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Old 07-27-2017, 09:02 AM   #1  
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Unhappy Binge eating relapse

Hi everyone! I started the Ideal Protein Diet on 5/27/17 and have lost 14 lbs so far. That number probably seems a little low for the amount of time it's been and I feel like I need to come clean. Around week 4 I noticed that little cheats (bites here and there) wouldn't affect my weight loss. But then that sparked my desire for more and more "little bites". Anyway, this vicious cycle peaked last night when I went on a full binge. I found myelf drinking a Chick Fil a Milkshake and eating sugary granola and potato chips by the handful. I have always struggled with binge eating tendencies and was disappointed to see I haven't changed at all.

I guess I came on here to see if anyone else struggles with binge eating disorders and how you fight it while on this diet. I also am too embarassed to tell my coach what happened but I'm anxious about what the scale will say during my weigh in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Including how I can jumpstart getting back into keotsis after my binge.
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Old 07-27-2017, 09:25 AM   #2  
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I binge so.much. I don't really have any advice because I have the same issue. I'll be totally fine for a few days and then I'll eat all the things...then I'll feel terrible for eating all the things and I'll hide the evidence from my partner. I'm honestly tired of feeling ashamed about my behavior...I think that's why I joined this site and am looking for some kind of home for me to talk about my struggle.

I would say to be honest with your coach...maybe admitting that you had an issue will make you feel more accountable so that it will be less likely to happen again.
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Old 07-27-2017, 09:31 AM   #3  
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Originally Posted by PeriodicReader View Post
I binge so.much. I don't really have any advice because I have the same issue. I'll be totally fine for a few days and then I'll eat all the things...then I'll feel terrible for eating all the things and I'll hide the evidence from my partner. I'm honestly tired of feeling ashamed about my behavior...I think that's why I joined this site and am looking for some kind of home for me to talk about my struggle.

I would say to be honest with your coach...maybe admitting that you had an issue will make you feel more accountable so that it will be less likely to happen again.
Are you on the Ideal Protein diet? Have you talked to your coach about your struggles at all?
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Old 07-27-2017, 09:58 AM   #4  
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I wasn't a binge eater until I phased off the Ideal Protein diet after reaching goal. My usual pattern had been overeating to an escalating point, menopause, fall off in exercise. But not bingeing. I remember the first binge after a few weeks in maintenance---going through the grocery store grabbing things that I normally don't particularly like. That was 2013. Since then, my own experience has been that when I go below 1000 cals, I will begin to crave things and have urges to binge on them. I can stick to IP by adding in some protein or fat to maintain calories about 1050.

I began to understand the post-IP binge phenomenon, for my experience anyway, after reading a book called Brain Over Binge. It shed light on what was going on. But I only got rid of the crazy bingeing once I stopped trying to eat strict P1.

I am really sorry to read that you are going through this. I think IP does a terrible job of preparing and coaching clients who experience this--not everyone does, but it is directly related to the extreme low cal, low carb diet. My coach was worse than useless when I brought it up in maintenance. I say this as someone who considers herself an IP success story, having lost 90 lbs in 7 months, and kept most of it off.

My suggestion to you is run like the wind to good clinical nutritionist. Someone who has credentials, RDA and a background with eating disorders, not a cookie cutter dietician. Meanwhile, definitely bring it up to your coach & see what they suggest. DO NOT FEEL ASHAMED or like you messed up. There is a physiological phenomenon that your body is doing, trying to protect you from perceived starvation. You have demonstrated that you are motivated and disciplined, so this should not be about buckling down or sticking closer to the program. It's counterintuitive but you might find it easier to stick to the program by upping your calories a little bit. I hope this is helpful--it's what worked for me and bears saying that each & every one of us has unique inputs to our eating & weight.

Last edited by Sundove; 07-27-2017 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 07-27-2017, 10:58 AM   #5  
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I experienced some serious binging after my loss through IP.

I have switched to a low carb moderate protein programme that allows for more fat in the diet. It works.

There are more more consultants work in the field. I chose to work with a woman named Maria Emmerich. She has a website and there are several ways that you can work with her.

Her programme will be more effective for me in what would be the equivalent of IP's Phase 4 (the place where I think IP is weak.)
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Old 08-08-2017, 08:56 AM   #6  
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Thank you all for this honesty. I had always planned to switch over to Carb Addicts diet or Atkins when done with most of the weight loss. I have been reading a lot of good thing about a program called Bright Line. It helps with food addictions.
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Old 08-25-2017, 02:01 PM   #7  
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Originally Posted by classykaren View Post
Thank you all for this honesty. I had always planned to switch over to Carb Addicts diet or Atkins when done with most of the weight loss. I have been reading a lot of good thing about a program called Bright Line. It helps with food addictions.
I have been doing Bright Line for about a month and am down 15 lbs but more importantly don't have any cravings but you need to follow to the letter. There are some who have a hard time at the beginning but I did not (other than working my way through the large amount of veggies)
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Old 08-30-2017, 07:26 PM   #8  
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I also have issues at times with binging. I feel so embarrassed. No one would know this about me usually by looking at me. I binged tonight after fasting for 10 days. I plan to only eat fruits and veggies for twenty days as of tomorrow but since I hadn't eaten in ten days (nothing but water, coffee and tea), my brain said "eat it all!!!" Tomorrow I will be good again but I am ashamed. Why do I do this? All that hard work cleansing my body to shove peanut butter and pancakes and chips and salsa right back into my system!! Ps- fasting is very good for you IF you do it right. But from now on after fruit and veggie cleanse, I will stick to one day a week fasts. And as a solution to the binging, I will allow Sunday's as a day to eat what I want. Then fast on mondays to cleanse myself. Why don't you also allow yourself a rest day from the rules? Even if at first you eat too much, once you realize you get to eat it every week one day. You may relax and eat less? Anyways, you are not alone.
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Old 08-30-2017, 11:13 PM   #9  
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Trying to lose weight is not easy. So please don't be so hard on yourself. You've come this far, if you once relapsed into binge-eating, accept it. It's done. Move forward from there. Find out what went wrong, why you had a relapse. Perhaps, your diet is too strict?

