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crk05 12-13-2005 09:16 AM

Good morning everyone! This is just a quick post because I have to run off to school soon. It's a lovely cold (by FL standards) day today. I get to pull out my coat for the third time this year! :cool:

A couple of good things: yesterday I wrote my law school personal statement :D, at least a draft, and today I'm going to proofread it and maybe get it out the door! LOL :lol: Gary at my husband writing about me. I'm sure he could come up with a few pages! Also, I tried on a pair of my "medium" jeans today and THEY FIT!!! Only three weeks ago I couldn't even button them. I am doing a happy dance right now! :dancer:

A big :welcome2: to fitchick2be. You'll love it here! And hi again Baileysmomma! :wave: So glad you came back!

I don't have time to write any more, but everyone have a fabulous day!


Blondee51 12-13-2005 09:19 AM

OH I wanna be here too! I will go back and read a couple pages of posts to catch up....
Lori......My mouth fell open and my heart jumped up at your description of what happened to you!
I have Meniere's disease.....very same symtoms..started when I was 22, and wasn't properly diagnosed until 1990 when I was taking care fof myself and got to an ENT. I lost 80% hearing on the right side and then 5.5 years ago it attacked the left side. I spent 7 months in relapse last year. Each relapse took a bit more hearing with it. I am praising God that I've not had a single attack this year and am praying for a life long remission.
I would highly reccomend that you do a search on Meniere's symtoms and check with your ENT. The stress load you've been under is a tremendous trigger, the fluid imbalance and potassium depletion as well. I will be sending up prayers big time for you!

To the rest of this awesome group......I am blessed to be here and the support and encourgaement I've seen in my moments here is unbelievable!! I thank God I got in here! Have a blessed day.....

Mitchypoo 12-13-2005 11:49 AM

I think Wilma gave me a cold... :( ;) just kidding. But I did get hit with a really bad cold yesterday. I went to take a nap because i was so tired and i woke up with a bad sore throat, itchy ears, snotty.... Taking zinc lozenges and vit c and tea... well, actually having some :coffee: this a.m.

Mom made a cheesecake for my brother's party at the place he lives during the week. They were going to put together a cookbook but had a low response so not having the party. But mom made the cheesecake cuz it takes 3 DAYS!! So now what? We don't want to eat it. I suggested we take it to the Fire Dept. and they liked that. I'll take it down there today after i finish decorating it.

Going back to bed for awhile i think....

doitforme 12-13-2005 12:22 PM

Busy Busy week, I have a client home this week with CHF and complications from CA They believe it is back she has been a breast cancer survivor for about 6 yrs now and her tumor markers have been climbing and they couldn't find it, she started haveing breathing complications and she was diagnosed with pleural effussion, and CHF- means cavity around lungs and heart filling with fluid they put her on lasix but she having problems her name is maryann she had a chest x-ray and they found a soft tissue nodule on the same side cancer was on, in her lung field so probably is now going to be diagnosed with lung ca. Prayers for her would be greatly appeciated. Other than that very busy getting ready for Christmas. but wanted to post as had been a few days.
E.Z.- Your welcome! TSO will be in Albany right before Christmas, but I won't get a chance to see them. Rub it in, nice weather, its about 10 below last night here we are having a cold snap, so our attire is jacket sweatshirt, boots, scarf mittens bundled, need to put a rush on that heat :D Just kidding personally love the change in season.
Marykay- Thanks! They are awesome. check it out.
Sprout- Sounds great dinner out- no mess, and if your with friends and family, no problem.
Christina- Congrats down 2.5 and into your med. jeans way to go girl
Wilma- Happy quilting, keep ya warm well your working on it.
Lori- wow, scary- glad everything worked out.
Mitchy- You and junior sound like a good match, and everything is going well
prayers for debbie continue. How do you make homemade marshmellows sounds interesting.
Hi to all newbies- Baileysmom, shirl and fitchick to be. Hi to everyone else that I missed. Gotta run and go shopping. catch ya later.

crk05 12-13-2005 12:27 PM

Hi everyone, just checking in at lunchtime!

Blondee :welcome3: I think you'll find that this is a very warm, supportive group!

Sue - hi! I will keep your client in my prayers. I'm sorry to hear about what's happening with her.

Michele - I hope you feel better soon!

Margie B. 12-13-2005 12:52 PM

Busy time. . .
Since this thread has become so busy of late it's hard for me to find time to catch up with all the reading - much less try to do any posting. Unfortunately don't have much time today either, leaving in 45 min. or so, am practicing with the kids at school for their C'mas program on Thursday nite, it's our first 'run through'. The past couple weeks have been very hectic, 'The Nutcracker' is finally over, wonderful time last weekend, DD did a fabulous job (of course, not that I'M biased???) but it was several final long-g-g days, late practices, etc. Had to work on dispatch every Monday and Friday again and will probably through December & January and who knows how much longer after that??? We don't even have our Christmas tree up yet. . . much less any decorating in the house/yard or presents purchased or wrapped. . . shall I say I'm a little behind??

