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swilk 01-31-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by committed1 (Post 3127192)
In regards to your planned cheat: do you mean the whole trip or like a planned meal that you cheat? I would say planning to have little cheats throughout the whole trip might be more of a problem in lending to a downward spiral, however one planned meal cheat...just focus on that and enjoy it. No guilt later, No jumping on the scale to see how it affected you. Just enjoy it, make it good and the next morning/meal/decision: Phase 1 all over.

What about alcohol? Someone mentioned carb blockers earlier on this board. I know NOTHING about them, so you may want to check it out...but, I believe what was said is that they increase water retention, but in a bind or for an occasion, they can work well. Just a thought.

We only plan on cheating for dinner the night of his birthday, the rest of the week we're staying on plan. Fortunately, his birthday is on Thursday, so it'll still be a few days before we get home and I can get back on the scale, so I won't be stressing too much I hope. I don't plan on drinking alcohol while we're there, which I think is actually going to be harder than eating correctly. My boyfriend and I actually never drink when it's just the two of us at home, but when we're with our friends at bars (or, in this case, casinos), we do drink socially. I appreciate all of the support and encouragement from everyone... deep down I know we'll do great!

toomanycats 01-31-2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by wagnomore (Post 3127264)
Greetings...I live in Western South Dakota. Yesterday I ran into some old friends yesterday - I had no idea but they too have been on IP - but started quite a bit ahead of me. Tuesday they are moving to Phase 4. Both of them have lost alot of weight - was quite an inspiration to me to stick with this plan.

What if each of us would summarize our 3 or so of our greatest insights since starting IP...the ones you wished you knew when you started that could have made our weightloss even greater.

Mine would be:

TIC TACS are not allowed - one little container 20 carbs - I was cheating and didnt even know it...
Brocolli and Cauliflower should be restricted in Phase 1 - meaning don't eat every day like I did.
Grapeseed oil is critical to keeping things moving and also needed in our diet.
Regular sugar-free jello - also a no no because of Aspartame. sp?

Hi wagnomore,
why no brocolli/cauliflower? I used that a lot during my first 6 weeks and had no problems? But I also have a question for showgirlaz who said sort of the same thing related to hypothyroidism. (I have Hashimoto's) I had read something in one of my thyroid books years ago - can you fill me in with what your coach said though?

3 greatest insights -
Dieting is 90% mental and 10% 'doing it'
Wish I hadn't gone off IP after 6 weeks, lost my momentum
Wish I had showgirlaz's coach - he sounds awesome! (which is not to say mine isn't good, but he sounds like he wouldn't have let me get away with cheating!)

echobaby 01-31-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Byrdie09 (Post 3122743)
So I just have a curiosity questions.. I hope no one is seeing a pattern in my alcohol questions.. I understand the fact that you can't have beer because of the carbs but why no Vodka? I looked up the nutritional facts and it has no carbs or sugars... It has a few calories.. is that the reason? I just like to be well informed... I tried to find it in the book but I couldn't find any answers
THanks girls!

Ok, here's the deal with alcohol. We get ourselves into ketosis so that our bodies will go to our body fat for fuel first (as opposed to burning available glycogen made by carb consumption). When alcohol is present, our bodies use it just like it would available glycogen. In other words, it'll burn IT first before it begins to work on body fat. It isn't stored, but until it's used up, no fat burning will take place. Thus, much slower fat loss.

From right before Christmas until the end of last week, I have been on program every week 2-3 days, then slightly off, then full blown off, alcohol and all. Back and forth. Even though I've gotten back to my pre-Christmas weight, I'm holding here, partially because of drinking alcohol. But I think that I am sufficiently motivated again to be letter perfect now. Keep your fingers crossed, all.

And see this is the kind of stuff, I think, the oldsters didn't want to expose all of you to. Not very motivating, is it, when you're just starting out? Well, just know that this works and works better than anything I've ever tried. And it seems to be more permanent than anything else. Most of us who have been doing I.P. for months were terrified of the holidays. And most of us were sort of right...we didn't stay on plan. Many of us pigged out, and are still not quite back. But you know what? The most I heard anyone gaining was 4-5 Lbs. AND IT WASN'T FAT, because most of it came right off within a few days back on plan. So have faith in this.:smug:

toomanycats 01-31-2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by echobaby (Post 3127735)
Ok, here's the deal with alcohol. We get ourselves into ketosis so that our bodies will go to our body fat for fuel first (as opposed to burning available glycogen made by carb consumption). When alcohol is present, our bodies use it just like it would available glycogen. In other words, it'll burn IT first before it begins to work on body fat. It isn't stored, but until it's used up, no fat burning will take place. Thus, much slower fat loss.

From right before Christmas until the end of last week, I have been on program every week 2-3 days, then slightly off, then full blown off, alcohol and all. Back and forth. Even though I've gotten back to my pre-Christmas weight, I'm holding here, partially because of drinking alcohol. But I think that I am sufficiently motivated again to be letter perfect now. Keep your fingers crossed, all.

