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LauraVP 01-27-2010 05:43 PM

On my IP information sheets it says specifically not to fry anything. What I do instead is use a quick spray or two of an olive oil spray on a non-stick pan and brown the protein I am using and then if it needs to cook longer, add a little water and cover the pan to finish cooking. Some experts claim that when you heat oil, it becomes carcinogenic, so adding unheated oil to your food after you cook it may be more healthy for you. I buy cold pressed oils.
To my understanding, all spices are okay. As you mentioned, we all need to watch out for spice blends that may add extra ingredients like some form of sugar, corn products, etc. that will add carbs. Even some single spices or herbs and "pure" flavorings like vanilla extract may have added sugars/corn products. Read labels or use fresh ingredients to avoid this issue altogether.
Some of my favorite herb combos for protein or salad include mint & oregano, basil & oregano, cilantro & lemon pepper, garam masala & curry, and for an IP version of Moussaka, I use garlic, cinnamon, black pepper, oregano, basil, and parsley (added to ground beef, eggplant, tomatoes, and mushrooms).

Lastly, I think it's fine to munch your veggies all afternoon like you mentioned. I usually eat my lunch packet at lunch time and come back for the salad a little later.

Hope this helps!

Texas Sweetie 01-27-2010 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by LevelheadedGirl (Post 3120390)
thought i would throw my 2 cents in on the walden farms products

Chocolate Sauce - Gross...has this sour/chemical taste to it that i can't get past. The only thing i found it good for was mixing a tablespoon into the chocolate pancake mix to make it more chocolatier (is that a word? lol)

Ranch dressing - double gross! it is way too sweet, again it has this chemical taste to it.

Italian dressing - so so, would do in a pinch but not great

Creamy bacon dressing - Love it! well, as much as one can love calorie/carb/fat free dressing. My favorite dish is ground beef on a bed of braised cabbage with the bacon dressing drizzled on top. The taste is remniscent of cabbage rolls.

Whoever paid $7 for a bottle - that is way to much! 3.99 is about where it should be, like someone mentioned it is available on netrition.com

More about the WF products...not sure if you have Kroger's where you're located, but they have a fairly good representation of the WF product line. Another brand I've tried is Maple Grove Farms Sugarfree products, also at Kroger's or check out their website. According to my tastebuds (lol) they like Maple Grove products better!

swilk 01-27-2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by committed1 (Post 3119069)
Regarding the breath....I know my tastes bad/seems bad. It is getting annoying....but is it really bad to others? It is just me and the kids and they haven't said a word, but they are boys and I doubt they care or notice. Anyone with a spouse or someone close that can give the final verdict?

Is it really bad breath to SMELL or just a bad taste in our mouth?

You can DEFINITELY smell it. My boyfriend is on the diet with me, and we have both noticed the intense change in each other's breath.

callmecurvy 01-27-2010 06:53 PM

Today was my first weigh in after starting last Wednesday. Now, I have to say that last night I almost wanted to just give up because I have been craving a big bowl of popcorn so badly. But after my results this morning, I am ready to stick it out another week and go a week at a time from there.

Keep in mind I am doing the To Go program and I have been supplementing with EAS shakes and one Pure Protein bar when I absolutely needed it. Also, I have been eating an afternoon snack and an evening snack. I lost 9.6 pounds! But the truly amazing part is that I also lost 18.5 inches!!!!!!!!!! Yes, 18.5 total inches!! I was shocked and SO excited!!

We can all do this!!!!

alihal 01-27-2010 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by BBonaMission (Post 3120794)
YAY! I am going to the seminar tonight. I can't wait. Will let you know how it went. Thank you so much!

Forgot to tell you that the place in Byram does not charge a consultation fee and some places charge $100 just to talk to you. If you have any other questions let me know!

alihal 01-27-2010 06:58 PM

Well tonight was my first weigh in and I lost 6lbs!! I am so excited it gave me that assurance that I needed.

ritiki19 01-27-2010 07:09 PM

I have read the phases and have a pretty good idea about Phase 2, but I wondered if your consultants are letting you have the bars/pastas from day one. According to my friend on the plan, we don't get to have the bars, etc until Phase 2, but it seems like there are people on here that sounds like they're on Phase 1, but they mention eating the bars and pastas. Can someone shed some light on this for me? Thanks! :dizzy:

swilk 01-27-2010 07:25 PM

So I had my third weigh-in tonight... down another 3.5 lbs! Not bad, considering it was my time of the month this past week! That brings me to a grand total of 12 lbs in 3 weeks (just less than 3, actually, we started on a Friday). I'm also excited that, as of next week's weigh-in, I will be back in the 170s! Woo-hoo!

The best part, though, is that I FINALLY feel like my clothes are fitting better. I lost another inch (2.5 total) from my hips this past week, and I could really feel it in my pants that I wore today (which I haven't worn since the middle of last week). In turn, I felt so much more comfortable and confident at work today. I wasn't worried about people walking behind me in the hall and noticing how tight my pants are around my thighs and butt, or worried about squatting down to work with the kids and having my pants rip (honestly, two fears I've had for a few months now). It's a really good feeling to finally be in control of my eating and my weight again, and to be making noticeable progress toward my goal. Yay!

p.s. I finally earned my weight tracker! I love having the visual!:D

swilk 01-27-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by ritiki19 (Post 3121030)
I have read the phases and have a pretty good idea about Phase 2, but I wondered if your consultants are letting you have the bars/pastas from day one. According to my friend on the plan, we don't get to have the bars, etc until Phase 2, but it seems like there are people on here that sounds like they're on Phase 1, but they mention eating the bars and pastas. Can someone shed some light on this for me? Thanks! :dizzy:

It depends on your coach. Mine allows us to have any of the IP items, since day one (only one restricted a day, though, that rule is etched in stone). Some other coaches, though, will not allow their clients to eat restricted items until a certain time frame, percentage lost, or even phase 2, like you mentioned. This is something to talk about with your coach and follow the guidelines that he/she sets for you.

torchlaker 01-27-2010 07:44 PM

You newbies are all doing wonderful! It is so exciting to see the scale go down those first few months!!! It is a good diet, gals (wait....I didn't see any posts from Josh!!)...and you won't be sorry.

