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Old 10-13-2003, 11:38 AM   #46  
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Hey Everybody!

Well, this is week 4 for me and no smoking. I've had a few times when it was really hard to keep from picking them up again but I am commited this time and will not smoke again.

Now if I could just figure out how to stop putting so much food in my mouth I would be in good shape. I noticed before that a lot of you said you had quit a while back. Any suggestions for keeping the weight gain at bay would be really appreciated.

Faye - Your birthday story was really funny. I'll have to take my oldest there in January on her BD she'll love it!

Guess I'd better get back to work, have a great day!

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Old 10-13-2003, 11:46 AM   #47  
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Good morning everybody!

Cafe: Don't get too excited about Memphis! We have great Blues clubs down on Beale street and Elvis junk if you are a fan, but other than that we are famous for one thing and it is BBQ and who wants to be reminded of that? Are you flying or driving? The drivers here are NUTS!!!!!!! Hope you have a nice time. Where are the couple getting married?

Lj: We are all very proud of you juggling two addictions at once and trying to overcome them both! You are doing a great job with the cigarettes. Just hang tough!

Pretty quiet here today. Dh came home about an hour ago with a migraine and is in bed, but I think he is feeling somewhat better. The department he works for with the city has this thing where you get a bonus day off for every 90 days you work without taking a sick day so he NEVER EVER takes off even when he is sick so he must really be feeling badly.

I want to get showered and go over to the mall and walk so toodles! (the oldsters in the group probably remember Sally Field saying that all the time on the Gidget show!)

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Old 10-13-2003, 12:02 PM   #48  
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Hi. Just wanted to touch base. I'm keeping up on all my reading, but still not feeling very posty.
Very busy. Today, it's grandparents day at the school. They can't go, so I'm going. Don't want my kids not to have anyone there. Also taking the dog to the vet. Allergy's. Somewhere in between I need to get groceries. Wish I had an organized list like some of you. I haven't been very good with my WOE lately. *banging head on desk, trying to fix it* DH did bring up the idea of joining the gym again...possibly as our Christmas gift. So at least something positive is in the wings.

Cafe, I told my youngest today "get up, it's monday funday". He informed me that monday funday was in kindergarten. It's not monday funday anymore in first grade. How quick they learn.

I hope I can get my head fixed and come back with some positive support and input.

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Old 10-13-2003, 01:01 PM   #49  
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Whew! Monday Funday!?!? When's the fun start? Certainly not when I woke up this AM and would have sworn it was Sunday! Oh well. One day closer to the weekend. How's that for positive attitude?

Faye, still crying in my beer over the Cubbies last night. What happened!?!? Hm, I'm thinking they just wanted to go back to Chicago to win it in front of the home crowd. Yeah, that's the story. Go team!

Huntress, yay for you!!!! You're doing great girl! Sorry I have no advice to offer on keeping the pounds off though. If I did, I'd be skinny.....

Tiger, glad to see you here. No one says you have to post. Just don't be a stranger! {{{Tiger}}}

Cafe, come clean my house???? Pretty please???

Well, girls, I'm coming off another bad weekend. Gotta learn to fill my time with stuff to do instead of fill my mouth with junk food. I'm glad that I'm making better choices - pizza loaded with veggies and not much cheese for lunch yesterday for example - but I'm still not doing so good in the weight loss game.

Ho hum.... Waiting for something to kick in ....

.... waiting .... waiting........

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Old 10-13-2003, 03:43 PM   #50  
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Faye - It will be fun, I'm sure. I forgot about Elvis! Ha. Actually, since this is DH's deal, I haven't really paid much attention to location. I guess I will have to dig that up and get some maps before this weekend. DH is an LA driver, so hopefully he can hold his own. I will be holding the Oh S---! bar right above my window, as usual. Actually, we are flying, so gotta hope the rental has that feature.

Tiger, Loved your story about the boy. Yep, they do learn quick. Hey, ever since you said it, I've been repeating it to myself hoping I'll believe it one of these times. (Monday Funday !)

