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VermontMom 01-17-2004 09:55 AM

good morning everyone!

I'm feeling very good about "buckling down". I received a PM from a 3FC member who gave me such nice comps on my avatar, and asked about "my story". I dug out my journals from Feb. 2002 and re-read everything. It refreshed my memory on my determination, and delight when things finally started coming together. I had forgotten that initially, it took me two months to lose 10 pounds, then another two months for another ten pounds; then it was much easier, or maybe by that time the new habits had started sticking.

Anyway, I feel new determination and optimism! Especially that, this morning as I did my Gilad tape that focuses on hips, butt, and legs, I have conquered doing a certain part with proper form...(which took almost 10 months) and now have added ankle weights to that part. Then, when I did the ab section, and still had the ankle weights on, I felt the added strain on my abs, which is good!

Just had a good breakfast which needs to take me through early afternoon, as I go to work at noon and don't get achance for a sandwich 'til after 2:00.

Please, everyone, come back!!!!!!!!!!

silence 01-17-2004 12:02 PM

Wow, talk about motivation! That's great that you found something to kick your determination back into gear!

I really don't remember what motivated me the first time around originally. I know once I started seeing a real difference in my weight, that in itself motivated me to keep going. Now that you mention a journal, I suddenly remembered, I was journaling online on my website back then so I think I may go back and read and see if there's any motivation in there.

This morning I've already started the day with a cookie and a glass of OJ. Perhaps I should not let that stop me from trying to behave the rest of the day though. Its tough when I start out on the wrong foot!

My new workout DVD shipped yesterday so once that gets here, I hope to start working out a couple times a week. My treadmill is still living in our garage (ever since we moved to AZ 2 1/2 months ago) but I fear that even if I did get it inside, I'd rarely use it. Its tough to find time with a 1 year old who only naps once a day. I know she'd want to be 'with' mommy if I try to leave her with my hubby in a different room. At least with a dvd, she can hang out and play in the same room with me (or so I hope).

I hope your determination keeps up! (And partially for selfish reasons.. watching someone else succeed is always good motivation for me).


Snowey 01-17-2004 05:23 PM

Hi Holly and Christine :wave:

I think motivation may have found me also.. I re joined WW and am feeling very positive about it. I have been OP and looking forward to a few months from now when my body looks different.

I went and got my hair chopped off today..its a cute trendy little style like the hosts of Trading Spaces , Paige Davis's. I really like it. Bruce is still undecided as he is use to my long hair !!!! Next week I go and get the highlights freshened up.

I am still going through alll sorts of medical tests and hoping that they will find out why this dizziness :dizzy: is still going on. I dont see the ear, nose and throat doctor until Feb 11th ...so not that long to go now.

Working real hard on getting my cholesterol lower also...definetly dont want any medication for that.

Holly is your hubby still doing the Atkins???

So where the heck is every one at?????????

Everyone do check in!!!!!!!!

See you all later
Nancy :df:

silence 01-17-2004 06:30 PM

Okay, with all this motivation going around, its bound to head my way eventually, right? :D

Nancy, glad to hear you're back on track. And, the haircut sounds cute... going to share a pic? The last few times I've chopped my hair, I've hated it so I'm letting mine grow for a while now. I hope your tests are informative as well... the only thing worse than having an ailment is having it and not knowing what the heck it is!

I've been spending today baking cakes for the girl's birthday party this weekend. Alexa turned 5 on Thursday and Kairi will be 1 on the 26th. They're having a joint family party on Sunday. Alexa's cake is minnie mouse and Kai's is Blue's Clues. Perhaps I'll post pics when I'm done.
Of course, I lick the spoon for the cake batter and keep dipping my finger in the icing. I am SO bad! I'm going to have to only allow myself one piece tomorrow... that will be the real challenge :lol:

I'm surprised nobody else has shown back up. I figured most of you are so regular here that you'd check in even without a notification of new posts! I on the other hand was having an awful time remembering until recently!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


VermontMom 01-18-2004 08:59 AM

Good morning all!

Nancy, Hi!!!!! :D Yay to you for rejoining WW and being OP and optimistic!!! Am so sorry to hear of the dizzinesss...sincerely hope that can be taken care of!

You're brave to get a cute (shorter) haircut! I'm sure it looks great.

Husband's Atkins diet...I do not like that diet :( I can't endorse anything that can't be kept up with forever (like ours). AND I HATE the smell of the meat cooking early in the morning...and for a "snack" in the afternoon. I haven't kept track, but I KNOW our grocery bill is up because this meat is being bought for major meals, instead of eating less and sensibly!!! grrr
He has also gained 10 of the 30 lost, because he was eating some "regular" foods for a while. That must be so frustrating. This might work for some, but...well, you have my opinon of it now, lol.

