3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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aleka 04-11-2003 07:36 AM

It's Friday!
LaDean, I got a big kick out of the "dollar" in the jar. You and your friend have a great idea! Hopefully it will take a long time for the jar to be filled. On that site, all the diets are listed on the left hand side of the page. I like looking at different eating plans too. I can't believe how many diets are out there! It's fun knowing you and Tuffy too. I am so happy that you asked about Lacee. Who says "WOOF", by the way. Are you thinking of doing the Hollywood Diet? How did your weigh in go at TOPS? Watching portions, counting calories and carbs sounds like a good sound plan. You are doing a great job, especially walking 4 miles!

Kathy, how did your first day go on this plan? I felt I had reached a milestone when I wasn't hungry between lunch and dinner! Hopefully now my stomach is used to this WOE, if so, I know I can keep going. Hope your first day went ok.

Menu 4/10
Breakfast: 2 fried eggs, 3 strips of bacon, 1/2 c. grapefruit juice, black coffee, no sugar
Lunch: Salad with hamburgh & pepperoni, regular salad dressing Waist Watcher diet soda, 1/2 c. grapefruit juice
Dinner: Steak, zucchini & summer squash "noodles" w/pasta sauce and a little bit of shredded asiago cheese, Waist Watcher diet soda, 1/2 c. grapefruit juice
Snack: S/F jello, decaf coffee, black..no sugar.

Have a good day.

Bye for now, :wave:

Kitkat3NY 04-11-2003 09:48 AM

Good morning,

I hate to admit it but I had a set back yesterday. I got to feeling down about my weight and the next think you know i'm deep in a carton of icecream. I'm much better today.

LaDean- The "Hollywood diet" is a juice you drink for 2-days and don't eat. I don't think i'll be doing that diet again. I should've known better but I was desperate at the time. Right now i'm doing the samething as Aleka. The diet has a labe called the "grapefruit diet" but it's pretty much a sensible, low-carb diet. I'm sorry you gained your weight back, but at least you know what your mistake was and won't make it again. How much more do you have to loose what you gained back?

Aleak- Today will be my official day of the diet. I'm glad you doing much better and not feeling has hungry. Let me know when you loose your first 5#. Didn't you have something extra to eat recently, like a few day ago? and you still lost weight, that gives me great inspiration. Thanks for recommending the Ocean Spray juice, it says no sugar added but then it says 21gms per 8oz? I guess grapefruit has sugar of it's on?

Menu 4/10

Breakfast-2eggs 2slice bacon, tea, 1/2c grapefruit juice.
Lunch-Mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets (don't ask) salad
Dinner-ice cream, P&J sandwich


aleka 04-11-2003 11:02 AM

As of this morning I'm down another 1/2 lb., making it 4 lb. Yes, I had pizza and wine the other night. To tell you the truth...it was worth having it even though it may have stalled me a little. Don't worry too much about the ice cream. It's great comfort food.:T Good luck with the diet today.

This has nothing to do with the diet. When I used to go to NYC to see my late aunt, when she was ill, around the early 90's, there was this bakery called Carrot Top on Broadway near W 168th St. They had Carrot Muffins to die for. Before I left for home I always brought 1 1/2 doz. back with me, and freeze them. Do you know if they are still there? I believe there was another one more towards the GW Bridge. I think about that place very often. The Carrot Top near W 168th was just a few doors down from my aunt's building. There is/was a Wendy's on the corner.

Hi again LaDean :wave:


Kitkat3NY 04-11-2003 12:08 PM

Hi Aleka, I just called the Carrot top 212-927-4800 and they are still open!

Congrats on your weightloss.


aleka 04-11-2003 05:32 PM

Kathy, thank you for calling them, that was awfully nice of you, but you didn't have to do that. I got a kick out of you calling them. I am glad they are still there. DH & I often talk about those muffins. I would eat there every single morning while I was visiting her. I saw my GF at lunch...yes, we did have our grapefruit juice:D It took her about 2 weeks to lose 10 lbs., but she wasn't faithfully following it, she was cheating a lot. She is now stalled, but I think her body is taking a little breather, 10 lbs. is a lot to lose in 2 weeks. How have you done so far today?