I personally am an advocate for balance. I do my best to not feel like I've deprived myself. Because while we're going on a weight loss plan, and we're looking forward to how we would look and feel when we've achieved our weight loss goals, we're still living in the present. We still need to be happy in the here and now.

When I feel like I'm regressing or getting lazy, I always go back to what made me decide to lose weight. What was my motivation? I'm sure your motivation is something really important to you. Do you want to be healthier and enjoy a quality life with your family? You want to feel good about yourself and have confidence in the way you look? Whatever your motivations are, go back to them. Remind yourself of them - and remind yourself why this is worth doing.

Get support from your friends and family. Let them remind you about your goals and be your cheerleaders when you're feeling down. You can do this!

Rooting for you,

Lose the Excuses, Lose the Weight
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Old 09-06-2017, 01:53 PM   #10  
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I am also a binge overeater. Big time. I can eat a lot in one sitting, just because I can. The IP diet is incredibily strict and I am hoping that I can get through this, it's been a struggle. You are not the only one
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Old 08-02-2018, 12:44 PM   #11  
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Originally Posted by taylorgang View Post
Hi everyone! I started the Ideal Protein Diet on 5/27/17 and have lost 14 lbs so far. That number probably seems a little low for the amount of time it's been and I feel like I need to come clean. Around week 4 I noticed that little cheats (bites here and there) wouldn't affect my weight loss. But then that sparked my desire for more and more "little bites". Anyway, this vicious cycle peaked last night when I went on a full binge. I found myelf drinking a Chick Fil a Milkshake and eating sugary granola and potato chips by the handful. I have always struggled with binge eating tendencies and was disappointed to see I haven't changed at all.

I guess I came on here to see if anyone else struggles with binge eating disorders and how you fight it while on this diet. I also am too embarassed to tell my coach what happened but I'm anxious about what the scale will say during my weigh in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Including how I can jumpstart getting back into keotsis after my binge.
This!!! This describes me perfectly - looking forward to reading the replies and tips.
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Old 08-03-2018, 02:20 AM   #12  
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Tell your coach you fell off the diet and are having episodes of binge eating. Believe me, if they've been doing it long enough, they will already know how often it happens.

The reason you tell them? Because they are likely to make you keep a time chart of what and when you eat. You can also note down anything that you crave. If you know when you are vulnerable in the day, you can plan your eating around it - or putting in a sweet or savoury packet to fill the void, rather than reaching for the real no-no's.

Losing weight is the easy part of the diet. Breaking bad eating habits/patterns and understanding what triggers the binge eating and fixing it is a gazillion times harder. We've spent a lifetime gaining the weight with learned bad habits, now it's going to take time to retrain ourselves into better eating habits.
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Old 11-04-2018, 03:01 AM   #13  
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Old 11-05-2018, 12:50 AM   #14  
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Default Is this a symptom

I've been reading how binge eating is something not realized until IP diet has started. I've never been a binge eater but today I've had unreasonable cravings which isn't like me at all either. Is this a pre-cursor to binge eating?
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Old 11-05-2018, 02:28 AM   #15  
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Originally Posted by Apachegirl1 View Post
I've been reading how binge eating is something not realized until IP diet has started. I've never been a binge eater but today I've had unreasonable cravings which isn't like me at all either. Is this a pre-cursor to binge eating?
Here's the Mayo Clinic definition:
The second page on Diagnosis & Treatment is very useful.

How do you define unreasonable cravings? Unreasonable as to kind of food? strength of craving? Short time window of manic eating? Going out of your way to hide your food intake?

Make sure you are keeping up with all your IP food/oil/sodium/supplements requirements, don't try to game the system for 'better/quicker' results, keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings when these cravings occur. Most people on low carb diets do not get enough sodium and this can exacerbate cravings too. also easy to follow video

Dr. Judith S. Beck developed a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program that helps focus the mind on more positive reinforcement. Quite a few around these threads found her books/plan helpful - she does not espouse a particular diet but helps us tune into changing our behaviours into healthier ones for mind and body. You should be able to get a copy from your local library, or cheaply on Amazon... The Beck Diet Solution. Also here's a main thread on 3FC that you might want to scroll thru and ask questions on (although some have been closed to commenting) that may have some more helpful info.

Hang in there, Apachegirl! Try to get rid of foods that you crave from your house, and make a plan to do something else at those crave times - call a friend, go for a walk/bikeride/ski/swim, paint your nails, knit a complicated pattern (lol, I'm not a knitter, but some swear by it).
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