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Old 03-22-2007, 01:06 AM   #1  
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Default Eating healthy when your family dosent?

I am 13 and at HIGH risk for diabetes and I have an Insulin handling problem( real quick one way to see if you do have a problem is if you have like a brown ring around your neck that just looks like dirt. I had it an went in for blood testing and luckly tested negative) and I need some healthy easy to prepare recipes and how to remind myself to not splurge as I often do ( I am homeschooled so I am tempted all day by that evil fridge) If anyone has any help or advice Id be extremely grateful.
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Old 03-22-2007, 12:30 PM   #2  
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cut down on anything with sugar (desserts, carbs and veggies) glen
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:18 PM   #3  
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Have you tried talking to your parents? I would hope that, as a 13 year old at high risk, they would be open and receptive to working with you to make some changes - if not to the way everyone eats, at least with regards to helping YOU out. I'm a mother of a preschooler with T1 diabetes, and let me tell you, I would do ANYTHING to make my son well. Unfortunately, with T1 changes to diet and lifestyle don't do a darned thing.....but with T2, which is what you're at risk for, you CAN. You can make changes and prevent this disease, and I would encourage you to talk with your parents about how you're feeling. Even if they aren't willing to completely overhaul the way they eat, would they make some allowances? Maybe 1 or 2% milk instead of whole, diet soda instead of regular, not adding butter to the veggies before they hit the table...things like that? Maybe your mom can start buying veggies that you can cut up and keep in the fridge for some popcorn that you can eat instead of some fruit just for you? It doesn't mean they ALL have to change the way they eat (though that wouldn't be a bad thing!), just that they start considering you and your health a little more.

If for any reason that gets you nowhere, then you'll have to do what you can - try to limit your intake of refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, processed baked goods..snack cakes, cookies, crackers, chips, etc.) and sugars (regular soda, candy, etc.) and focus on eating lean protein (chicken breast, turkey, fish, etc.) and veggies as the "bulk" of your meals. You do also need a certain amount of healthy fat in your diet - avocado, nuts (just don't overdo the portions!), and olive oil are great sources. When you eat, you can help prevent a spike in blood sugar by balancing your meals with protein AND carbs - so, an apple with a bit of natural peanut butter, for example, or a cheese string with some triscuits. At mealtimes, try to find little ways to control the calories - have a smaller portion of whatever is there, scrape cheese off of things, etc. Also, that dreaded word - exercise. Even just as brisk a walk as you can manage, 20 minutes a few times a week is a great place to start.

I wish you all the best, and really hope that you will be able to talk with your parents and resolve this - changing habits is hard, but I have to believe that they would do whatever it takes to keep you healthy.
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:53 PM   #4  
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Talk to your parents and to your doctor. You should be set up with a consult with a dietian specializing in insulin resistance who can educate you AND your parents on how to eat.

At 13 you absolutely should not be alone on taking care of this. But kudos for you trying to learn to manage this!

Basic "diabetic" guidelines are try to keep carbohydrates, protein and fat balanced. Since you are not yet diabetic you may not have to be QUITE as stringent, but eating "as if" you were diabetic most of the time can help.

Basic guidelines:

1. Always have some carb, some fat and some protein with each meal and snack. It sounds odd at first, especially if you need to lose weight, but dont just have an apple for a snack, have an apple with peanut butter

2. Avoid processed foods as much as possible - white bread, sugary foods, chips etc. Fruit juice is also not great.

3. Ask your parents to help you have healthy snacks around. Fruit, veggie sticks with low fat dip, nuts etc so you have plenty of choices. Ask your parents to please help you by either removing the worst contents of the "evil fridge" or by isolating the worst culprits to a drawer or cabinet where they are not staring at you.

4. EAT OFTEN. The best way to control blood sugar is to eat small snacks frequently.

5. DO NOT go "low carb". This can back fire seriously, your body can have more difficulty processing carbohydrates if it has been on a low carb plan. Also I take exception to an earlier post that advises avoiding veggies. Vegetables are the BEST thing you can eat. Try to start each meal with veggies.

You really should talk to your doctor about guidelines. At your age, weight loss, if needed, has to be handled carefully to not interfere with puberty and growth. Depending on where you are in your growth, you may just need to "hold steady" for a couple years.
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