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Old 06-13-2006, 04:08 AM   #1  
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Default What to do about my hair . . .

I've had long hair every since I was little . . . and I've NEVER had it cut short, ever. I wanted everyone's opinion on whether or not I should have a radical change and chop it all off. I think I've really hidden behind it for a long time and I think I might want a drastic change when I get to my goal weight. Here's how I look now:

Here's the back view:

Do you think I would look decent with a shorter haircut? And, yes, those are its natural waves, and I'm also wondering if cutting it short will make it really curly because dealing with its waves is a pain in the butt enough (with the frizz and all).

Another issue I'm having is that its the one thing I have always been complimented on (even at 300 pounds). You know that scene in Little Women where Jo sells her hair, and Amy gasps: "Jo, your one beauty!!!" I keep reliving that scene in my head.
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Old 06-13-2006, 04:51 AM   #2  
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Hmmm...You have really pretty hair. I say no to the whole chopping thing. I go from long to short once in a while (prolly 3 times in my life) and every time I say "NEVER AGAIN!" I geuss I have a poor memory My friend has hair as long maybe even longer than your and she cut it once as a teen...No bueno. You two even look alike! Try bangs or highlights first...see where that leaves you. BTW you loss is absolutely fantastic!
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Old 06-13-2006, 05:21 AM   #3  
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Hi there,
Firstly congrats on your loss - that is completly amazing!

Secondly. My advice - cut it! I always had long never saw a pair of scissors, so long I could sit on it. Then one day I decided I had enough, I was 23 years old and it was the best decision I ever made. I got it cut right up to my ears :-). It gave me a whole new lease of life and confidence I never knew I had. Much like you say, I hid behind my hair...people noticed it before they noticed me. I've since grew it again, and cut it, styled it etc the difference it makes is amazing. People just will not recognise you.

Go with your gut instinct, its only hair and it will grow back.
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Old 06-13-2006, 07:27 AM   #4  
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I would say cut it. I just got 11 inches cut off mine to donate to Locks of Love. It's a great organization that makes wigs for children with cancer. I would also suggest not to cut it too short at first. Maybe just to about the shoulder. It will always grow back if you don't like it.
Hope that helps.
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Old 06-13-2006, 07:37 AM   #5  
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Finn: You look just like a friend of mine that goes to my could be twins...except she has dark hair.

HCG: I think it's true that when someone hides behind their hair have slight insecurity issues. The fact that you're willing to go under the scissors speaks miles about your confidence level after losing weight and you're ready to really come out and shine. You're hair is GORGEOUS. You don't have naturaly frizzy hair, you have over worked hair. I'm looking at the last six inches of your hair and it's curlier than the rest and the weight of your hair MAY be making things appear smoother up top, but I think your frizzies are coming from this: Think of the last six inches of your long has that been on your head? How many times have those strands of hair been brushed, snagged, tugged, blow dried, ironed, hot rollered, etc. They've had about all they can take and they're springing up like curly ribbons on a present. Run the brush down then and BOING, up they curl. I'm looking at the upper to middle part of your hair and it looks shiney and like you'll end up with beautiful, healthy waves.

Trust're hair is NOT going to frizz up if you take some weight off it. My daughter's father is Italian/half Sicilian and has that frizzy afro-like hair. My daughter has her father's hair and really, really wanted to have straight blonde hair (like my son has - isn't it always the way that the boys get the features the girls want? Long eyelashes, beautiful hair, etc) So, I come from a long line of straight haired blonde Germans and with her blended gene pool, her hair is mostly very wavy, but in the front, from her ears forward, it's downright nappy. I'll try and attach a picture of her. If you run your hands from the top of her head to over her ears, her hair feels like crinkle cut french fries. Now, SHE has hair that if I cut it short, she'll have a complete and total afro. And she'd kill me in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping, I'm sure of it. So, we keep hers as long as possible and, I'm a hairdresser and I got one of the professional salon ceramic straightening irons and use that Chi stuff and her hair pretty much laughs at it and within an hour, it's well on its way to being back to normal.

Anyhow...I agree with both Finn and Stevie. How exhilarating it would be to hack it all off at might even be able to sell it, like Jo...but what a SHOCKER it would be!! Imagine if you took a picture of Katharine McPhee to your salon and had them cut off about 6 inches...maybe even a foot!...and ask for long, long layers...the layers should be no shorter than your chin. You will feel strong, healthy ends on your hair, no frizzies and you'll feel like a new woman! What you'll do is get some of that Fructis shampoo for Sleek and Shine and the matching conditioner....get some mousse or spray gel, towel dry your hair, brush it out with a nice paddle brush and then tip your head over and blow dry it that way. You can also get one of those big ceramic round brushes to smooth out the ends the way you want...the heat of the blowdryer heats ti up and it works like a big, giant 1980's brush curling iron.

