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makeitmatter 07-28-2010 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by natchamp (Post 3408101)
JessicaCourez....I noticed you statement here as I was going through the posts trying to keep up. And perhaps others have already commented on it, but I haven't finished reading everything yet.

I think I understand your feelings on this. Everyone deals with weight loss a little differently.

I am fearful of doing that same negative talk. So I took things into my own hands and took the plunge. Couseling. Ugh. I thought I would never do that in my life. It's not the solution for everyone, but it sure have been enlightening for me.

...She's right, most of us who are overweight have spent years, perhaps decades, talking about ourselves in a negative way. So focused on our weight that we can't see our positive features. Then when someone does compliment us, and perhaps compliments a feature that we dislike, then we change that compliment into a negative and poopoo their compliment.

So I started thinking about the things I had been saying to myself and they were horrible. And people do compliment things about me that I don't like. For example, my butt!

So all you ladies, check out your own rear in the jeans that you just wriggled into. Is it really that bad or are we making it worse in our own mind. If people are complimenting us on it, then it looks pretty darn good!

Well put Natchamp. Negative self talk is such a vicious cycle and unfortunately goes hand in hand for many (me included) who carry it over to food/eating issues. Thanks for sharing with us. :hug:

mamaerinb 07-28-2010 03:13 PM

Birth Control Thread:


babsnwv 07-28-2010 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Novak (Post 3408008)
Just curious...

I posted regarding your interim goals awhile back... did you see it?

Yes, I did and thank you for your advice. Gave me lots to think about.

nitenic 07-28-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by deinekatze (Post 3408481)
well...my best friend had endometriosis and thought she would never conceive... showed her! LOL...guess pregnancy helps ladies so ;-)

When I was first diagnosed at 21, the doctor suggested 2 treatments -- pregnancy or a hysterectomy. Even though I was in college and didn't have many options because my insurance didn't cover me in the state I was in, I still figured out a way to switch doctors as fast as possible!

On a brighter note, I'm going to St. Thomas in November for 16 days. The bathing suits I ordered online (at my goal size of course) just shipped today. Can't wait to hang them up at home and stare at them for extra motivation! :D

Marionm 07-28-2010 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by pitakitten (Post 3408198)
2 notes re friends making comments about "this way" of loosing weight both said to me yesterday:

1- this is not healthy and wont last- my response: I am feeling healthy and we'll see how it goes (figured no sense in argueing).
2- I thought you were beautiful inside and out before- my response: awww that is so sweet of you; I agree but I was fat.

I have learnt not to say anything else. The unhealthy one did irck me out, we all know its not a healthy diet but its a means to an end which is justified by the results.

all else is well

My response to the first statement is always that being overweight isn't healthy. I'm making a choice now that will be for finite period of time rather than living the rest of my life obese.

sillyputty 07-28-2010 03:45 PM

anyone know why red wine vinegar is not allowed? (It is 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 carbs, etc.) my salad dressing is waiting LOL....

traciab710 07-28-2010 03:46 PM

Sassykimann, thanks for the advice. I read Jordanne's quote and love it. I have lost 10 lbs. more times then I can count so I know it is doable. Also, I did try the salt in a glass of water and it didn't take it away but good news is it is gone today!! Yeah!!

Becca7 07-28-2010 03:54 PM

Tired and Foggy rant
Quick question, and a bit of ranting:

I have felt tired, and had a foggy brain for nearly the whole time I've been on this diet, is there anything I can do? Eat less, eat more, exercise? I have been getting so absolutely frustrated. I'm doing stupid things. Yesterday while driving I almost ran a red light in rush hour because I was trying to see if the firetuck I heard was coming my way, and I had both kids in the car. I don't think I would have done anything like that before, and that's just one example. It's like my brain is barely working. I was so mad at myself and this diet I really cheated when I got home (first time), but that's not for this thread. I just can't see how I'm going to manage for a few months feeling like this. This seems to be the exact opposite of what Dr. Tran's book says that I'm supposed to feel on this diet. He talks about all this energy and being about to think clearly. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?:?:

Becca7 07-28-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by sillyputty (Post 3408558)
anyone know why red wine vinegar is not allowed? (It is 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 carbs, etc.) my salad dressing is waiting LOL....

