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Old 07-10-2009, 08:10 AM   #1  
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Default Just joined

but i've totally been lurking for days now. Wow, there is an ENORMOUS amount of information on this site. Alright this will be long, and not pretty but here goes:

My name is Lindsey, and I can remember my lowest weight at 15 in high school was 165. I'm 5'9" but at the time I know I thought I was hideously overweight. I stayed between 165-180 until around 22/23. I shot up to 206, but lost the weight when I started seeing my now husband. I weighed in at 215 when we got married in 03/07 and it's just gone up from there.

In 03/08, we lost my father in law unexpectedly. It was a rough 1st year of marriage. By last Nov, I was up to 247. Due to a chronic hive condition I had, i was started on a raw foods diet and lost about 5-7lbs by 01/09.

I found out my mother was gravely ill on my 30th birthday. We hadn't been close lately (lifetime alcoholic/drug addict and lived in FL). But I did everything I could to make sure she would be ok. Drove to FL when plane was too expensive. Took her to her drs, put her in the hospital, became her power of attorney, eventually got her medical coverage completely paid through medicaid/care and put her into hospice. It was a really stressful and sad 4 months. She died on 04/12/09 Easter this year.

Through that, my weight stayed at about 240. By June of this year I said enough is enough. I'm tired of feeling tired & miserable. I spent $200 and bought a bodybugg to track my calories burned. I'm hypothryoid so i never knew how much my basal rate was.
June 8th - 240
Today - 229.8
So in 32 days, I have lost 10.2 pounds. wow that feels great to write.

I was last at 231 on 04/08/08, 1 year & 3 months ago.
I have a few other mini-goals that i'd like to accomplish.
215 when I got married.
205 the last time i was in a bathing suit
200 no longer obese
199 out of the 2's!
175 as my goal weight

So i'm here to support and for the support because you guys are a HUGE inspiration. And I'm so happy to be a part of group like this. Thank you!
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Old 07-10-2009, 08:13 AM   #2  
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Hi Lindsey and welcome to 3FC!

I understand about losses. My husband passed away in 1999, my momma in 2005 and my daddy in 2006. Losing people you love is hard on you emotionally and physically

Congrats on your success and good luck with your goals.

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Old 07-10-2009, 12:24 PM   #3  
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Lindsey, wow you’ve really been through a lot! I’m so sorry about all the losses you’ve recent experienced. If you are anything like the way I am you’re an emotional eater so when the stress adds up or the hurt adds up food is there to comfort, relax, and relieve.

I’m so proud of you for dropping 10.2 pounds and making the decision to take control of your body and lose weight. It’s a great feeling to make better decisions that are healthier!

Just keep going and know that there are people who care and want to help you along the way. If you ever need anything just PM me.


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Old 07-10-2009, 12:39 PM   #4  
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Welcome to 3FC!
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Old 07-10-2009, 12:53 PM   #5  
Wii would like to play.
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I joined just after you did. Here we go!!

It would be interesting to know how many on average join each week.

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Old 07-10-2009, 02:01 PM   #6  
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I'm new here too. I just want to give you my condolences for all that you've been through. This is a great place to pick up wonderful advice and encouragement.

Good to have you here!
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Old 07-10-2009, 02:04 PM   #7  
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Thank you so much everyone.
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