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Old 05-21-2002, 09:16 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down Prevention Millennium Diet #88

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed
42 fat grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine.
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Old 05-21-2002, 09:40 PM   #2  
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Default Hi All!

I have gone for walks these last few days. Food has been so so, nothing bad just too much of the good stuff. My nails and my hair are taking more matainence than I am used to giving them but I feel I sort of owe it to myself to keep them up since I haven't been exactly smoking along diet wise. I have been fantically "religious" about using my skin care products (twice a day) . Plus I have bought some new clothes. All in an effort to keep up self esteem....which need I say would get an enormous boost if I lost some weight.

Good for you Ledom, you daughter has graduated! It must have been such a special day.

We are leaving for California on Thursday afternoon for two weeks.

How are you doing Lana and Alice and Miz Lacee?
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Old 05-22-2002, 07:20 AM   #3  
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Angry Good morning.....

It has been awfully cold, with frost overnight. We bought some flowers at Home Depot on Sun., left them outside and the frost killed them. I should have listened to myself instead of DH I don't know why I always second guess myself. Supposedly we are to break out of the cold spell today. I saw on the news yesterday that it was warmer in Alaska than it was here

I have buckled down with the exercise. One day I did one of the exercise videos, as it was so cold I did not want to walk outside, and one day I did my walk outside. I have some appts. to go to this morning, but I plan on walking when I get home. Eating has not gone too bad. I did great Mon. morning counting my points, but that's as far as it went, but I did eat the right foods and the right portions the last two days.

ledom~I'm glad that your D has graduated. I hope you had a great graduation day. How did you lentil dish & salad dressing turn out?

judi~That's great you'll be going to Ca soon. Then you can return home with all your "goodies". Miz Lacee is doing fine...bratty as ever Will Marley be going with you on your trip? I know there are quite a few places, parks, beaches, and such in Ca that are pet friendly.

Have to get breakfast, as I have to leave in an hr. or so for my hair appt. I'm just getting a trim.

Enjoy the day.
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Old 05-22-2002, 10:18 AM   #4  
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Default morning

Hi all!

Sorry to hear about your flowers Alice. It seems nice here but I think the temp can still take a dip. I am waiting until we get back to get flowers. I know that makes it kind of late. Don't listen to husbands on directions or gardening or "what happened when" they are usually wrong, that is my experience.

Yes, Marley is coming along. Most RV people seem to have dogs. Some people even travel with their cats. I am in the "thinking" stage of getting a French bulldog. I know they are hard to find. It is our 25th anniversary next month and I am thinking we should do something really special for ourselves, maybe get another dog

Well, I am off for a walk now. Good for you Alice on your walking and point counting. Way to GO!

Have things got quieter for you around your place Ledom?

HI Lana!
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Old 05-22-2002, 11:58 AM   #5  
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Default Hey girls,

Oh my Alice, that is too bad about your plants. tsk, tsk

We had a cool snap with a record low of 45 in the evening this past week. Your cool weather will make me green with envy once summer really sets in here.

I got up in time for a paddling trip this morning. I guess I was out a couple of hours. About noon D and I are headed to big city for a shopping trip. We are stocking up on dorm room goodies! Fun, fun, fun. D is ready to move on.

Lentils and salad dressing were both so so. Nothing to write home about. I am going to have to do better. My eating and exercise has been good this week. Last night I really wanted to get up after I went to bed and eat more but I made myself stay put. Night eating has been a problem lately.

Well, I need to jump in the shower and wash off my sunscreen. Talk to you tomorrow.
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Old 05-22-2002, 07:08 PM   #6  
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Hello Girls!!

How is everyone these days.... I'm doing very well... Nothing new to report so this is why I haven't posted for a while... Last week and the past weekend were so-so, but tuesday and today have been really good... under 1200 calories...

Last edited by 3fcuser1058250; 05-22-2002 at 07:30 PM.
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Old 05-23-2002, 08:10 AM   #7  
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Angry Good morning,

We are having some great weather. It's supposed to be in the 70's today. We went to a local greenhouse and got some more flowers and we also bought 2 hanging tomato plants. We had another frost last night so DH has learned his lesson and the plants came in last night

Went to the Dr. yesterday, I am down 2 lb. from the last time I was there, she was pleased. She recommended that I read a diet book from Curves for Women. I went to a facility nearby and bought the diet book. For 2 weeks it is very restrictive, but you are only supposed to follow it 2 weeks. I haven't made up my mind whether or not to follow it. Along with the book, they gave me a brochure that gives you a look at what Curves is all about. I am thinking seriously of joining. I do have a lot of questions to ask before I commit to anything.