My coach said something about the fermentation, and sugars. But he didn't explain any further.

nitenic 07-28-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Becca7 (Post 3408575)
Quick question, and a bit of ranting:

I have felt tired, and had a foggy brain for nearly the whole time I've been on this diet, is there anything I can do? Eat less, eat more, exercise? I have been getting so absolutely frustrated. I'm doing stupid things. Yesterday while driving I almost ran a red light in rush hour because I was trying to see if the firetuck I heard was coming my way, and I had both kids in the car. I don't think I would have done anything like that before, and that's just one example. It's like my brain is barely working. I was so mad at myself and this diet I really cheated when I got home (first time), but that's not for this thread. I just can't see how I'm going to manage for a few months feeling like this. This seems to be the exact opposite of what Dr. Tran's book says that I'm supposed to feel on this diet. He talks about all this energy and being about to think clearly. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?:?:

That was me for the first month. I didn't start feeling great until month two but from time to time, I would still have what incidents of what I called LCB -- low carb brain -- but nothing as bad as the first 4-5 weeks. It's frustrating but so worth it once you get over that hump. I wish I could pinpoint something that helped but I'm really not sure. I started exercising around week 2 so I don't know if it would've made a difference had a waited til later.

mamaerinb 07-28-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by sillyputty (Post 3408558)
anyone know why red wine vinegar is not allowed? (It is 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 carbs, etc.) my salad dressing is waiting LOL....

rice wine vinegar is not on the approved list but has the same nutritional content of apple cider vinegar-which is on the approved list-jordanna and i use rice wine vinegar for our dressings and my coach ok'd it too, so i'm not sure really! guess i didn't really answer your question! :lol:

WannabeIP 07-28-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Becca7 (Post 3408575)
Quick question, and a bit of ranting:

I have felt tired, and had a foggy brain for nearly the whole time I've been on this diet, is there anything I can do? Eat less, eat more, exercise? I have been getting so absolutely frustrated. I'm doing stupid things. Yesterday while driving I almost ran a red light in rush hour because I was trying to see if the firetuck I heard was coming my way, and I had both kids in the car. I don't think I would have done anything like that before, and that's just one example. It's like my brain is barely working. I was so mad at myself and this diet I really cheated when I got home (first time), but that's not for this thread. I just can't see how I'm going to manage for a few months feeling like this. This seems to be the exact opposite of what Dr. Tran's book says that I'm supposed to feel on this diet. He talks about all this energy and being about to think clearly. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?:?:

Dieting making you dumber???? LOL I get like that if I dont get in enough sea salt, I actually take more than the 1/2 tsp.. helps with my blood pressure as well

Coastalcrafter 07-28-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Becca7 (Post 3408575)
Quick question, and a bit of ranting:

I have felt tired, and had a foggy brain for nearly the whole time I've been on this diet, is there anything I can do? Eat less, eat more, exercise? I have been getting so absolutely frustrated. I'm doing stupid things. Yesterday while driving I almost ran a red light in rush hour because I was trying to see if the firetuck I heard was coming my way, and I had both kids in the car. I don't think I would have done anything like that before, and that's just one example. It's like my brain is barely working. I was so mad at myself and this diet I really cheated when I got home (first time), but that's not for this thread. I just can't see how I'm going to manage for a few months feeling like this. This seems to be the exact opposite of what Dr. Tran's book says that I'm supposed to feel on this diet. He talks about all this energy and being about to think clearly. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?:?:

ME TOO!! I have to concentrate to think!!! and MORE tired than I have ever been!!!!!!!! I'm gonna go take my blood pressure and have some sea salt....:(

WannabeIP 07-28-2010 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Coastalcrafter (Post 3408623)

ME TOO!! I have to concentrate to think!!! and MORE tired than I have ever been!!!!!!!! I'm gonna go take my blood pressure and have some sea salt....:(

Well I am no doctor but it works for me....

Aunt Sheshie 07-28-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Becca7 (Post 3408575)
Quick question, and a bit of ranting:

I have felt tired, and had a foggy brain for nearly the whole time I've been on this diet, is there anything I can do? Eat less, eat more, exercise? I have been getting so absolutely frustrated. I'm doing stupid things. Yesterday while driving I almost ran a red light in rush hour because I was trying to see if the firetuck I heard was coming my way, and I had both kids in the car. I don't think I would have done anything like that before, and that's just one example. It's like my brain is barely working. I was so mad at myself and this diet I really cheated when I got home (first time), but that's not for this thread. I just can't see how I'm going to manage for a few months feeling like this. This seems to be the exact opposite of what Dr. Tran's book says that I'm supposed to feel on this diet. He talks about all this energy and being about to think clearly. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?:?:

Dr. Tran Tien mentions on his website that low blood pressure can cause fatigue... his advice is more water & sea salt... sorry you're feeling this way... I've had a few days myself that I just couldn't shake that blah feeling... wish I could tell you how I snapped out of it, usually it was just gone by the next morning...

hugs :hug:

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