Hi LaDean!

Take care.

LaDean 04-11-2003 09:38 PM

late coming in today
I am late getting in today, I turtled that is staying the same. i was so glad though. now 2 weeks in row i have not gained. so i am on the right track again. OHHHHHH its such a good feeling/
Kit, no i am not going on that one then.ha ha
Aleka, think i will go on the grapefruit one this week. are you staying on it another week. Bacon is on sale.ha so i figured hey might as well. at least it gives a incentive to see how well you and your friend have done. you have done good to Kit. Yes i love walking. never got my walk in today. i have a sore foot so not pusing it. give it a rest and in am i will walk again. maybe get on my ex bike this evening little bit. i enjoy coming here of day so very much and chatting with the both of you. I am so glad i came back in and found the both of you here yes. ok now i will start the grapefruit sunday. i usually start doing good then.ha I put on a stew today and i did not eat the potatoes from it. so its good and a good day for one. do not have to cook over weekend.ha ha well hey have a GOOD WEEKEND THE BOTH OF YOU..... i may be back in later LaDean:) tuffy says WOOF :smug:

aleka 04-13-2003 11:14 AM

Hi LaDean,
That's great that you have stayed the same and haven't gained. :bravo: That is just as important as losing. You will start losing again. Good luck with the diet. I haven't weighed myself for a couple of days because I had a cheat Fri. night, so I'll wait a few more days.
Yesterday we had a beautiful day, in the mid 60's, so Lacee & I went for a little walk. She's horrible on a leash, but better than she had been. I think by the time we got home, the arm I was holding the leash in was about 6" longer than the other arm.:lol: Because of my back I'm easing into the walking. What is wrong with your foot? It's a good thing to give your sore foot a rest.

Hi, Kathy :wave: How did you do over the weekend?

Hope you both are having a great weekend.

LaDean 04-13-2003 06:35 PM

hi all
Yes i love staying the same to. I am trying for a loss this week. I have psorasis on my feet and it comes and goes. so got a spot on the top and is sore. has been worse could not even walk so i can handle this.ha its better now and i been walking. jsut never this am as church . just took Tuffy out hes never been trained for a leash so just walk him around here on our 2 lots and all. then we just got in and its Hailing out there now pretty good one. so glad hes got his job done. as he hates to go out in the rain and all. just a april day today. lazy one. so that is what i am being.ha

Breakfast;;;;; 2 toasts with marj glass of milk
Lunch>>>>> bacon and tomatoe sandwitch. milk
(have not got the grapefruit juice today. groceries tomorrow for my easter dinner and all. so will start it then.) well how did it do for you how much did you Lose/?? are you going to go on it again or have you decided.? good luck this week..... Woof from tuffy. your little lacee sounds so sweet. they are good dogs for sure. tuffy is cute to watch but not funny but sometimes it is. he gets off balance now alot. he likes to play around in grass and all. well when he does his little leg just goes out on him and he will sit flat on his butttt or fall over and sometimes i have to help him out. but right after stroke i had to carry him out he could not even walk. so thankful for prayers answered and we still have him. well have a good day. LaDean

Kit..... Hows it going. have you found another plan or going for just regular one/??? Hope you had agood week. LaDean:) :)

aleka 04-14-2003 06:26 AM

LaDean, did you get a lot of hail? We don't have much of that where I live. I have a friend who has psoriasis very badly, and it was starting to develop in her ears. She bought some sort of ointment, I forget the name, that literally cleared it up. The only telltale signs that she ever had psoriasis are pink spots on her knees and elbows. Poor Tuffy falling over like that. At least Bostons are small enough dogs that you are able to pick them up and carry them around if you have to. Hope you had a good weekdnd.

Kathy, how did the diet go over the weekend? Last night for dinner I made the pizza out of Suzanne's Fast & Easy book. I really like that pizza.

Since all of us aren't really Somersizing, and this thread is getting long, I was wondering if you would like to start another thread with a new name? What do you both think, and what should we call it?