I have my weekly luncheon & shopping date with a GF. I really look forward to these.

ledom~How did your shopping trip with you D go? Hope you got a lot of "neat" stuff. Sorry your lentil dish and salad dressing didn't turn out very well. I hate when that happens.

judi~I really enjoy going places where pets are welcome. Pets should have some fun and new experiences. I love watching them when they see something new, I try to see it through their eyes.

Lana~I'm glad that your eating is going so well. Are you finally getting some decent weather where you are? I think our weather in NH is almost like what you are experiencing.

Take care and enjoy the day.

Last edited by aleka; 05-23-2002 at 08:12 AM.
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Old 05-23-2002, 08:20 AM   #8  
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Default mornin' ladies

How was the shopping trip Ledom? Find anything good.

The trip that we are leaving on today will be for 2 weeks. We are going to take our D and her dog Bentley. It will be our first whole family trip in about 7 years. Her BF is going to fly down to meet us. It will be her first time in an RV too. I will miss everyone's postings but will try to find an internet cafe or something just to see what you all will be up too.

I found a great mashed potato recipe in a quick cooking magazine, it is not diet food but I know that none of us would eat too much of it and we all would count and measure our 1/2 cup portion so with that disclaimer here it is:

3-4 large potatoes
1/4 (they said 1/2) cup butter
now the secret ingredient - 1/2 cup mayonaisse
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 - 1 tsp salt

just DELISH!!! I served with a veg. stew and a salad. Real down home cookin'!

Thank goodness for this beautiful weather we are having it just MAKES you want to go and walk.
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Old 05-23-2002, 08:26 AM   #9  
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Hi Alice! We must have been posting at the same time. What plants did you get?

I am glad to hear you are enjoying good weather too!

Keep us posted on the diet. Congratulations on the weight loss !!!
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Old 05-23-2002, 08:00 PM   #10  
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Hello girls....

How is everyone? Sorry abour the short posting last night, but I was fooling around with the colour and edited something and not all of my post came back... so since the computer is soooo slow and it was getting late here I just left it as it was...

Judi ~ your mashed potatoes sound delicious, I must try it ..... I'll share one with you too... I make this one at Christmas time... NOT a low fat one either....

5 lbs potatoes...cooked
1 cup of sour cream
1 cup of cream cheese
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper

This recipe even freezes well and I make it before the rush of the holidays and just take it out when the gang comes over... If you want to save some calories I've halved the sour cream and cream cheese with the same yummy effect......

But this is ONLY a Company's coming recipe...

Aleka ~ yes finally our weather is warming up .... Today was a gorgeous day... very breezy tho, and I really dislike the wind, it's my excuse not to go walking...I think I've mentionned my eye problem before, and it never fails dust gets in my eyes even with wrap around glasses and a baseball cap...GEEZZZZ I just got a light bulb moment!!...Hubby is not working tonite, I should just go put my glasses on (I wear contact lenses, because I cannot see very well with glasses) and go out walking with him...He can be my seeing eye guide... As soon as I finish this post that's what I'll do...

Ledom ~ so nice to see that you are kayaking so much... I haven't aquired a taste for lentils either I find them really dry... I do love chickpeas, my mom made a batch this week just plain, so I've been adding them to just about everything... I bought some Beano for the first time, boy that stuff really works, because usually I get so gassy from beans.... I will have to buy it by the bucket now!! Does anyone know if it has any adverse side effects?

Anyways I am going for a walk, because I have been pretty darn good with my food these last few days, and I have been to the gym 3 times this week, and I was sore every time and to me that's a sign that I've been working hard...the only thing missing this week is cardio, so of to walk I go.....

Later girls....


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Old 05-23-2002, 09:40 PM   #11  
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Default Hey,

it is good to hear from everyone. It sounds like everyone is very busy now. Me too - though the good kind of busy.

Shopping turned out very nice yesterday. I got new curtains for the kitchen which I just hung.They look nice and fresh. I also found a great outfit. One of the spring mix and match things that had been marked down. It was marked down 50% on the rack but the tags showed a 75% markdown. My kind of clothes shopping, not only was the price great it is just something I really love. Good color, good style, I felt very smug. I also picked up some magazines.

I went kayaking again this morning. I plan to hike tomorrow. Food is going pretty good too. I am getting back into a good range of calories though different activities on different days bring varying degrees of control over what is available to me at meal time. I am working on my mind-set about portion control and asking myself if I really need that cookie treat just because the person I am with is having it, that sort of thing. Hopefully by watching some of those habits instead of being obsessive about food will be helpful.