Jello - No dice! I cleaned one house this week, which is more than enough. I sure wish we could drink beer at work like you... Even if I had to cry into it, I'm sure the entire experience would be enhanced versus cold water or diet soda.

Last edited by Cafe976; 10-13-2003 at 03:46 PM.
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Old 10-13-2003, 06:27 PM   #51  
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Tig: I love it when kids are just small enough to speak their minds, but not be rude and insulting! How cute!

Cafe: Warn hubby they like to wait until the last second to exit and then they will cut over in front of you, they expect YOU to get out of their way and they SPEEEEEEEDDDDDDD! We have one of the top 5 car insurance rates in the country!. Hope you have a great time while you are here! Let me know if I can help with directions or anything.

Jello: The Beckett kid was GOOD last night, but when the head thing happened with Sammy and Sammy looked like he was going to charge the mound, at the end of the inning, Beckett looked towards the dugout at Sosa and I can read lips, he said, "Take that motherf*$&%^." That made me pretty mad so I was hoping just one CUB would hit the ball back down his arrogant little throat. I am really impressed with Pudge Rodriguez. That is not only a great ballplayer but a great person. Jack told me the CUBS tried to get Pudge when he was a free agent from the Marlins last year, but the Marlins paid him $10 million dollars to stay. Personally, with Prior and then Wood, I think we have an ace in the hole to win the pennant.

Well, I promised dh I would come back downstairs and I have been up her a half hour so better go.

Oh, the first recipe I tried, Beef Lo Mein (here in the recipe section) is very tasty btw! I am OP again and back in the saddle of weight loss control!

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Old 10-14-2003, 09:17 AM   #52  
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Just popping in for a quick hello. We are in the middle of planting wheat and spreading wheat fertilizer, along with trying to pickup as much info on the Whs Mgr's duties as I can so fun time is limited.

Thinking about you guys!
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Old 10-14-2003, 09:43 AM   #53  
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Faye - thanks for the advice. I'm sure DH will love me giving HIM advice on driving, LOL. Not that it would stop me. So are you actually IN Memphis? Why did I think it was somewheres else?! This trip looks better all the time.

Can I just say that I hate getting up when it's dark in the morning? Bleh. Of course, when daylight savings time changes, then it will be all dark in the evening, all the time and STILL dark in the morning. I'm thinking I should get a timer, and a lamp for the bedroom, and put the lamp on a timer. I'm fine once I'm up, so maybe that would do the trick.

It really helps to eat right if I get my day off to a good, well organized start! Which takes a little time in the morning. Funny how I can know for years that I don't like to get up in the morning but not connect that with weight or make a strategy to combat it. <shrug>

Sun's up, and the trees across the city look from a distance like camouflage in shades of olive, ochre and warm browns.
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Old 10-14-2003, 11:16 AM   #54  
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Hi, ladies! Just checking in. Been reading all your posts but too busy to do much myself. HE is on the war path yet again - fortunately not directed at me and I don't want it to be.

Huntress, the doctor told me the reason we gain weight when we quit smoking is it slows the metabolism a tad and food tastes a whole lot better when it isn't mixed with the overtones of cigarettes. I certainly have no magic for not gaining except to increase your activity and keep those veggies ready to snack on. You are to be commended for sticking it out. I promise it will get easier over time but not to tell you a lie, there is still the once-in-a-blue-moon time I'd like to light up. DON'T GIVE IN!
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Old 10-14-2003, 12:03 PM   #55  
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Cafe: Yes, I live IN Memphis in the Hickory Hill/Fox Meadows area of the city. It is a part of the city that is about 30 years old now and isn't the best neighborhood, but I don't feel any danger being out and about when I walk etc. There are not many areas of the city that I would walk around in at night no matter what. I think that goes without saying no matter where you live anymore. I wish you had more time as I would love to meet you while you are here!

I am sitting here when I am supposed to be cleaning my upstairs so I have to quit stalling and get to it!