Have a great Monday guys!

Kitkat3NY 04-14-2003 09:56 AM

Good Morning,

I had a great weekend. I had a slice of pizza yesterday but other than that I 've been doing great on the diet. Today is day 4! I've already lost 2# maybe more but it's going to be TTOTM so I won't know for a while.

Aleka- you did good as well, since we know we tend to eat junk more on the weekend. I've never tried Suzannes pizza, does it get crunchy? I was thinking about the name as well. I think we should start a new thread w/ a new name. Hmm, any suggestions? Wow, your friend lost 10# in 2wks? I'm really going to stick this out! After I complete the 12days, i'm going to rest for 2days like they suggest and then i'm going right back on it, what about you?

LaDean- This may be a dumb question but what's a "marj glass of milk"? I'm doing the grapefruit diet w/ Aleka, today is day 4 for me. Staying the same in weight is way better than gaining, i'll take staying the same over that any day!

Menu 4/11 Fri
B-2eggs, bacon, 1/2c grapefruit juice
L-3oz steak, salad/dressing, diet soda
D-crab stick and chicken wings

Menu-4/12 Sat
B-2eggs, bacon, 1/2c grapefruit juice
L-gyro meat (alone) sour cream, tomato's diet soda
D- crab sticks

Menu-4/13 Sun
B-2eggs, bacon, 1/2c grapefruit juice
L-1/2c grapefruit juice, buffalo wings, salad
D-1 slice pizza


LaDean 04-15-2003 01:13 AM

KIT, marjarine, and milk. forgot to put the , in it lol sorry. I am glad your doing good on that diet. i got the bacon and meant to do it and forgot the grapefruit juice. I got some others i might check out. if i do not see one then i will go on this one to. goodluck your doing ok.

ALEKA, The new name sounds like a good idea. does not matter. but beings no one is on her plan. some may not be coming in cause of that. so anything is ok with me. Yes we wanted a small dog. hubby had always liked these kind of dogs. smart and good he said. so happy we got tuffy. hes doing so much better and so playful again like before. glad lacee is ok to. now was she a baby when you got her. I have always wanted to see a very little one. ha but they are hard to find around here. Yes we get Hail alot. or i should say we get it. its not real big hail though like they get in the south. but covers the ground some like snow. had some thunder with this. well hey your doing good on this plan. how much lost now/?? is it near your week on it???? are you going for it again/???? i had my bacon but with bread.ha ha

breakfast//// bacon and tomatoe sandwitch
lunch/////////// ditto (the same as above)
dinner///////// chicken breast, salad and toast. glass of milk
popcorn and pop snack
NO SUGAR FOR 2 DAYS NOW YEHHHHHHHH Taking it one day at a time. i am going to look at that list of eating plans again. so will let you know if i start one......... have a good week. LaDean:?: :)

aleka 04-15-2003 07:05 AM

Hey there!
Well...I paid for those cheats I had, I got on the scale this morning and I was UP 1 lb. My GF told me that if you do cheat, it takes a few days to start losing again. Oh, well.

My first 12 days are up Thursday, and I don't know if I'll be going back doing this. Eggs every morning are starting to get to me :p I will know better after having the 2 free days. I absolutely love the food. I don't know if having cereal, fruit, and milk would do a lot of harm on this WOE if I have them 2 or 3 days a week, sort of like Somersizing.

LaDean, sometimes I forget the grapefruit juice and think of it after my meal. :lol: That's great you've stayed away from sugar for 2 days now!:high: Keep it up. Your bacon, tomato sandwich you had for breakfast sounds really delicious. I add low fat cheese to that and fry it in Olive Oil flavored PAM until the cheese melts.:T Let us know which eating plan you decide to do. Glad that Tuffy is doing well and is still playful. Lacee was a about 10 weeks old when we picked her up. She was sooo tiny that she fit inside my jacket and I was able to overlap the sides to keep her warm. It was in the middle of winter when we picked her up. When I put her inside my jacket she was so content that she instantly fell asleep. She stayed like that on the ride home.