This afternoon I cleaned out one of my flower beds. I was thinking about you northern gals. I think my gardening schedule would work a lot better with your climate. I usually don't get around to thinking about my beds until early June which is about a month too late for here. Mostly because school is out now and I have more time. Anyway, I am trying to spend an hour or two each evening in my yard - there are so many things that need to be done!

Alice I hope your lunch turned out good and Lana that you had a good walk. Judi, we'll look forward to you checking in. Shebacat, I'd love to hear how you are doing these days.
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Old 05-25-2002, 10:20 AM   #12  
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Default Good morning,

and happy memorial day weekend to you Alice. Are you celebrating? I will go to a picnic with friends tomorrow but basically I will be at home.

I did an extra long hike this morning, about 1 1/2 hrs., I am not sure the distance but it felt good to get out and push myself a little. It has been a very good week exercise wise. Food hasn't been too bad either.

I have been working in my darkroom. I have about 12 rolls of film to develop so I have been working on that a little each day. I've been reading. I have had a great week all in all.

Next Wed. and Thurs. I am planning to camp out on the lake near my home. Not sure who will be joining me, probably a couple of girlfriends and perhaps D for one night. I'm looking forward to that. I am also planning a kayaking/island camping excursion in the not too distant future with my friend that I camped with last year.

Remember my tamale making day last winter? Well I am gearing up to do another day of that. I want to make a lot to freeze - I think they'll make good camp food. I also want to serve them at book club which meets at my house in July. I started buying the ingredients after my hike. I may get to the tamale making on Monday.

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Old 05-25-2002, 11:30 AM   #13  
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Angry Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

ledom, we will not be celebrating. There are all sorts of activies planned for the area, but the tourists will all be at them, and it will be just too crowded for me. So, we will stay home and do some yard work. Later on I will be planting some flowers in a planter we have at the end of our driveway. We had to go buy some new ones since the frost killed our other ones.

Yesterday we had to go to a wake down in Mass. A business acquaintance passed away earlier in the week. Coming home was horrible with all the holiday traffic heading for NH.

It sounds like you are going to be very busy these next few days ledom. A camping trip sounds wonderful and you will have a great time. Will you be doing any kayaking on this camping trip? What sort of books do you read for your book club? Do you all read the same books then discuss them, or do you read different books and discuss whatever book you read? Enjoy your tamale making day. I'll fly down to get a few to bring home

Hi Lana & judi!

Take care and enjoy the weekend.
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Old 05-27-2002, 11:09 PM   #14  
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Default Hi Ladies!

It is really nice to be in the US for Memorial Day weekend. We came down the I5 and were glad the traffic was not to bad at all. It has been worse other times when we have travelled.

We are enjoying California weather and sun.

Lana, thank you for the scrumptious sounding recipe! I will make it but you are right, it is a special one...just too good for every day!

How did the gardening go this weekend Alice? Bentley got bit by a red ant. Poor guy! He was walking on three legs after. We hid a baby aspirin in a grape, he was better about 6 hours later. Sorry to hear about your friend's passing away.

Hope you enjoy your camping trip Ledom. I love camping. When we got the RV we gave our stuff to the D and her BF. They are here with us. It is nice to have them along. Their energy level really kicks everything up a notch. What are you working on in the darkroom????

I started reading Dr. Phil's book today (you know that guy on "Oprah") my D gave it to me.

I will check in next opp. I get. Have a good week all!
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Old 05-28-2002, 08:13 AM   #15  
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Default Good morning all,

judi, it sounds like you are having fun. Glad D and her BF are along. Memorial day weekend was nice here too. Yesterday D and I made a gross of tamales. It was a good way to hang out for the holiday, she seemed to enjoy it. We were both tired though, it took us all day! We made a double batch of black bean and corn tamales, and a double batch of pork tamales. They are wrapped in pkgs. of 1 dozen and are in the freezer. On Sun. I spent the afternoon with friends. We ate all the traditional summer picnic foods and swam in the pool, it was very relaxing.

judi, I am just developing film now but it is mostly of my kayaking trips. I have yet to exhaust that subject. I still have a few rolls to develop so I'll work on that until I finish, then I'll think about printing.

I need to figure out how to clean my gutters today. I didn't do it this spring and during a downpour last night water came through the window sill into the house. Don't ask me how that happened, I'm just glad I discovered it when it happened instead of letting it sit all night. It's at times like these I really wish for a man around the house! Sigh.

Allice, I hope you and DH had a nice weekend staying out of traffic and relaxing at home. Lana, will your school be out soon? Do you have special travel plans for the summer?

I hope everyone had a good weekend.
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