I had to laugh at everyone's reactions to the WF products. I wish some of you lived near me.....I bought a LOT of WF products when I first started. Most were awful! I would be glad to give them to you and get them out of my refrigerator. I keep telling myself I can use them as marinades! That said, I DO like their pancake syrup and their BBQ sauce (but not the hickory one). Geez, I even ordered 2 whole boxes of WF salad dressings in the packets to take with me to restaurants....yup....I DID NOT take them. They are still in the cupboard.

As far as loose skin....I am 62, so probably don't have the elasticity that those of you have. I hated my face at first! But either I am getting used to it, or my skin tightened up some. I am still appalled at my batwings and inner thighs. No, I don't exercise much....must be my era. I hate exercise! I could start my own gym with the equipment I have and all the DVD's. I saw on Dr. Oz that there were NO drinks that would tighten up skin...so I never bothered with them. I think Echobaby is right....I would suggest resistance exercises - or pushups - or lunges and squats. None of those are cardio, really....so it shouldn't go against IP's theory of not doing heavy exercise. Actually, my nurse suggested exercise from the beginning...but at the BEGINNING, I really didn't think I would lose this much weight so didn't think it would be a problem if I didn't do them. I guess I would look at "The Biggest Loser." Yes, I do know some of them had "loose skin" issues after enormous losses....but always at the finales...they look darn good to me!! (Of course, if we all had Jillian and Bob....we would all look good, huh??)

Thank you for thinking I am strong. I haven't felt it lately but am sure it will come back again. I started therapy back in May, and haven't been since November....so I start back up again next week. It is wierd that after 35 years of marriage, I still don't know how to do a lot of things. Just always depended on my hubby to do them.....check the oil, tire pressure, fix the sink, unplug the toilet, etc. (Wasn't that what men were for??).

torchlaker 01-27-2010 07:48 PM

Swilk - you bring up a good point. It does depend on your coach/dr....my doctor knew I loved my sweets...so she let me have the bars from the beginning. I had to take myself off the chocolate soy puffs at night but she had also said I could do that. Plus I would have oatmeal in the a.m....so yeah, my weight loss was slower....but I still did average 2.5 - 3# a week up until November (when I started throwing in little cheats). If I were to do it all again...I would learn to eat a lot less restricted items.

ritiki19 01-27-2010 08:29 PM

One More Question
So if your coach saves those certain packets for Phase 2 do you still have the 5-7 oz of meat and 2 cups veggies for lunch or do those packets replace lunch? Would you still be having 3 packets per day then? I want to get some good idea before I talk to my coach. Sometimes my coach doesn't seem like he knows as much as you all do! I know that every coach is different, but I'd like to have as much info as I can to take to him!

showgirlaz 01-28-2010 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by sparkles123 (Post 3119498)
Hey Showgirlaz--I am also in Scottsdale, started at the same time and started at the same weight as you. But I am positive we do not have the same coach/counselor. I am down 30lbs and have at least 35 more to go (5'10"). I need more hands on than I am getting. Are you cool with giving me the name of your coach? or sending me a PM? I've been watching the posts for the last 2 months. Figured it was time I got active and took control of my journey and stopped making excuses and setting myself up to fail. My internal voice needs be be much more positive and kind. Of course I can do this, we are all doing this!!

Hey Sparkles,

I am confused. Are you just getting started or are do you have a coach? I drive to glendale for my coach so, I am sure you and I are not seeing the same one. I was looking to send you a PM but you are not set up for that. Please try to contact me :)


Texas Sweetie 01-28-2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by callmecurvy (Post 3121001)
Today was my first weigh in after starting last Wednesday. Now, I have to say that last night I almost wanted to just give up because I have been craving a big bowl of popcorn so badly. But after my results this morning, I am ready to stick it out another week and go a week at a time from there.

Keep in mind I am doing the To Go program and I have been supplementing with EAS shakes and one Pure Protein bar when I absolutely needed it. Also, I have been eating an afternoon snack and an evening snack. I lost 9.6 pounds! But the truly amazing part is that I also lost 18.5 inches!!!!!!!!!! Yes, 18.5 total inches!! I was shocked and SO excited!!

We can all do this!!!!

Whoo Hoo! Incredible results. I hope when I start (which should be in a couple of days - depending on when food arrives) that I have great results too. Keep up the good work!

showgirlaz 01-28-2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ogdog13 (Post 3120062)
Newbies, sorry if this comes of harsh, I'm not meaning it to. If you take the time to go through the older posts, ALL your questions WILL be answered. And, it is VERY informative, especially since the people currently on mainly consists of newbies. Again, sorry if it comes of harsh!!

I am sure you didn't want to come off harsh. And it is a great reminder that there are other threads for us to consider and they do contain many of the answers we need. It could certainly be helpful when you need an answer and no one is online to assist.

I hope you don't mind me sharing my opinion. I LOVE all the questions and discussions. I appreciate all those who have been on for the past 5 or 6 months as much as those who have been doing the program but just signed on to the board. And, for me, the value of the true newbies and their enthusiasm is HUGE!! It is great to learn and share from everyone's experience who is working at doing the IP plan. :)


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