Have a great day ladies!



Last edited by gma22; 10-14-2003 at 02:53 PM.
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Old 10-14-2003, 02:01 PM   #56  
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Cafe, too funny! I was thinking the EXACT same thing about the lamp on a timer just this morning!! It's really not a bad idea.

BTW, nope the beer drinking wasn't done at work.

... But that's not a bad idea either!

Faye, I think I'm more nervous than the team is! Go Cubbies!!! This is the night. And hopefully the Red Sox will do well this afternoon and then win their division. Cubs vs Red Sox = Jello vs Rich. Could get very exciting!

Sadly, nerves make Jello eat.

Yeah, yeah. Like there's anything that DOESN'T make Jello eat. But I'm doing well today so far. Even with a couple of little M&M's Just a few. Portion control!!

Well, boss just got a call from Mrs. Boss at home. Apparently, they're having their gutters redone or something and the guy's trying to pull something or cheat them somehow and Mrs. Boss can't handle the situation. Good news is that he's outta' here. Off to beat up someone else for a change.

But I've got work to do anyway so I'll go. But first .... one more time!

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Old 10-15-2003, 10:22 AM   #57  
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Jello: Our Cubbies let us down last night. I was so mad I was screaming at them. DH said, "Calm down." so I yelled at him too! I believe that is being a tad overinvolved. I don't know whether I will watch them muck it up tonight or not!

I have a request. It came about when a lady that posts on my thread ask for prayers for family that have cancer. I am compiling a list of women who have/had/or died from breast cancer from the women here on the threads I post at. If you have a contribution, please send me her name. I am going to carry the list in my pocket the day of the race, which is a week from Saturday. In this way, I am walking for THEM!

Gotta hit the bricks and get a walk in!

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Old 10-15-2003, 11:24 AM   #58  
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Faye, you think YOU are too involved!?!? I couldn't even sleep last night. No matter how bad my life may get, at least I'm not that Cubs fan!!

Oh well. They'll come back and win it tonight!! Ah yes, the American pasttime!! And I'm wearing my Cubs jersey today and the company dress code be darned!

OK, on to the topic of this forum....

I was so good yesterday. I ate well. I got on my treadmill for 20+ minutes. I drank rivers of water.

... and GAINED a pound. Grumble..... It's just not fair!!!

Speaking of not fair, bossman decided on a great new project that he needs to take with him to France on Saturday. Yes, hours of work for Jello and maybe ... just maybe ... it'll get done. My desk looks like it has exploded!

And what is it about wet inkjet ink on a transparency that makes EVERYONE that walks by want to touch it!?!?!?!?! Big dumb dopies! Don't make me hurt you!

Gotta run. Lunch hour today includes a trip to the office supply store.

And I'm NOT going to the one next to the pizza place.

Atta girl!

... um ... Go Cubbies!!!
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Old 10-15-2003, 11:45 AM   #59  
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EEEeekk, that poor Cubs fan. He's lucky he got out of there alive. Wonder if he got to keep the ball? He'll probably be doing the talk show circuit next week.

I'm under strick orders not to leave the house today. DH expecting his new baby to arrive UPS. That would be a new baby Gateway. Boys and their toys.

When the grass dries off, I'm going to drag my butt outside for a walk...sticking close to the house so as not to miss the delivery.

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Old 10-15-2003, 01:00 PM   #60  
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I just read a blurb about the game last night on and I guess they really abused this poor kid last night. He was terrified, the security took him to a holding area, the CUBS gave him a new jacket and they spirited him out a private entrance. I don't blame the kid, I blame the ump because the rule is if a fan reaches over and he did but the ump said no soooo what can you do. It was no guarantee we wer going to get out of the inning anyway as it was not the last out and we went on to make errors (Alex Gonzalez for example) and we plain didn't deserve to win. Hopefully they will have their stuff together!

I got in a 60 minute walk this morning and need to head to the showers. I did stop at the Walmart Neighborhood market and bypassed the free glazed donut holes calling me name!

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