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Old 12-01-2009, 01:59 PM   #1  
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Default I need your support / advice...

Hello, all. I'm new to the site and I'm hoping to find something here that will help me get & stay motivated.

I've been overweight since I was 9 years old. I've battled to survive being the fat kid, the fat teenager, and now the fat adult. It is strange how the issue has manifest itself in every stage of my life - always making me feel like the outcast. When I was a child, I feared the opinion of my classmates so much. My weight only affected me based on how they treated me. In high school it was the dating scene that felt the most violated. In college it was the social realm that I avoided. Now, as a post-college adult, I find myself still battling and still losing.

I need to get control...but I just don't know how. 23 years of battling and I've run out of ways to fight. How does food have so much control over my life? FOOD! Chew and swallow... a simple act that has defined my existence for 23 years. How do I gain control? Where do I start... again?
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Old 12-01-2009, 02:27 PM   #2  
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It's hard to say where someone else should start...
My best suggestion is to focus on why you want to lose the weight and remind yourself as often as necessary that "What is not started today, is never finished tomorrow". If you really want to lose the weight for good this time, then push yourself to do it. Push yourself to be better, you CAN do this and you will. Your choice is when.
Best of luck!! We're all here to help support!
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Old 12-01-2009, 02:44 PM   #3  
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Thanks stargzr!! This is such a difficult thing to do...! Congratulations on your success so far!
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:46 PM   #4  
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I bought a book, that I can't find at this moment, by Dr Beck about cognitive therapy and dieting.
I found it really helped change my thinking about food and dieting. Plus you only have to do baby steps. Every day for 6 weeks she adds one thing to tackle to help you change your thinking about food and thus lose weight.
Check out your local library or maybe even find it on Amazon used.
Good luck in your journey.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:57 PM   #5  
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Whoa, I can relate to everything you have said! Where 2 start. This whole weight and eating thing is complex. There are so many spider webs I have weaved. What I have learned is this is my life story and I get to figure out what works for me. This site has been wonderful for me the last 20 days. I try to remember to put one foot in front of the other. Listen to what other people, but most importantly listen to what I have to say. Keep coming back and welcome! Cathy
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Old 12-01-2009, 06:52 PM   #6  
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Hi and welcome to 3FC. Good luck with your goals.

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Old 12-02-2009, 10:36 AM   #7  
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Hi SeekingBalance...and welcome.

Such a simple question but so difficult to answer. Let me just share a few things I've learned on my own journey. First...I HAD to find a method that provided me with consistent results. I have great will-power, as a general rule....but a lack of clear results will cause me to feel defeated and to feel as if I am "sacrificing" for nothing. For me, the method that works is Atkins but I've learned from reading extensively here that many different programs work for different individuals....and apparently, for a whole variety of different reasons. But for me, finding the program/diet that provides you with consistent and observable results is critical. I NEED that regular boost to my motivation.

Also, in terms of choosing a program....for me, the critical element is to not be constantly hungry. I am not a picky eater and what specific foods I can and cannot eat is not a problem for me. But for others....not being able to eat entire categories of foods can be a HUGE problem. So for them, a different program would probably work better.
I mean, I could give you all the specific reasons why Atkins works for ME....but the point I'm trying to make is that not everyone is like me and each person needs to evaluate what things might be deal-breakers and what things they can manage with. Finding the right program for you is extremely important, I think......and this may require some trial and error with different ones. Do not be discouraged if the first one...or few...don't work for you. It's worth it to find the right fit.....because it's a journey and you need to find the right one that you can live with for the long haul. terms of motivation...and the whole issue of "sticking with it"...there is a term I am hesitant to use because it's often used as "thinspiration" by teen girls...and it goes like this: "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". But I'm going to change it to "Nothing tastes as good as looking normal feels"....because I'm 57 years old and a lot wiser than I was when I was a teen...BUT, I repeat this to myself whenever I am having a weak moment.
BECAUSE....that phrase really does sum up my life, insofar as my struggle with weight has been. For ME, being fat never felt fact, it felt miserable. Failing felt miserable. Feeling hopeless felt miserable. And while yes, it temporarily felt good to binge or to eat things that were keeping me fat....I always felt miserable afterwards.
So when I add up all the millions of miserable memories....clearly nothing EVER tasted as good as looking normal felt...and feels. And so I repeat this to myself all the time....and it's been extremely helpful for me...because when it comes right down to IS and always has been the truth for ME.

And I want to make one final point....and that's in relation to TIME and the time-line of our lives. And it also relates to that phrase I mentioned above. There have been many, many times during my life when I started a diet (make this point A)....and then failed....time passed.....and let's say 6 months later (just pick a time span...make this point B).....and I said to myself, "had I stuck to my diet, I might now be looking normal and feeling good about myself". And I would reflect upon the time that had passed and I would ask myself, "did all those individual moments of giving in to my cravings make that span of time more enjoyable for me?"....and the answer was always no. And I came to realize that those time spans always pass....whether we stuck to the program or not....we WERE gonna live through them....and what really mattered was...what were we left with when we arrived at point B?