EZ - did see the last five minutes or so of the Heisman, glad Reggie won. We were really impressed by his acceptance speech, thanking God first, his Christian Mom and Christian upbringing and then when he broke down thanking, I assume 'step', father for taking him in and being so kind, well DD and I both had the tissues out for that one. . . seems like a wonderful young man, - will be watching him also for the drafts, - I think da Bears would be a good team, don't you??? Speaking of 'my' Bears, they're actually doing pretty well and don't know how after I saw their performance this last weekend against the Steelers, ooooh, they were awful! Dinner once again sounds delish. . . what time did you say??? ANGIE: I think we have another 'Potter' fan in our midst. . . did you see the quote after Christine's posts???

Lori - Glad to hear you're doing well after that scare. Sounds like boring is never a word used around your house. The pics of the kids are great, especially with all the snow!!

Michele - Continued prayers for Denise, not only the illness but relations with her family also, must be difficult for you as a friend, to see all this going on and not be able to help. I'm sure just you being with her has given her much comfort. I like Junior too, - sounds like he's a keeper!!! So happy things are going well for the two of you.

Hi to all our newbies, it's great to have so many come on board. Please come back often and let us know what you're into and if we can help with your weight loss journey. This group is good to provide lots of encouragement and many prayers. Gotta run, off to school to see all 'my' kids and get their Christmas program going. Hugs & prayers - Margie

Mitchypoo 12-13-2005 01:16 PM

I have an interview for a temporary full time job this Thursday, so prayers please. It would last 2-3 months and the pay is good so who knows. It could be just what i need right now.

klynntx 12-13-2005 02:16 PM

Christmas Greetings All
It's been ages since I checked in.... :( might was well be considered a newbie revisited....

So sorry to hear that so many of you are not feeling well. Wishes for speedy recoveries all around. :hug:

So much going on these days....sounds the same for y'all too.

Michelle, good luck with the interview. Will be praying you get the job.

ok, so here's the latest update with our family....

Richard (DH) ran a 50k on Saturday and is still madly training :tread: for his 100k trail run the first weekend in January. Please pray for his training and also that he remains healthy so that he can complete the course.

Jennifer, daughter #1 is graduating with high honors from Georgia Tech on Saturday. YAY! :hat: :hat: :cp: :bravo: :woo: One down, and one more to go. The hard work has paid off. Jennifer landed a job at Shell Chemicals near New Orleans starting in February. God is good! She'll be house/apartment hunting next week so we pray for a safe environment for her.

Christina, daughter #2 starts her student teaching after the Christmas holidays. Pray for wisdom for her. She's finding that the 7th and 8th graders she's been working with do not know how to multiply or divide. :yes: Many of the students are the "problem children" of the school. It will be a struggle but hopefully she can get them excited and help them see their potential.

Joey, daughter #1's pet rabbit - anyone have a pet rabbit out there? She's been a bit of trouble this week....she chewed through the tv cord and some speaker cables..:o ..luckily she wasn't electrocuted but Jennifer can't quite figure out if she was affected by it. Will have to get the house rabbit proofed before she comes back for a visit.

For me, things are heating up at work. :sp: We have one of our biggest student events coming up in February....and students signing up for mission trips for the summer. There's new talk of a new computer registration program but they haven't taken the time to teach me how it works so it will be a little stressful. Don't you just love change? :dizzy:

We leave Thursday night after work to drive to Atlanta for graduation and will be driving back on Monday. We'll get to check out the new Atlanta Aquarium, I hear it's fantastic.

I'll try to keep up better.....but if I don't get back on before Christmas....
Everyone have a most blessed Christmas. ;) :tree:

mom2fivesweeties 12-13-2005 02:16 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Had the carotid ultrasound today and they said the results should be at my doctor's office by Thursday. We'll see what that brings.

Michele: Will be praying for the job - may God's will be done. I hope you start feeling better. Send the cheesecake here! We love it! Omigosh, I am being so bad! :hungry: :rofl:

Margie: You are right, it's never boring here that's for sure! It sounds like you are really busy too though! The Christmas programs are awesome though aren't they?

Sue: I will be praying for Maryanne.

Bren: Oh boy, I did some studying on Meniere's and not only did I have the episode on Friday, but I've had slight dizziness upon arising, a fullness in my left ear, ringing in the ears, extremely bothered by loud noises, tunnel vision and Bob (my dh) swears I can't hear - I talk very loudly - I will definitely speak with my MD about it on Monday at my appt. Thanks for letting me know and I'll pray for your situation with it!