Hi Christine, Happy B'day's to your two girls! It sure is hard to not taste the cake batter and the frosting! As we all do, when we have something we know we shouldn't, don't lose hope and write the day off!! just have new determination and keep on keepin' on! :goodvibes

Hellooooo..to all our other members! Come on back, puh-lease! :lol:

*oh! what does the big red exclamation point down at the bottom left mean? I know the "egg" shows if we are online or not...but don't know about the exclamation point. why don't I have one? :?:

silence 01-18-2004 11:53 AM

Well, that was fun... I had a nice long post all typed out and then Kai came over and hit a key and its all gone :(

Anyway, the exclaimation point is for reporting a post. Its not on your own because you wouldn't report yourself ;)

I'll be back later to post more... I'm not up for retyping that whole thing just yet.


tryin'hard 01-18-2004 01:36 PM

Hello all! I have been reading posts about once a week, but haven't had a whole lot of time to post.
All is going well. I too, am looking for some serious motivation. I've gained about 5 pounds and my pants are getting 'snug.' I'm really good during the week when I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but the weekends kill me, especiallly when we're snowed in like today! Somehow, a bottle of wine gets open about 5 pm and it's all downhill from there!!
In church this morning, not necessarily praying for motivation, it hit me that the past two years I've had an April vacation to look forward to with my family. We haven't planned anything yet and I'm thinking that hubby and I should sit down tonight and do some brainstorming! I am the type of person who always likes something to look forward to and this may be the motivation factor I am looking for!
Although shoveling is great exercise, I miss my walking. I have not missed 5 days in a row in the last 3 years! But last week, it was WAY too cold here in CT (I know Holly was MUCH colder!!) and now we've got snow. I am going to do some situps and may even plug the treadmill in down the cellar!
Holly, I agree with you about Atkins. Although it seems such a tempting way to diet, all I know about nutrition totally contradicts it!
Nancy, I am happy for you that you've found some motivation--please send it this way!! Is the new WW program easy to follow?
Christine, I can't believe your baby is a year old already! My dd is eleven today and it seems like last week that we brought her home from the hospital!!
Well, I hope you are all having a good day! I promise to check in more regularly, hoping to catch some of that great motivation that is lurking!

VermontMom 01-18-2004 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by silence
...Anyway, the exclaimation point is for reporting a post. Its not on your own because you wouldn't report yourself ;)

thanks, Christine! now I feel silly - "I want a red exclamation point! why don't I have one"
:o :lol:

VermontMom 01-19-2004 10:39 AM

Good morning all!

I think I have found my goal for the next few months....wearing that bikini in my avatar at the Laconia Motorcycle Rally, which is in 4 months :D I'm fine wearing the top with short/jeans, but wearing the bottom part is another thing altogether!!! as it's a thong :devil: What I need to do is to:

1. DRINK THE WATER! I've got to get this good habit back into place. Some days I do, some not. I just feel better overall when I do, and know how good it is for us.

How to acccomplish?...I've started filling a water bottle at night, and keeping it by bedside. First thing in morning, I try to drink at least half of it. Then I do bring a water bottle to work, and finish it. Now I have to also finish a large one at home.

2. WATCH THE DIET! I did it before, I've got to do it again. If I pare away some more body fat, the muscles are going to show.

how to accomplish? I've got to stop bringing goodies home from work (muffins, etc. that didn't sell that day) 'cause if it's in the house, I do eat them. Any maybe start to write everything down again will show me what I have forgotten that I sneaked during the day. And asking my husband for help...when he makes dinner, ask that he put away the extras so I don't have seconds.

3. STEP UP THE EXERCISE! I've got to do more cardio to burn calories. And challenge myself with more weight or more reps.

Started to accomplish already .....I've started timing my workouts so I can watch FitTV and catch about 15 minutes of aerobics, then I do a Gilad tape. I've also added ankle weights to some of the leg/butt parts. AND I pulled out an old exercise guide that has simple workouts using "Princess SmartBelles" ( :lol: ) just for some more muscle work. It is hard to push myself PAST the reps that are already on a tape. I think, yeah! I did those three sets of eight. But if I'm not at the point of fatigue, I haven't worked as hard as I need to. So I need to remember to work myself to the point of "ugh!!! I couldn't do another one for a hundred bucks!"

So there is my motivational speech for myself. Oh yes, also NOT to have coffee during the day...it just stimulate my appetite.

Hope everyone has a great day, and DO say hey!!!

aphil 01-19-2004 11:26 AM

Hey everyone! Whew I have been busy. Lots of stuff going on...some of it personal, some of it dance/work related. I am performing in a show February 21-22...so I am really going to be buckling down over this next month...not so much concentrating on a certain scale weight by then...but on my workouts so I am not as "soft." That big bout of flu I had over Christmas and New Years had me laid out for 3 weeks...and I can really tell a difference. I am still the same clothing size-but I feel "softer" and not as defined in my tummy, arms, and legs. Gotta try to get that back before the show.

