did was have some chips with my tuna sandwich (wheat bread, low carb) at lunch.

How are you doing? Write when you can.

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Old 01-13-2004, 08:48 AM   #11  
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Hi Ladies,
how are you doing? Let me say something about a sweet tooth. If I eat carbs like starchy stuff and do not excerise - I crave more stuff like that. So I guess it has something to do with the bloodsugar and stuff. I realized this when I did something like the Atkins diet for a short while.

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Old 01-14-2004, 07:17 AM   #12  
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Hi Ladies,
well I lost another 2 lb, but my jeans are tighter than ever hmmmm....
Oh well sooner or later, they will get looser too, they just have too.
I went and worked out this morning in the Gym, 45 minutes on the crosstrainer. 45 minustes is such a long time.... but I felt much better afterward... so I will be back on the crosstrainer on friday.

How are you guys doing so far?

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Old 01-15-2004, 06:22 PM   #13  
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Hi Claudia:

Hey what happened to Mandy? Did we lose her?

I am doing ok. I have been very good about my eating this week but have no weight loss to report. That happens to me though. It take a few days to see any results. It's like my body wants to hang on to the weight. But I will keep it up.

Congrats on your weight loss!!! That is awesome. Do you listen to music when you exercise? Maybe that would help the time pass?? I went one day this week to exercise. I will go again either tomorrow or Sat. Right now we are in the middle of an Artic freeze. It is sooooo COLD here. It is about 5 degrees with a wind chill that feels like 10 below. My poor dog wants to stop to smell everything but I am practically dragging him towards the door.

I will write more this weekend. Write back when you can and let me know how you are doing ok?

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Old 01-16-2004, 08:22 AM   #14  
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Hi Lynn,
looks like we scared Mandy away.... no she is just a busy women..... I send you an email via the yahoo group

catch you later
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