Christina: GREAT on the law school paper AND the jeans! YOU GO GIRL!!!:carrot:

Wilma: Thanks for the nice post about Mike - I'll pass that along to him! Aren't real trees great? I used to love the fresh trees, but we don't buy them anymore due to the $$$$ - we bought a tree for $20.00 last year at a closeout after Christmas and it's so pretty! For some reason I can't smell much of anything anymore anyway!

HI TO EVERYONE ELSE AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!:ginger: :tree: :candy: :wreath:

Blondee51 12-14-2005 10:13 AM

Good morning crew!
Wow....what a great place this is! Thanks for the warm welcomes and what a GREAT prayer team here!! I am priviledged to be a part of it.

I'll be off and running to my Mom's as soon as I pick my truck up from the shop. She's been in for a tad over two weeks but they had a loaner car for me. I am spoiled to stepping UP to get IN not stepping up to get out! Yikes!Hauling my hiney up out of a go-cart is hard work ya'll!

Lori! Good for you....checking info already. The more we know, the better we can deal with what life throws us. We know too, that however high the hurdle, with God's strength and power we can pass over it. Thanks SO much for prayers in my behalf! I have hearing aids and am having to use 'em for work/play/TV watching etc. and I'd rather not wear 'em out. My left one has been in the shop 3 times in the last year and a half! The gift of birds singing and laughter is SO tremendous......and I took 'em for granted until I became ill. The gift of the senses is truly awesome! Hey...your sense of smell may be affected by what's going on now......our sinuses are so connected to the ear thing!

I'm gonna boogy.....I have my cell on, waiting for the call to collect my truck. I took the go-cart in for a fill up and wash earlier and will be shouting so loud ya'll may hear me, when I get my little red truck back..Happy B-day to ME!

have a blessed day all........I will be adding your names and needs to my prayer list today. I'll be back!
Love and hugs..bren

Margie B. 12-14-2005 12:57 PM

Great News ! !
Received an email from my neice and saying that her brother (my nephew) Adam's unit has begun deployment. :carrot: :cb: :flow2: Apparently he got her off a quick email and now she's spreading the word. Needless to say we're all very happy about this. :dance: :dance: We don't know exactly his location but last we were told that it was 'very dangerous'. Last 'known' area was Baghdad. Unsure as yet when he'll get home but please continue to keep him and his unit in your prayers as well as the unit coming in to replace them.

Also received an email from my ex-pastor's wife, check out this website: andiesisle.com/thefirstchristmasgift.html very pretty and worth your time.

Bren - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :hb: Have any special plans for the day. . dinner, etc? :woo:

Lynn - we also were rabbit owners, Sugar, our solid white dwarf. Unfortunately Sugar died early September. We had her for over seven years. The pet store said they 'typically' live between 3 & 5 years so I guess we had been doing something right. Our rabbit also would chew any wire that came half-way close to her, we've lose numerous lamp cords, game cords, and even a VCR cord once! Great news also for DD, we'll keep her in our prayers that the job works out and for the safe environment (living & at work). Keep us updated!

Hello to all else. Got Christmas program practice again with the kids this afternoon, it's K-3 and I just love being around all them, :twirly: they are so precious! Hugs & prayers for a great day! - Margie

crk05 12-14-2005 02:53 PM

Hi everyone! This is just sort of a quick post because I have a pretty busy day (unexpectedly) today. I just now got to eating lunch - some beef and beans, I wish it was :jeno:!

I am going to a Christmas party this weekend. I am excited but feeling a little apprehensive (not diet related). The hostess is five months pregnant (having a baby boy!), and I am so very happy :) for her and her husband, BUT I just suffered a miscarriage less than two months ago. A little worried :( that hearing all the baby talk will make some of the emotions well up inside of me. So just a tiny prayer request there. That aside, I can't wait to get a lovely dose of holiday cheer :coolsnow: and see a lot of old friends. I also have my Christmas cards almost finished so that's a load off my mind! Whew! :carrot:

So, I hope you all have a great afternoon! I have to finish eating and get back to work!

klynntx - I added your daughter to my prayer list. I'm sure that she can bring out the potential in those young kids. It sounds like she's up for the challenge!

Bren - Happy Birthday To You! :hb: Make sure you celebrate tonight!

Lori - thanks for your motivating words yesterday. I am so happy to be making progress with the law school apps and the diet! :cb:

Mitchy - I will pray that you have a successful job interview on Thursday. Please keep us posted on what happens!

Margie - praying that Adam and his unit return home safely!

beth1167 12-14-2005 03:19 PM

:dizzy: It's hard to keep up with everyone, so here's a general post.

