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lvilneff` 02-24-2003 12:06 AM

Hello folks
I was just wondering if anyone here has tried sommersizing?
I've used it years and its great!
sommersizing sommersizing

Kitkat3NY 02-25-2003 09:28 AM

Try the low-carb board, I believe there is a freestyle SS over there. I tried it for about 4wks and didn't loose anything but I liked the healthy feeling I got from it.



aleka 02-28-2003 06:41 AM

I was wondering why we hadn't heard from you in a long time. I'm sorry that SS didn't work for you, but I remember reading in one of Suzanne's books that it took her 2 months to see any weight loss. After doing WW for a few months I really miss the food on SS and the way of eating. So, I am incorporating SS and counting WW points and hopefully I'll be able to stick to it this time around. What plan are you doing now, and has it been successful? Do you still have a lot of snow in NYC?

Take care. Aleka

Kitkat3NY 02-28-2003 08:33 PM

Hi Aleka!

I gave SSing a try and Atkins to but they just weren't for me. So i went back to WW and I try to keep it as sugar free as I can. It's working much better for me.

So how is SSing coming along for you? Did you just recently try WW again? I looked for the Lowcarb Freestyle on the low carb board but didn't see any, is it still going?


aleka 03-01-2003 05:41 AM

Hi Kathy,
Glad that WW is working for you. I've been going to WW since Sept. and I've had good luck with it. I had been eating a lot of carbs and I was feeling BLAH! I remembered that I felt so much better SSizing, so I decided to eat mostly the Somersize way, by eliminating processed foods as much as I can, eating 1 carb meal a day, and having the "good" fats, and using the WW points to stay within my point range. I am on vacation for the next few weeks, so that is my plan when I return home, as I will resume my WW meetings. The Low Carb Freestyle had been going strong, but it dwindled down to about 3 of us that were posting regularly. I tried to find it the other day to post, but couldn't find it either. Let me know how the WW is doing for you. Hope you enjoy your weekend.


Kitkat3NY 03-03-2003 09:30 AM

Aleka, so have you lost any weight doing a ss/ww style diet? I've only been doing this for 2wks and I lost 4#.

I'll check out the low-carb page sometime this week.


aleka 03-03-2003 05:08 PM

Hi Kathy,
First off, congratulations on losing 4 lb.:cp: Are you just doing WW or are you combining SS & WW? About a week before we left on vacation, I did combine both and I lost 2 1/2 lb. My eating has not been very good while I'm away, but I try to keep the SS way of eating as much as possible. There were a few of us on the SS site that were doing both and we were posting just about every day with what we ate and the point values. Somehow the whole topic was deleted. I don't know why, we weren't bashing SS. We were only trying to support each other. Sometimes I wonder about that website.

Take care.

Kitkat3NY 03-08-2003 05:38 PM

Hi Aleka,

I haven't been doing well over the past week. I bascially binged over the week, but I plan to get back OP starting monday. How are you doing combining SS and WW? Congrats on the 2.5 pounds lost!

I'm not exactly doing SS, but i'm just trying to choose bettter food. That sucks that they would delete a thread on SS board. I guess they feel threaten that you guys were discussing WW and SSing.

How'd you do this week?


aleka 03-11-2003 07:12 PM

Hi Kathy,
I am still on vacation, and my eating has been horrible. DH & I have been walking 45 min. 4-5 days a week, so hopefully the damage won't be too bad. We only have another few days before we head home. I only hope we get home before war breaks out. We're leaving Sat. and hope to get home on Tues. Then it's back to eating right.

Over at the SS board, they seem to delete a lot of posts, and some of the people over there seem to be really nasty sometimes.

How are things going so far this week for you?

Take care and have a great evening.

Kitkat3NY 03-12-2003 01:21 PM


I hope you get back home soon before or if theres a war as well. I wish we weren't even going to war but that's another subject in itself.

Well, since you've been eating badly and it's vacation time and all, I say just enjoy it! I've been doing horribly but I am doing better today. I just get into the icecream and before I know it, i've eaten a days worth of points in one meal.