Kathy, that's wonderful you're doing so great on the diet. Are you ever hungry? It took me until Fri. to stop being hungry between meals. Now, except for the eggs every morning, I feel like I could do this diet forever, but adding a bit more carbs. The crust on Suzanne's pizza is made with cream cheese, eggs, and grated Parm. cheese. It gets solid so that you can add the toppings. Eating it is more like eating lasagna without the noodles. I really like it.

Do either of you have any ideas what we should call our thread? I'm really not very good at this, but I thought of Doing our own thing, or Doing it our way. I'm not sure if either of those are already taken. I hope you guys can think of something.

Menu 4/14:
B: 1/2 c. grapefruit juice, 2 eggs, 3 slices bacon, black coffee, no sugar
L: 1/2 c. grapefruit juice, salad w/pepperoni and 2 T. salad dressing
D: hamburgh patty w/tomatoe & melted cheese, green beans, cauliflower & broccoli mix, Waist Watcher diet soda (forgot the grapefruit juice)
Snack: S/F jello

Have a great day.

Kitkat3NY 04-15-2003 04:07 PM

Hi gals,

Well, i'm still doing well w/ the diet. I got back down to 174#, remember when i did that 2-day liquid diet 2weekends ago? Well, after the 2days were up I had chinese food the next night and gained all the weight back, so i'm back to 174#. Today is day 5 for me and i've lost 3# in all. I don't expect to loose 10# in 2weeks this diet keeps me honest. When my time is up, i'll be repeating it.

LaDean- Congrats on being sugar free! Wow, you weren't lying, really love bacon!lol Don't really stress the grapefruit juice, I forget it most of the time, I usually remember to have 2 servings of it a day.

Aleka- It's TTOTM for me so all i'm craving is chocolate, I have one balance bar in between meals. I just have to have something chocolate. I have the carmel nut blast and it taste like a snicker bar. Don't worry about that one pound, i'm sure it will be gone soon. Hmm, well, if you just can't have the eggs everyday for breakfast then have the 1c of cereal pay close attention to serving size and then continue w/ the form of the diet for the remainder of the day.
For a name how about "Diet Talk"? or something along those lines? I think there are a few thread called doing our own things,etc. LaDean any suggestions?

4/12 Menu
Breakfast-1/2c grapefruit juice, 2eggs, 3slice bacon
Lunch-1/2c grapefruit, salad, dressing, chicken, diet soda
Snack-balance bar
Dinner-salad, dressing, diet soda, steak, few graham cracker.


aleka 04-15-2003 06:09 PM

Kathy, Diet Talk sounds good. I like it better than what I said.

LaDean, have you any ideas?

aleka 04-16-2003 07:37 AM

Hey LaDean & Kathy,
I lost the lb. I had gained, plus a nother 1/2 lb. I've got 1/2 lb. more to go before I've lost all of my vacation weight!!! The one thing I've noticed is I've lost in my stomach area, where I really need to lose it.

LaDean, how did you do yesterday?

Kathy, glad you like the diet. Congratulations on your weight loss! :cp: :cb: I hope you won't be too discouraged if you don't lose 10 lb. in 2 weeks, because that's a lot of weight to lose in 2 weeks. IMHO, when you crave something you just gotta have it!
Do any of your supermarkets carry Hoods products? They have sugar free fudgsicles that are really good. Whenever I have a chocolate craving I grab one of those. The serving size is 2 for 90 cal. (45 cal. each). That's funny, you mentioned occasionally having cereal and continuing with the diet the rest of the day, because those were my thoughts exactly! This morning will be a cereal morning. I really do want to be careful because since the weight came off quickly, I know I'll gain it just as fast, if not faster.

B: 2 eggs, 3 slices bacon, 1/2 c. grapefruit juice, black coffee, no sugar.
L: Salad w/hamburger, pepperoni, cheese, 2 T regular salad dressing Waist Watcher diet soda
D: chicken, broccoli w/ regular salad dressing, wax beans, Waist Watcher diet soda
Snack: S/F jello and S/F fudgsicle

Take care and have a good day.

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