3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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srmb60 06-23-2007 07:42 PM

Good evening my friends. I'm in one of those slow headache-y reflective moods tonight. Simply waiting for it to be a decent time for an adult to go to bed ;)
Today the scale said 128.0 ... again. I was clipping along pretty good there for a couple of weeks. sigh
The worst part is that I know what's going on. It's exercise or the lack thereof.sigh All I have to do is walk almost every day sigh

On a happier note ... I think I'm getting the hang of grilling vegetables. Last night we had zucchini and onions and peppers. Today we had broccoli and cauliflower. I liked last night's better. I think I'll see if I can find asparagus for tomorrow.

Mudpie 06-23-2007 09:51 PM

Oil the veggies?

Originally Posted by SusanB (Post 1744903)

On a happier note ... I think I'm getting the hang of grilling vegetables. Last night we had zucchini and onions and peppers. Today we had broccoli and cauliflower. I liked last night's better. I think I'll see if I can find asparagus for tomorrow.

We had grilled asparagus at a friend's - yummy! Never would have thought of it myself. Do you oil your veggies before grilling or just put them on plain?


Treighsie 06-23-2007 11:24 PM

10,000 steps a day, huh? Thanks for that info- now I have a concrete number to strive for!!
Can you wear a pedometer during cardio exercise? Does it work/count?

BlueToBlue 06-24-2007 04:40 AM

Alinnell, I also want to finish everything in front of me whether I'm hungry or not. I don't fight it; I just make sure that the portion in front of me fits into my calories for the day. But I pretty much don't go back for seconds. This includes veggies. This is partly because I have a rule that everything I make has to feed use for at least two nights (and I have some recipes that feed us for three or four nights). I had this rule long before I started counting calories; the main purpose of it is to save me from having to cook every single night. If I go back for seconds, I'm eating my dinner for the next night and won't have anything to eat then (or, God forbid, will have to cook something).

Kate, I could never survive eating that infrequently. I eat 3 meals and at least 3 snacks, sometimes 4 on most days. Breakfast is 9 AM (even if I get up earlier, I'll wait until 9 AM to eat); lunch is a noon, the first afternoon snack is at 2 PM, the second afternoon snack is at 5 or 6 PM, dinner is at 8 or 9 PM, and I have one more snack at 11 PM. I don't usually go to bed until midnight or later. Sometimes I have a mid-morning snack as well. I limit the calories in my meals to make sure I have room for the snacks.

Aqua, where do you find these awesome sample sales?

srmb60 06-24-2007 05:49 AM

Morning everyone!

Dagmar ... my daughter gave me an oil spritzer. I think it's Pampered Chef. I put olive oil and balsamic vinegar in it.

Kate ... I'm with everyone who suggested you try some small snacks. A yogurt, a cup of cheerios ... just something to stave off the "rush to stuff" at meal times. Yesterday, for instance, I eat on purpose five times (and then there was the cake :o too)

Mudpie 06-24-2007 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by SusanB (Post 1745170)
I'm with everyone who suggested you try some small snacks. A yogurt, a cup of cheerios ... just something to stave off the "rush to stuff" at meal times. Yesterday, for instance, I eat on purpose five times (and then there was the cake :o too)

It's working for you Susan. You've been under 130 lbs for a month! :congrat:

Dagmar :cool:

srmb60 06-24-2007 06:23 AM

Aw Dagmar ... thanks! :hug: I guess I have. Must remember to count my blessings.

canadian mom 06-24-2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Treighsie (Post 1745053)
10,000 steps a day, huh? Thanks for that info- now I have a concrete number to strive for!!
Can you wear a pedometer during cardio exercise? Does it work/count?

yes exercise steps count but most pedometers have a setting for it and it normally takes 10 mins of exercise before it reads aerobic steps.

michelinwoman 06-24-2007 09:56 PM

You know something? I never had a problem with intuitive eating until I started dieting! I always used to eat when hungry and stop when full (but ate anything I wanted and as much of it...oreos...ice cream...mac&cheese...etc). I used to eat an entire medium pizza myself and always was about 15 lbs underweight! Now....I obsess over what I "shouldn't" have...it's like I'm rebelling against my own will!

Good news is that I am SLOWLY losing weight. I had an egg with a piece of toast for breakfast today; ckn enchilada, refried beans, ckn taco and regular coke for lunch; slimfast for dinner. Not sure if that counts as a bad day or not. I tried to make up for the lunch with a slimfast! I need to start walking again...my walking buddy bailed on me for good and it is hard to get motivated alone. Too bad none of you "chicks" live in the area!

srmb60 06-25-2007 08:35 AM

Time for a new thread my friends. Are ya comin'?


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