The last couple of days have been pretty blah. I went to the doctor (rheumatologist sp?) that has been treating me for what she original said might be rheumatoid arthritis. Now she wants me to have nerve testing to rule out carpel tunnel syndrom. I have had pain/numbness etc in both of my hands and arms for the last 3 years or so (off and on). Pray that they figure out what it is. I have a young cousin that had similar problems. Her doctor told her to lose weight. She did and the problems went away. I wonder if mine may be completely weight related.

Yesterday I was driving down a stretch of road that was somewhat busy. This is road that has 2 lanes both ways, divided by a median and with trees on either side. A rarity in Houston. I saw a dog wandering around and I remember thinking........oh boy, not a good place for a dog to be. The thought crossed my mind that someone should do something before it gets hurt. The thought was fleeting and I soon forgot about it and drove on. Well this morning I drove down the same road on the way to work and I saw the dog dead on the side of the road. And that pretty much dictated the rest of the day for me.:(

Anyway, enough bringing everyone down. Sorry, not my usual self. It is good to see everyone is doing well though.

Till next post........

fitchick2be 12-14-2005 10:16 PM

Hi, everyone. I started eating better today, and that lasted until lunch!! I blew it big time the rest of today. Oh, well. I'll start over tomorrow.

EZMONEY 12-14-2005 10:26 PM

Wednesday Night
HI GALS:wave:

Waiting for pizza to come for my nephew and I. Angie has her monthly BUNKO going on tonight, my daughter went with her :barf: :barf:boyfriend:barf: :barf: to a pizza parlor, son is at the high school he teaches, at working the clock for the basketball game, step-d with her dad. So just me and the knucklehead nephew!!;)

BETH~Gee...let's see...weight goes away and feeling comes back? Sounds like a win-win to me ;) I know how you feel about the poor dog...:( just last week I saw one on the side of the road while I was taking my nephew to school...had a collar too. a sheriff was standing by it making a call...I think he dragged him out of the middle of the street...stayed with me all day. I have 2 golden retrievers that will get out at times, when my nephew or step-d doesn't close the door all the way, they go after someone walking their dog....to say HI!!.... but...there is a lot of traffic on my street. Angie and I have been thinking about getting the "electric fence" for them.

CHRISTINA~I am so sorry for your miscarraige. I cannot begin to share in that pain...but I can tell you...go out and be just as happy as you possibly can for your friend! God will work it through your life in a good way...I know you can't see that now...but HE WILL!! HE PROMISES US THAT!! My prayers are with you and your husband. Come on over and share the :jeno: with my nephew and I!

MARGIE~So glad to hear Adam is coming home. Juan is in the Baghdad also...he comes home in Jan. He has already opened up his Christmas package from me...nothing but "junk", a Hooters T-shirt and calander...he loves it!! That is where we go when he is on leave to welcome him back or send him off! You are right about Reggie Bush...I have followed him for 5 years now and it sure appears he is "legit" as the kids say. His step-father married his mom when he was 2, his dad had nothing to do with him when he was younger, I think he is trying to "get back into" Reggie's life...hope it works for Reggie's good...He would look awesome as a BEAR...in the "Sweetness" and Sayers....but...hummm....I think he looks much better wearing the RAIDER BLACK AND SILVER!!!! ....but as bad as we are...we won too many...hahahaha...games 4!...wow!! 4 stinkin' wins...looks like I owe my Bear fan buddy his 6 pack this year!! Try to stay "up" through the Christmas season with those "calls"!! Did I ever tell you that Angie went to high school with one of the Superbowl Bears? what was it '85 or so...anyway he was one of the ones the show Still Standing with Jamie Gertz if you ever watch that...she isn't here and I don't recall his name.

BREN~:woo: :gift: :hb: :bravo: :hat: :dance: :balloons: Happy birthday! I hope you got your truck!!

LORI~Angie and I bought a fake tree when the kids quit wanting to go pick one out. We love ours!! K-Mart special!! 6 years old and still looks as good as the day we got her;) Dogtown sounds good to me!! My congrats to Mike!! I "PERSONALLY" know how hard it is to quit smoking...but I am going on 8 years now of NOT doing it. Wish I was his age when I quit!!

KYLNNTX~Glad all is well...have a safe trip.

MICHELE~Good luck with the job interview. Sounds like :love: with Jr.;)

AUNT SUE~Still sending the :sunny: How are those costumes doing? Prayers for your patient. Do get to spend some extra time with your family over Christmas? Hugs to the neices...

HILARY~Hope all is going well.

WILMA~Take it easy on all that baking...make sure to hide those cookies where "you" can't find them;)

ALANA JO~ Just love the boy's names!


Well pizza has been here...getting cold...later.........Gary

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