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EZMONEY 11-23-2007 08:58 AM

Sure did like the way my TROJANS whipped up on #6 ASU last night.

That would be a good ORANGE Bowl game BECKY.

EZMONEY 11-24-2007 08:35 AM

Tough day for you HOOK-EM

BECKY that loss by LSU sure looks to help you out!

HookemHorns 11-24-2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by EZMONEY (Post 1939656)
Tough day for you HOOK-EM

BECKY that loss by LSU sure looks to help you out!

yah it sucks that we lost yesterday... but the sting isnt that bad cause we are still going to a bowl game...just dont know where yet. but im really happy for my conference, the big 12.... kansas and missouri are kicking butt and making our conference look good. i hope whoever wins (kansas or missouri) can kick OU's butt in the championship game cause i really dislike the sooners.

wow wvu is looking good right now.

and hoe about that game with tenn and kentucky....4 overtimes? :yikes:

mom2fivesweeties 11-24-2007 11:54 PM

CONGRATULATIONS MISSOURI TIGERS!!!:cheer2::cheer::congrat:

Rhighlan86 11-24-2007 11:58 PM

Big East Champs right here! Got my hotel room in Louisiana today! I'm so excited! Since Kansas lost we could very well be #1 right now, who'd a thunk it?!

DGAdDawg 11-26-2007 11:46 AM

Man, Kentucky let me down!! What I wouldn't give for my Dawgs to have another shot at UT or South Carolina(just to shut Spurrier up)...thats ok though. For a team that people thought was finished after the UT game, #4 in the country and a BCS bowl looks pretty good! Go Dawgs!!

HookemHorns 11-26-2007 05:37 PM

congrats on georgia girlie... i'm really bummed with what happened to the texas longhorns this past friday losing to A and M and all. but we'll get to go to some bowl game.. it's not gonna be a big one, but still... and plus we got mack brown as our coach, one of the best recruiters in teh country :) and our bball team is doing great right now soooooo i'll be looking for that college B BALL thread coming soon. i can't wait for march madness anyway :) :carrot::carrot:

EZMONEY 11-26-2007 08:48 PM

Hey DGAdDawg you might just end up playing my TROJANS in the Rose Bowl...assuming we get by UCLA on saturday...and WE WILL!

Hook-em i bumped up the basketball thread for ya.

DGAdDawg 11-27-2007 12:11 PM

Everyone is SO EXCITED about maybe going to the Rose Bowl..we haven't been since 1943! Its a bit too far for me to go, so I'll be watching at home, wherever we end up. My Dad says the Rose would be nice, but we might not want a piece of USC.

EZMONEY 11-27-2007 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by DGAdDawg (Post 1942697)
Everyone is SO EXCITED about maybe going to the Rose Bowl..we haven't been since 1943! Its a bit too far for me to go, so I'll be watching at home, wherever we end up. My Dad says the Rose would be nice, but we might not want a piece of USC.

Well DGAdDawg if they play like they did against ASU..you don't...if they play like they did against Stanford it is an easy win for you....we shall see what they are really made of against UCLA this Saturday....a lot is at stake...the Rose Bowl and revenge for not making the BCS Championship game last year...cross town rivals...always a good one!

melekalikimaka 11-27-2007 08:35 PM

I wanna see if my UH Warriors can keep their record pristine against UDub. and get to the Sugar Bowl :crossed: I'm hoping!!! Warrior fever is CRAZY here. Usually I don't give a rats patootie but this year's team is AWESOME!!! (and Colt Brennan is cute)

EZMONEY 11-27-2007 09:55 PM

I was beginning to wonder when you were going to show up and jump on the Warrior's bandwagon NOELLE ...they have had a great season! I think they can get UDUB!

HookemHorns 11-28-2007 01:03 AM

ok so im looking at the predicted bowl games for this year and here's what is almost written in stone.. and i'll post the relevant games for members whose teams are playing.

1.) texas vs. arizona state in the holiday bowl (yes i know.. the holiday bowl...)... hey at least its a bowl game.... and it's our turn to beat up on arizona state (i think ur trojans killed them Ezmoney). lol.

2.) rose bowl - usc vs. illinois..... if this happens Ezmoney, seriously man.....illinois.... their qb... i forgot his last name.. its juice something... man he is good.... and these guys beat ohio state when they were number one!!!! i hope john david booty is playing his best cause man....illinois is tough and they have heart. but i'll def. be watching this one.