And see this is the kind of stuff, I think, the oldsters didn't want to expose all of you to. Not very motivating, is it, when you're just starting out? Well, just know that this works and works better than anything I've ever tried. And it seems to be more permanent than anything else. Most of us who have been doing I.P. for months were terrified of the holidays. And most of us were sort of right...we didn't stay on plan. Many of us pigged out, and are still not quite back. But you know what? The most I heard anyone gaining was 4-5 Lbs. AND IT WASN'T FAT, because most of it came right off within a few days back on plan. So have faith in this.:smug:

Amen Sista!!:goodvibes

Mirazon 01-31-2010 04:45 PM

Hi all I'm back!!

Been doing a lot of traveling for work. Was able to stay low carb but did not always get all the packets in and ate out much to often:) Thanks to the ketosticks, I know I remained in ketosis. At any rate, I'm back to the strict plan. I'll officially weigh in tomorrow.

Welcome to all the newbies!! This is a great forum for support and encouragement. I look forward to getting to know all of you! I have a ton of posts to catch up on.

BlueMermaid 01-31-2010 04:46 PM

Hey toomany cats, I am also from WY. NSV is non scale victory.

BlueMermaid 01-31-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mirazon (Post 3127757)
Hi all I'm back!!

Been doing a lot of traveling for work. Was able to stay low carb but did not always get all the packets in and ate out much to often:) Thanks to the ketosticks, I know I remained in ketosis. At any rate, I'm back to the strict plan. I'll officially weigh in tomorrow.

Welcome to all the newbies!! This is a great forum for support and encouragement. I look forward to getting to know all of you! I have a ton of posts to catch up on.

Hi Mirazon, welcome back. Great job maintaining ketosis. How dark do the ketostix turn? I usually just see the moderate level.

echobaby 01-31-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mirazon (Post 3127757)
Hi all I'm back!!

Been doing a lot of traveling for work. Was able to stay low carb but did not always get all the packets in and ate out much to often:) Thanks to the ketosticks, I know I remained in ketosis. At any rate, I'm back to the strict plan. I'll officially weigh in tomorrow.

Welcome to all the newbies!! This is a great forum for support and encouragement. I look forward to getting to know all of you! I have a ton of posts to catch up on.


toomanycats 01-31-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by torchlaker (Post 3127394)
PS: I mean "road kill" - not roll kill. Oh yeah....and my leather coat had fringe on it...and so did my boots! The only thing that had any color was my blonde hair!!! I think I probably looked like "Big Foot." Well, as my hubby (who was a firefighter always said..."Tuck and Roll."

Torchlaker - You had me LOL and practically ROTGL!! :rofl:

toomanycats 01-31-2010 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by BlueMermaid (Post 3127758)
Hey toomany cats, I am also from WY. NSV is non scale victory.

BlueMermaid - I like your screen name - I pictured you on one of the coasts though! I'm in Casper....how about you? Thanks for educating me on nsv!

BlueMermaid 01-31-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by toomanycats (Post 3127781)
BlueMermaid - I like your screen name - I pictured you on one of the coasts though! I'm in Casper....how about you? Thanks for educating me on nsv!

I am in Green River, 30 minutes from the Flaming Gorge. I chose the screen name because I ride a blue waverunner.:cool:

rachel13 01-31-2010 05:45 PM

BaseballMom: I noticed that our weight loss goals are very similar and we are similar in height, as you are a lot closer to our goal than I, I was wondering if you have noticed that it gets harder to lose the closer you get to your goal? what is your average wl per week?

Mirazon 01-31-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by BlueMermaid (Post 3127764)
Hi Mirazon, welcome back. Great job maintaining ketosis. How dark do the ketostix turn? I usually just see the moderate level.

The level of ketones varies depending on how hydrated I am. Usually it is a light purple (small amounts) I will admit that I am a compulsive ketones tester :) (I like the reassurance). In the morning I will usually test moderate and then other times throughout the day it will be small. I did have one day that I ate a steak and pork rinds and tested for large amount of ketones. I'm sure all those ketones were due to digesting the large number of fat grams I'd consumed. I was back to my normal pattern the next day.

FYI...if any of you are also frequent ketone testers (I'm sure there's a syndrome for this :D), cut the ketosticks in half or thirds to decrease the cost and increase the number of testing opportunities. Just make sure you don't touch the pad while cutting.

Mirazon 01-31-2010 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by echobaby (Post 3127770)

THANK YOU ECHOBABY!!! I missed you all too! Hopefully, I'll have reliable internet access on my upcoming trips. I do a better job of staying on program if I can read the boards!

ingrid55 01-31-2010 07:02 PM

i have also been using spiced teas to help me through the days...

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