Things on a personal level have been hard as of late. I don't want to get into the gory details right now, but me and DH are having some troubles. Adding to that my younger brother got arrested last Saturday for drug related charges-dealing-not just possession-so things have been pretty stressful around here. He is facing a felony charge due to the amount of the deal that went down-not just a misdemeanor. There has been a lot of fall-out, of course when the deal went down the cops confiscated all of the drugs, money, etc. when they made their arrests...and then the local newspapers had it all in the front page news...so my parents have been having a really hard time at work, church, and all of that. They don't have a common name like "Jones" or "Smith," but more of a pretty UNcommon name...so everyone knows that it is a direct relation-most know that it was their son/my brother. My stepmother also owns a business in their town, and my father is in sales and knows everyone in town...so they are having a hard time with people knowing about it.
The papers also put his full street address and everything in the papers-so my parents had to move him and his girlfriend out of their apartment and relocate them last week for safety's sake.
Wow...the holidays...the flu....and now all these personal issues. This is why I have been scarce as of late.
Hopefully things will calm down soon.

silence 01-19-2004 11:59 AM

G'morning all....

Aphil, so sorry to hear of all your troubles. I hope things look up for you soon!

VM, sounds like you've got it all planned out. Your rules are commonsense but to have them written/thought out like that really helps, doesn't it? I need to sit down and really hash out my specific goals and start working on them.. perhaps one at a time so I'm not overwhelmed.

The birthday party went well but I certainly didn't stop at 1 piece of cake. Argh! But, now that thats over, I have no more excuses!! Well, we'll probably have a little cake on Kai's bday itself but it'll be small and shouldn't be as much of a problem ;)

I'm still reading my old journal and hoping to find some motivation. One thing I did notice is how imperfect I was back then. Thinking back, I thought I was so well behaved since I managed to lose 45 pounds. But, it turns out, I managed to lose that weight even without perfection ;) This knowledge could help me I think.


VermontMom 01-19-2004 04:23 PM

aphil, very sorry to hear of those family troubles!! I wish your family the best during this very tough time. And for your personal troubles, I sincerely hope it can be worked out for everyone.

Christine, that is quite wise, that you saw that you achieved that loss while not "being perfect".

My determination is still strong, especially that husband likes :devil: the idea of me riding in that bikini, tho' said that I need to get leather chaps or thigh-high boots for the safety (yeah, right) aspect. Hot diggedy! :devil: :devil:

Right now is a tough time of day for me, as husband just came home and is cooking a "snack" of a burger, and eating cheddar cheese.....ARGH!!! Can you imagine how tempting that smells???! Tell me that I can overcome!!! I will be cooking chicken for supper, and making two veggies (carrots and green beans) and green salad. And am furiously drinking water. One day at a time!!! :p

silence 01-20-2004 12:29 PM

It was definitely a good discovery. However, I still have to get myself to be 'good enough' :lol:

I'm hoping my workout DVD arrives today. If not, it should be here within the next couple days. Getting something new (workout equiptment, clothing, health books, etc) usually gives me a boost so I'm thinking the arrival of the dvd might get me going.

Yesterday I screwed up again... I had leftovers from the party and just ate and ate. I'm hoping I got it all out of my system so I can behave today. Some leftovers are still sitting in my fridge but I think I can control myself... and at least count the calories if I do decide to endulge.

So far today I've had a cup of tea and that's it. I need to find some breakfast before I get so hungry that I grab anything.

I think I may preplan a couple of low cal breakfasts and lunches and then just rotate them for the next couple weeks. Then I won't have to 'think' too much for those 2 meals. Then I will only have to figure out dinners. I guess I should also figure out a few low cal snacks. I get by best when I allow myself 2 snacks per day.

I also need to give myself some more specific goals. I think perhaps the first will be to hit 170 by my birthday (end of March). That gives me over 2 months to lose 8.5 pounds... seems doable. As far as long term goals go, I'd love to be at goal by the time I'm 30. That's not quite 50 pounds in a little over 14 months. I'd like to at least be at 145 lbs by then (my HS graduation weight). I guess I'll worry a little more about the long term when I actually start seeing some progress ;)

Ok, I'm done babbling... just thinking out loud here and trying to motivate myself.

Hope everyone is having a good week!


aphil 01-20-2004 01:43 PM

Christine....I think sometimes that worrying about the "short term" like losing that 8.5 pounds by your birthday...makes it a lot easier than focusing on the big picture-the 20 or 30 or 40 pounds you need to lose. You get a boost of confidence when you make a "smaller" goal...and it gives you the confidence to say "Hey...maybe I CAN do this."
I think a lot of times that it is the way to go.
ps-thank you everyone for your support during my rough time here lately-it means a lot.

babybryte 01-20-2004 06:39 PM

Hello! New here! I am interested in counting calories to lose weight. I have read many posts that refer to using FitDay to lose weight. Could someone tell me how you do that? Do you use FitDay to make up your menus before you eat or just log in what you eat each day? If you write what you eat each day after you eat it, what do you use to make out a menu? How do you know what to eat?

Thanks for any input! Hope I am posting on the right thread!! :)

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