I don't know if I'm really explaining myself clearly here.....but this particular time, at my heaviest and indescribably miserable about it...I began this program during this past summer. And now, I'm at point B and am able to enjoy the holidays looking normal again. Those 6 or so months were going to pass whether I'd stuck to my program or not......and I could be here today, still at my heaviest and still despairing and miserable over it. But I'm not....and really, that's all that matters. Whatever cookies I couldn't have, whatever binges I didn't allow myself to indulge in................really don't matter NOW. What matters is that NOW I feel good about myself and how I look. Whatever the **** I deprived myself of seems so inconsequential NOW that I see the results.....does this make any sense?

There were probably thousands of moments when....for a few minutes, or seconds....I WANTED something right at that moment and it seemed like a huge sacrifice that I couldn't have it. But those tiny moments mean NOTHING now.......and my point is...that I make every attempt to be cognizant of these things. To remain aware that all these tiny sacrifices CAN and DO end up in getting you what you you in a much better place....if you can just keep reminding yourself of it. And when you finally DO get to point do GET it. And you realize just HOW worth it it was....and you learn the meaning of having patience and perseverance and how to convince yourself that feeling deprived is temporary and that all those moments, in the end, will get you where you want to be.

I hope this made sense. There's no easy or simple answer to your question but my recommendations would be 1) find a program that works for you and gives you steady results and 2) find ways to maintain motivation, patience and perseverance. Ask a year, do you want to be in the same place you are right now or do you want to feel a whole lot happier with yourself? A year is a long time. It's millions of moments where you might struggle, might feel deprived, might temporarily feel defeated or hopeless, feel like it's not fair....and on and on. BUT....this time next year you can feel totally different about's completely possible. It's not easy....but it's possible.
Because I CAN assure you of this. When you finally arrive at point B (and I'm not even at goal yet but feel a whole **** of a lot better about myself and how I look) will look back and realize how totally worth it it me. It is SO worth it. Whatever cookies I wanted that I didn't allow myself.....seem so clearly not worth it now. I can clearly see that the reality was that all those moments just kept me spinning my wheels and got me nowhere...but trapped in my despair and misery.

You CAN get to point B....the problem is that it's so hard to see that when you're back at point A. You MUST repeatedly tell yourself that every single moment of perseverance is getting you there....and that you WILL see it when you get there. AND....keep telling yourself that every single moment that you weaken, lose hope, or convince yourself that it's not worth it....just takes you backwards and gets you nowhere.

You know, if I could magically just bring you here to point B, I would do it. Just so you could look back and see it for yourself and get what I'm trying to say here (badly, probably, and too rambling). I mean, I could tell you, "it's a journey"....but that sounds trite and you already know that anyway, I'm sure. I want to convey something meaningful...but it's hard for me, obviously. I spent 4 years struggling and failing. Ending up at the holidays, over and over, in the same place. The holidays will roll around again...this time next year. And you can still be in the exact same place you are right now.....or it can be a whole different story. This coming year is gonna pass whether you change your life or not.....and it's totally up to you if you want to use that time to change your life....or not. I'm not gonna tell you it's easy but I WILL tell you that you CAN do it. And I'll also assure you that if you will definitely see that whatever you had to struggle through to get there was totally worth it.

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Old 12-02-2009, 10:52 AM   #8  
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I'm a librarian and these are the books that helped me get started:
The End of Overeating by David Kessler
The Complete Beck Diet for Life by Judith Beck
If you read that Beck book or her other one (The Beck Diet Solution) and like it, there's a group on 3FC where we coach each other using her cognitive behavior techniques. Find us under General Diet Plans and Questions.
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Old 12-04-2009, 11:05 PM   #9  
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Hi SeekingBalance!
I know so many of us can relate to your story -the support you need is here - you can do this - and we'll all be here to cheer you on!

Glad to have you join us! There are lots & lots of different groups and forums - I'm sure you'll find some that will keep you motivated, inspired and entertained! There's also info and first hand advice on different eating plans and exercise to help you choose the right ones for you and get through the ups and downs.

There are bunches of people here with more to lose and some with less - the bottom line is that we all have to do it a day at a time. The good thing is that we'll have lots of company along the way.

I've only been here a few months myself, having NEVER been part of an online forum. What has been so eye-opening is how much it has helped me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or defeated, I just log on and read some of the success stories, complete with their before & after photos - or read about others still dealing day to day with their challenges - and before I know it, the time has flown by and so have all the thoughts of cheating or giving up.

So welcome - you 've found the right place - join in by inspiring us and being inspired!
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