Once you get that first chopping done, then you might think...hey, that was exhilarating!! and then you can always go back and go shorter if you want to. But be're hair is so gorgeous...I think people will always be noticing it.

Also...the most important thing...go to a well-recommended stylist...someone that is recommended by someone you know that has gorgeous hair. Do NOT scrimp on price on the stylist. We're talking about another appendage here of yours and you shouldn't trust it to just any ole hair stylist. I worked at Penney's for 10 years and other smaller shops for 10 more years and I've seen hacks, as well as great, stylists at both the big salons and the small ones. Look for someone that has great hair, that looks like it was well styled and, even if you don't know the person, go up and ask them who their stylist is and go there.

I wish you lived near me so you could come to my house...I'd make you look fabulous, dahling...

Good luck!!
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Old 06-13-2006, 07:49 AM   #6  
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I tried to post a picture of my daughters hair, but I'm on my Mac and it's not cooperating.
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Old 06-13-2006, 08:05 AM   #7  
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Ooooh! Those curls would look gorgeous in a shoulder length bob , just long enough to pull back on occasion and leave some tendrils around your face and loose on the side!

The Locks for Love idea is a good one

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Old 06-13-2006, 08:17 AM   #8  
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Originally Posted by techwife
Finn: You look just like a friend of mine that goes to my could be twins...except she has dark hair.
Ohh! how exciting - actually I have dark hair too so maybe we are! It is a small world after all...I badly want a picture of her now!
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Old 06-13-2006, 08:27 AM   #9  
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It's very long! I'm with Mel, I think it would be great cut just short enough to tie back but long enough to be softly tendrilly curly around your face. I wish I had curls.

I flip back and forth too. Just recently my daughter and I were looking at pictures. Since I've learned that I'm little and rather 'straight' ... we think I look like a boy with short hair. I like my ponytail
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Old 06-13-2006, 08:33 AM   #10  
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Harpo, you're so beautiful.
Your hair is too gorgeous to hack right off. I'd take about 18 inches off... the lessoned weight will feel and look wonderful.

I think the insecurity thing is true for some (not necessarily for you... I'm just talking generally), but on some people, long hair just looks better.
I've always had long hair (I keep it just below my shoulders now, although it used to be as long as yours), and it suits me. (so I've been told. ah, vanity. heh heh) Sometimes I envy those people with "the perfectly shaped head" for really short hair, but I'm never cutting my hair.
My 81 year old mother grew her hair again when she was about 60, and she always wears it up in a big messy bun on her head. It looks great... she's beautiful.
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Old 06-13-2006, 09:10 AM   #11  
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I agree with the 'cut it' people. I know that when I had my hair cut shorter, and got bangs (what we call a fringe), people said I looked 10 years younger. Many people didn't recognise me, but EVERYONE loved it.

I believe that a shorter style would be very flattering on you. I am trying to picture you with bangs, and I think they would suit the shape of your face. I do agree that you may want to still have it long enough to tie back though. That was the only rule I had when I got mine cut. I still wanted to be able to tie it back when I exercised. Mind you... I'm almost ready to go for something even more dramatic. I'll have to think about it a bit more though.

If you DO get it cut, don't forget to post a pic so we can all see the new you.

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Old 06-13-2006, 09:13 AM   #12  
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I was about to say donate it if you cut it but someones beaten me to it.

get it cut midlength to get used to it and then go for a short cut you have a great face shape.
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Old 06-13-2006, 09:24 AM   #13  
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I agree, you should cut it, but I'd go for a length that would fall to a little past your shoulders first. I once cut my hair from almost waist length to a chin-lenght bob, and it was a little too short for me at the time (too different). I am overdue for a haircut myself, and am planning to go a little bit longer that shoulder length and if I feel brave enough go shorter later in the summer. But I am taking baby steps - I don't want too much of a shock.
And definitely donate to Locks of Love! That would be awesome!
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Old 06-13-2006, 09:25 AM   #14  
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You have great hair!

I think you would be cute with hair a little longer than your shoulders. Cutting that much off will make you feel lighter, I chopped mine off about a month ago, and I felt lighter instantly. I agree with the locks of love. every two years I chop off 12-16 inches and donate it. I am getting to be a pro at styling my hair no matter what length it is.

All I know is don't do it till you are ready.

If you do it, I would love to see pictures of your new style.
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Old 06-13-2006, 09:43 AM   #15  
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Girl..your hair is gorgeous! If you do decide to cut it, go with about a inch or a little more then have long layers put in it. My step daughter did that and it really looked great. That way it won't be such a big move and you regret cutting too much. I also agree with the others about donating it to Locks Of Love.
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