Discomfort when Walking....

  • Usually walking is not that bad for me, but lately (last month or two) I have had a hard time! I usually am the last one to take a seat and can walk pretty good for a long time. Walking around the mall for hours was normal. But recently my lower back and legs start to tense up and makes it uncomfortable to walk...and my feet have been KILLING me have you had that problem before? Is my weight catching up with me all in one fell swoop...right when I'm trying to get everything together??
  • Maybe it is time to get new shoes for walking! That did wonders for me!
  • It could be your shoes (it helps to invest in a good pair of walking shoes). Do what you can in terms of walking, but the key is to make sure that you are under your calories for the day. It is much easier to lose weight by controling the input (the food you eat) than the output (the exercise you do). Exercise is important, but it will get easier over time as you drop weight.

    As you lose more weight, exercise (walking) will be easier so you can walk more. As you walk more, you will lose more weight. .
  • Make sure you have new shoes, stretch after each workout...
  • I agree with getting new shoes.
    I went through something very similar, and found that getting a very cushioned pair of walking shoes (actually splurged on Skechers Shape-Ups) helped my back, legs and feet a LOT. I can walk more, am more comfortable, and am losing weight.... which helps the back, leg and foot pain!

    When my legs would tighten, it was almost as if my calves were blocks of wood.... I was having to take baby steps, my legs were too stiff to really be able to move....VERY disconcerting! Needless to say I wasn't doing much walking at that point!
  • You know I had thought about shoes...I'm thinking New Balances?? Any suggestions....affordable suggestions...lol
  • You have to try the shoes on... it's what's best for you. You should also spend the extra for the shoes it's well worth it in the long run...You only have one body and you have to be good to it...
  • Quote: You know I had thought about shoes...I'm thinking New Balances?? Any suggestions....affordable suggestions...lol
    I agree w/ Ilene that trying on the shoes will be your best way to figure out what's the best option for you. Personally, I went w/ K-marts knock-off version of Skechers shape-ups. They're called Therashoe and I got them on sell for $19.99. The extra cushioning helps w/ the pains I used to get in the arches of my feet.
  • Any possibility of getting in the water for some zero impact exercise? Swimming is good, but if you can find a gym that offers water aerobics its awesome! I did it years ago when I was young and fit and there were folks of all sizes in the class.

    I wouldn't think walking would suddenly up and become a problem for you unless you are walking more than normal and the increased exercise is putting too much strain on your body. This can happen to anyone at any weight if they exercise too hard before their muscles, ligaments, tendons and even bones are strong enough. What constitutes 'too hard' is a very individual thing and only something you can determine.

    I agree with everyone who has said get good shoes. Don't skimp. What you spend on shoes will save you injuries. For those if us that are heavy I think good shoes are even more critical. I'm a beginner jogger and just got my first pair of custom fit shoes from a local running store. The shoes (mine turned out to be New Balance) are awesome and it was a good experience. I was not the biggest person in the store getting fitted for shoes (I felt a little nervous going in as a fat runner. Felt good to see I wasn't the only one!). Some folks were getting walking shoes. The staff was great and my shoes have made a world of difference in how I feel during and after runs. Personally, I will not skimp on shoes!!

    I hope you can walk comfortably soon.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions...I am looking into getting some True Balance by New Balances in black...i appreciate all the help...i know i'm late LOL
  • Another thought -- the floors in malls are really hard. Do you have access to a track, maybe at a nearby high school? Yes, boring for sure, but so much more forgiving.
  • Quote: Any possibility of getting in the water for some zero impact exercise? Swimming is good, but if you can find a gym that offers water aerobics its awesome! I did it years ago when I was young and fit and there were folks of all sizes in the class.

    I wouldn't think walking would suddenly up and become a problem for you unless you are walking more than normal and the increased exercise is putting too much strain on your body. This can happen to anyone at any weight if they exercise too hard before their muscles, ligaments, tendons and even bones are strong enough. What constitutes 'too hard' is a very individual thing and only something you can determine.

    I agree with everyone who has said get good shoes. Don't skimp. What you spend on shoes will save you injuries. For those if us that are heavy I think good shoes are even more critical. I'm a beginner jogger and just got my first pair of custom fit shoes from a local running store. The shoes (mine turned out to be New Balance) are awesome and it was a good experience. I was not the biggest person in the store getting fitted for shoes (I felt a little nervous going in as a fat runner. Felt good to see I wasn't the only one!). Some folks were getting walking shoes. The staff was great and my shoes have made a world of difference in how I feel during and after runs. Personally, I will not skimp on shoes!!

    I hope you can walk comfortably soon.

    I had the same problem and these are exactly what my Dr recommended ..... GOOD walking shoes , have them fitted with orthopedic insoles so you have the proper support at your arches . AND go to the pool and do zero impact stretches and light water aerobics so you can help build up some strength before you start a walking program . I love the pool but don't get to it very often because I don't drive and our city bus doesn't go there from here ( too expensive to taxi to it and I have discovered that my friends are not very dependable !..... but I DO plan on getting back there !!!! )

    good luck and would love to hear how you make out !
  • These Superfeet insoles save my feet. I used to be almost in tears at the end of a hike but not anymore: http://www.superfeet.com/activity/running-walking.aspx
    I use the green ones. They should have them at a running or outdoor fitness store near you, and you can cut them to fit the shoe. They are amazing.
  • I am also a fan of superfeet and good shoes. I would also recommend some stretching, either in the water or out of it after every walk - I had a similar experience to you and I found that increased stretching helped out a lot.