Tell me to step away from the scale

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  • I can't keep away from my scale. Today is especially difficult, because I don't feel well and am home and not moving too far from the sofa. PMS is ever present as well, so I haven't registered any loss in the past 2 days. I'm sticking to plan, so I'm just trying to relax.

    Looking for helpful hints and inspiration to just step away from the scale.
  • My dearest Rainbow

    Please step away for the are just freaking yourself out. The scale is NOT your friend (most days).


    The Scale Police.
  • Quote: I can't keep away from my scale. Today is especially difficult, because I don't feel well and am home and not moving too far from the sofa. PMS is ever present as well, so I haven't registered any loss in the past 2 days. I'm sticking to plan, so I'm just trying to relax.

    Looking for helpful hints and inspiration to just step away from the scale.
    I'm no help but wanted to let you know you're not alone. I still weight myself every morning and even weight myself before bed thinking that i usually weight roughly 3lbs more at night so it gives me an idea of what it should be at in the morning, lol...
  • In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and cahins. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale. ~Stephen Phillips
  • STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE. Throw it out. Take the batteries out. Ask someone to hide it from you.
  • I want to say throw it out and use your clothes as your gauge, but I also weigh every day and obsess that I should try to lose more.
  • I force myself to only weigh in once a week because when you think you're not seeing results (even though you are) the scale will discourage you. Just remember your body has to build muscle before it burns fat.. so even if the scale stays the same--as long as you're eating healthy and exercising you ARE losing weight.
  • I used to weigh myself all the time and I have weaned myself off of the scale. I usually do a "mid week check" and I weigh myself before I go for my official WI. Other than that, I mentally cannot handle the daily fluctuations. I let it control my mood.
  • I do it to. But only once in the morning. I went every other day for a week and it drove me crazy not knowing.
  • I started 2 days ago and you are all right, my first instinct in the morning is to hop on that scale. My husband keeps telling to stop it because alot of thing can affect your weight. water retention,TOM etc.. I will try and keep away and so should you rainbowmom or else it will drive us crazy!!
  • okay so stay away from the scale... as Jenny said every time you have an urge to get on the scale have a big glass of water, then it won't be your true weight anyway... so then why bother right? I try not to weigh myself at all, as every time I do I am disappointed. I know wait for the once a week wi... but if I am looking for a particular goal and it is this close, then I do mid week from my wi but I have had negative results with that too, my midweek was up to 5 lbs less than my official wi... it is a bad thing those scales.
  • lol "the scale police"
  • Ask Bella about that scale!!!!....Right Bella? If you are stepping on that scale and don't see a loss you stress out and stress has a tendency to cause weight gain. It is not worth it for you to stress out and become cranky. LOCK that thing in the truck of your car or have your hubby(if you are married) put it where you can not find it. ONLY WI on your official day like that you will have a big surprise at your WI and be anxious to stay OP for the whole week because you want results!
  • I have a hard time with this too..i tend to not lose not lose not lose then drop 2 pounds in one day. everyones body works differently so some people cant expect to drop each day.

    also, my mom will make a comment like your face looks thinner, i can tell you are losing weight -- but i wont take the compliment because im obsessed with the scale.
  • I used to weigh myself several times a day - it was exhausting. Just put the scale away and my suggestion is weigh yourself once a week and forget about it the other six days. Don't let the scale rule your life, lol.