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Old 12-09-2008, 01:47 PM   #1  
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Default I'm not new but have been absent

Hi, my name is Robbin and really I am not new to 3FC, but wanted to reintroduce myself.

I joined almost 3 years ago and really kept in touch with quite a few members and posted regularly for about 1 1/2 years. As a matter of a fact I met one of my very best friends on here, even though we have never met we are the best of EMail pals.

I quit posting during a very hard plateau that lasted for about 6 months. I just didnt really feel like I was "with it" anymore and was just kidding myself. When I quit posting I started putting weight back on. My weight when I quit posting was roughly 219. I got myself all the way back up to 237 before I gave myself a GOOD swift kick. I had worked so hard why was I quitting? Why was a going back on all of the LIFE style changes I had made. Key word being life it's for life I am not dieting and not doing this for just a little while to drop some pounds. So I started all over with counting calories and regular work outs. Not long after my re-start in October of 2007 my husband got deployed to Iraq and I was determined to loose as much as I could during the year he was gone. My real goal was to get to 199 before he came home. By June of this year I was down to 208 and feeling quite proud of myself. No it wasnt a BIG drop, only 29 pounds in 8 months but I was loosing and that was the whole point. BUT, and there always seems to be a but doesnt there, on June 29th I was in a pretty severe car wreck and broke my neck. The fracture was stable and did not require surgery but my exercising was OVER. I was told no sit ups, running, jumping on the trampoline, not even a fast walk. I had to let the fracture heal, I was put on steriods and numerous other medications to control pain and muscle spasms. While taking steriods for 6 weeks I gained back 8 pounds, and almost let this get me down. However I didn't I kept counting calories, and kept a close watch on my food, and didnt do too bad. I was sent to physical therapy and started regular work outs there and soon was back to 210 and feeling very happy. My husband came home in October and I was at 208 for his homecoming, 9 pounds above my goal. But really I couldnt blame myself and if I hadn't had the car wreck I truly believe I would have made it. Three weeks ago I was realease from physical therapy and had dropped down to 205. YAY, I was so happy to see that number, only 6 more pounds to 199.

And now for my problem. I quit working out when I was released from physical therapy. WHY WHY WHY???? Well it's very hard to fit it into my day. When I was going to physical therapy I had to take off of work 3 times a week to go to my appointments. Now that I dont have the appointments I cant take off of work. I am a mother of 4, work full time and volunteer as an Army Family Readiness Coordinator which takes up about 20 hours of my week. I get up at 5am every day to get myself ready for work and my 4 kids ready for school. When I get home at 5:30 each evening its then time for the normal, dinner, homework, baths, then get the kids off to bed. I sit down at 8pm in the evening. I DO NOT want to get up and exercise at 8pm, so I havent. But I used to...............before my wreck I did work out so why am I so lazy now? Why do I feel so tired and all I want to do is relax? I know if I exercise I will feel better and will have more energy to do the things I like to do, I will start dropping againg and get past this 205 that I am sick of seeing on the scales every single day. So why havent I been able to motivate myself to do it? I just dont know........................................

But today I think I have found a bit of motivation and borrowed a new exercise video from a friend. One of my problems is that I hate conventional exercise, but if I can find a way to have fun and get the exercise I usually love doing it. The video I have borrowed is one of those that teaches you dance steps and gives you a great work out in the process. So, everyone please keep your fingers crossed that I am able to get myself motivated this evening to learn something new and get my heart rate up.

I hope that by "re-joining" 3FC I will be able to keep myself motivated and my will power high.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-09-2008, 03:29 PM   #2  
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Hi Robbin!


There are a lot of people (myself included) that can relate. Times can get hard, and sometimes they stay hard for a long time. In fact (and I really, really don't mean for this to sound depressing, just sobering) times are likely to get hard again in the future.

Whatever happens. Just keep going! And don't stop posting at 3FC just because of a rough spout.
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