3.) lsu vs. hawaii in the sugar bowl.... for the hawaii person (forgot the screenname) but man.....lsu are tough.. and if les miles is leaving lsu , he will want to go out with a bang... and plus lsu are gonna be pissed for losing their number one spot and try to take it out on hawaii.... if hawaii wants to show the big boys they can play (which i know they can), they better bring their A game to this cause what better way to impress the country than to beat LSU... everybody fears them. they play on a diff. level.

4.) fiesta bowl with georgia vs. ou... to that georgia bulldog chick. please crush OU for us longhorns.. seriously....

5.) bcs championship - west virginia vs. ohio state ??? what happened to missouri?? where are they playing? you see i think west virginia should be playing for the championship.. .but against ohio state? see this is why i think alot of poeple dont give the big 12 credit. we are a tough conference... heck, kansas and missouri were like in the top 5 last week. give us a little credit lol. but if ohio state plays for it, i hope the luck eyes lose. and plus pat white and stanton are quality.

anyway... these games aren't final and we should know the schedule after this weekend. happy football watching this weekend. i think the game to watch this weekend will be usc vs. ucla and missouri vs. ou. just my 2 cents.

DGAdDawg 12-01-2007 09:42 AM

Bumping up for a big championship day!!

I'm confused on who to cheer for...my heart tells me LSU, because I hate the University of Tennessee with the passion of a thousand firey suns. Seriously. More than I hate florida! But I think if LSU wins, they may jump past us and hurt our bowl chances....man, what a crazy season this has been!

Rhighlan86 12-01-2007 10:53 AM

I'm so excited, it's gameday and the biggest gameday of our year. I'm trying not to count my chickens, but it's hard. I've put down a deposit in New Orleans so I'm hoping things go OK, but I know theres still a chance they might not. Soo nerve-wracking ;) Here's a poem though to get any WVU fans out there excited for gameday


Twas the night before Pittsburgh , when all through my mind,
Were visions of couch burnings, both yours and mine.
Firemen were resting and acting quite lazy,
But they knew that things were about to get crazy.
The players were nestled, Markell did his dreds,
While visions of Bourbon Street danced in their heads.
There were Quinton's gold teeth, Larry's son in his lap,
While the quarterback made noises to sound like a cat.
When down in the end zone there arose such a noise,
They sprang from their homes and called all their boys.
To the field they flew, fast as Devine,
Making sure to pick up the offensive line.
The invaders had arrived at the stadium early,
These Panthers were looking noticeably surly.
There was a point to this late-night trip through the hills,
They were out on the field doing defensive drills.
With a dapper old coach who combed his mustache,
You knew in a moment it must be Wannstedt.
He'd made his name as a defensive master,
And he whistled and shouted for them to run faster!
"Watch Slaton! Watch Schmitt! Watch Reynaud and White!
Watch option! Watch bubble! Could be a rough night!
Let's stand at the goal line and build a big wall,
And keep them from their shot to play for it all!"
As they began to believe his bold rally cry,
There was a flash and a pop up high in the sky.
They reacted the same, with a quick double take,
What they saw made them stop in their cleats and quake.
On the top of the stadium a man made his stand,
As he calmly adjusted his Nike wristbands.
He said "My name's Rich, as you surely know,"
Then ran down the bleachers with Mountaineers in tow.
They were dressed all in gold, from their heads to their feet,
And they looked like they'd win a 12-team track meet.
A bundle of plays he had in his book,
And there was no mistaking that confident look.
Pitt's eyes, how they widened! Their hearts, how they pounded!
All for the biggest game since this brawl was founded.
One side had momentum, the other desperation,
This battle wouldn't wait for the eyes of the nation!
Caridi was roused from a much-needed sleep,
So were Hickman and Hertzel, the last with a bleep.
They brought their pens, paper and elaborate prose,
To witness this battle of bitter old foes.
It was dark and cold, your breath you could see,
But that didn't stop the kickoff of Pat McAfee.
The tackle, of course, came from an old Hawk named Emery,
And so started this game that would soon be a memory.
They spoke so few words as they went to work,
But score after score drove the visitors berserk.
The Mountaineers rolled, as was expected,
While the Panthers backed off, clearly dejected.
There was a Gatorade shower that gave poor Rich shivers,
While no one seemed happier than one Vaughn Rivers.
They exclaimed after singing about Almost Heaven,
"Well see you in New Orleans on January 7."

-Author unknown (to me...all props to whomever they are.)

Let's GOOOOOOOOOO, Mountaineers!!!

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