Well, have fun!


aleka 03-23-2003 05:57 AM

Hi Kathy,
How was your eating last week? Mine was horrible still. We got home last Monday and I've been trying to get things back in order. I just finished up vacation laundry yesterday! Thankfully we made it home before the war started. I am so saddened by the whole thing. My heart goes out to all the families who have loved ones over there.

I put on a pair of jeans Sat., that used to fit me. Well, they were a little snug, not bad, but I don't want to them to get any tighter. So...it's back to WW on Tues. I will incorporate a lot of what I learned on SSizing, no white flour, sugar, processed foods, etc. I don't think I can do the food combining, as I need a carb with a pro/fat meal.

We've started out Free Style thread again. Why don't you join us over there. We are just doing our own thing, not necessarily low carb.

Take care.

LaDean 03-27-2003 10:33 PM

HI, I have been on other boards here just coming back has been awhile. so dropped in on this one. are you just doing different eating plans. I get alot of encouragement reading what others are doing to help them. I am in TOPS. went to there board to.

ALEKA, saw your boston bull picture. Is that your dog? I own one and we just love him. i chose the picture they have on here but its not like that one is why i am asking.
I will try and come here more often. i go to other boards and sites to. enjoy reading them and responding. good luck all and have a great week. LaDean:)

aleka 03-28-2003 06:49 AM

Hi LaDean,
Another person owned by a Boston! :lol: They are the best dogs. Yes, that is my baby. We absolutely love her and she's spoiled rotten! How old is your Boston? Our's is in the terrible 2's, and she has a mind of her own.

How are you doing with TOPS? I like to see what other people are doing, hoping to get some inspiration. I tend to get bored with an eating plan when I do it for a long time. I have done Somersizing, and it's a great eating plan. It was very hard for me to lose weight on it, but I did lose size, and I got discouraged and stopped. I'm trying to get back to doing it again along with WW, and hopefully I'll be successful.

Looking forward to hearing from you again.

LaDean 03-28-2003 07:45 PM

ALEKA, oh so good to meet someone else with a BOSTON. yes they own there masters for sure. ours was 1 1/2 years when we got him. he was potty trained and all. He is such a good little dog and we love him dearly even though he OWNS us :D We have had him 10 years. so hes older. last year he had a stroke. lefted his little lefted leg numb. so he drags it. he was a sick one. we prayed alot and cryed alot. prayers were answered. hes so much better now but tilts the head and drags his little leg. i take him out and about our place for walks. hes not been trained for a leash. so by time i get him back in hes tired out. but hes his old self now playful and all. but sleeps alot. Gee i remember when we first got him how fisty and all. so we went through 2's to. fun though isn't it. hes our baby to. well i guess this is enough about my baby.ha ha
Getting back to the ss plan now. I went on it for little bit. but i kept forgetting to not eat carbs with fats or what ever.ha so i have been on the Prism. and lost wt on it and i combine it with my ww to. I just do ww on my own have all the material. but i also change off and on. mixed some make my own.ha i have my exercise down pat. and did eating till i got back on sugar. thought i could use it sensibly. but i am not ready for that yet. so back to none now.ha Just got in from a bike ride. just little one. but has been awhile. i have no butt all wt is in top area. so of course my butttt is sore.ha but need to do a bit each day. well better hush now. till later. have a great weekend and thanks for an answer. i will be coming back. LaDean:) I will just have to use this picture i am new at this and do not know how to put one on of my dog. ha HE IS LOTS CUTER. LOL

aleka 03-29-2003 06:20 AM

Hi LaDean,
OOOH, you're poor little fella. I'm glad that he's doing well. I know what you're going through with an older dog. We had another Boston before we got this one. We had her for 13 yrs. She had a heart murmur which steadily had gotten worse and we did everything we could for her. I can relate to the crying and praying. It is sad when you remember how much they run around when they're younger. She and I shared a very special bond. I do share a bond with our new dog, but not as strong.
Ya, my rear doesn't have much padding either, it's mostly in the front. I have trouble with the food combining on SS. When I started WW and was able to have sandwiches I thought I had died and gone to heaven!:lol: I have seen other low carb books and they say to eat protein with carbs. So, you don't know who to believe.
My husband put the picture of our baby in for me. I only know how to turn on the computer and get to where I want to go :lol:

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