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Old 08-02-2002, 02:02 PM   #1  
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Question Juice Plus+

Does anyone know anything about this stuff. My dentist was talking about it. Is it a good thing or a quack product? Thanks!
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Old 08-02-2002, 02:41 PM   #2  
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We've had this come up in the past before. Basically it's another one of those MLM products that is way overpriced and overblown...

Check this article out:

And this one:

Personally, I stay away from ALL MLM products. Multi-Level marketing is pretty much a pyramid scheme anyway, everything is overpriced, and think about it, if these products were so wonderful why wouldn't the companies just sell them through regular retailing channels and make a fortune? Simple - because they would have to compete on the shelves with the dozens of other products that are EXACTLY THE SAME as what they are selling. It's really a perception thing.
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Old 08-02-2002, 07:47 PM   #3  
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I'm one of those who tried it....end up throwing the pills out the door. Would of been a lot easier just to throw the money out the door. Good old fashion watching what you eating is still the best way to go, why do we always look for the easy way out?
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Old 09-02-2002, 09:53 AM   #4  
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I tried this stuff years ago because my then best friend was pushing it on me. I wanted to help her, so I didn't say anything and stopped after a while. I felt bad for her though and thought maybe it was me, this stuff was supposed to be the best of the best after all, all Natural (notice the capital) after all!
Some time ago I read an article on on this particular mlm product, and i found out that I was right to be suspicious, not scientifcally proven hearsay! Better stock up on healthy food, for the cost of the pills per month you can do your healthy groceries for a weeks' worth!

My advice: try something else (preferably a healthy diet), and hurray for mrsJim who always gives sound, compassionate and healthy advice!

Greetings from Athens, Greece
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Old 02-20-2003, 11:40 PM   #5  
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Well I guess I will be "odd one out" here as I tried Juice Plus and it was the most fantastic produce I have ever used... stopped my food cravings, and I lost 96 pounds on it. Within a few days of starting taking it people began to ask what I was doing, as my complexion had improved so much. While faithful on the Juice Plus for over two years I lost and maintained my loss.

When I went off of it I lost all control again and ended up gaining the weight back. Now I am back on it... and in only a week feel SO much better, and once again the food cravings are going away... today I FORGOT to eat my snack!!!

Juice Plus is wonderful... I can't say enough good things about it!!
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Old 02-20-2003, 11:42 PM   #6  
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One comment I forgot... it is interesting to read here that people are posting only the NEGATIVE sites for info... yet there are many many very positive studies on Juice Plus from well known and highly respected medical facilities. I would encourage anyone considering it to please check further... this stuff WORKS
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Old 02-21-2003, 03:51 PM   #7  
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What positive studies are you referring to? Why not post links to them rather than alluding to them?

And studies can really be skewed...the tobacco industry has slews of studies showing that cigarettes are good for you. You have to remember that a lot of highly respected medical facilities stay in business for the most part by doing these studies which are contracted by companies such as Juice Plus and others - where they tell the facility what results they want and pay accordingly.

A classic example of this was the recently well-publicized Atkins Diet study, which was funded by (surprise!) Atkins. Michael Fumento wrote a terrific article for Reason magazine that you can find at On the same site, there's another article called "How to Understand Scientific Studies and Epidemiology" that can be found at

IMO, if it's not a peer-reviewed study, but rather one funded by the company in question, it reeks of bias and has no merit IMO.

In addition, don't you think it would be cheaper - and better for you - to eat the fruits and vegetables in their natural form rather than overly processed?

Thanks and I (along with others here, I'm sure) eagerly await the links to those studies that you referred to. Have a great weekend
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Old 02-22-2003, 09:14 AM   #8  
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Originally posted by dance4joy

When I went off of it I lost all control again and ended up gaining the weight back.
I think that says it all.

Sadly, this happens with all fad diets.
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Old 03-06-2003, 08:15 AM   #9  
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Well, guess what? Nothing is going to work if you don't do it. FWIW when I said I lost control and gained the weight back I was going through several major traumas in my life all at the same time, to which unfortunately my response was eating.

And I wasn't trying to start any arguments. Just saying it works for ME... I've been on it again a short time and can feel the poisons going out of my system -- AND my complexion is improving... AND I am losing weight AND don't even HAVE any food cravings.

When I was on Juice Plus before my doctor was so impressed he put a message on my voice mail on Saturday -- to tell me that everything in my system... blood pressure, triglycerides... the works... was PERFECT and said "Whatever you are doing, keep it up!"

I'm not trying to push it on anyone... just pointing out both sides of the matter. It works for ME. And again... any plan you are on won't work if you stop doing it and start pigging out and not exercising.

Actually I haven't been able to find ANY study which says it harms you.. if you know of one, please point it out to me.

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Old 03-06-2003, 08:18 AM   #10  
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Oh... and I DO eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables... except I COULDN'T do that without the Juice Plus in my system, as it prevents massive cases of you-know-what. And again, I am not trying to "push" it... just saying that it works better for me than anything I have ever tried because with it I don't WANT to eat a lot. My comments were only meant as an opinion... FWIW my friend's doctor just put her on it. Different things work for different people... if it doesn't work for you or you just don't want to try it, fine... but I know what it does for me, and I plan to stick with it!!

Juice Plus is not a "diet" -- I don't even believe in diets... it is a supplement -- there is a huge difference. I devise my OWN eating and exercise plan, and there is "nothing" that is "forbidden." Since I've been on it again... not long at all... I've already lost 27 pounds and feel GREAT.

Oh... and the reason I have not posted the links to the studies is because when I researched it, it was for my own benefit... I moved cross country and got a new computer, so lost my "Favorites." I don't see the need to research it again just for other people's benefit... they can do it themselves; I'm not a Juice Plus representative or trying to "push" it... just expressing an opinion.


Last edited by Misti in Seattle; 03-06-2003 at 08:31 AM.
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Old 03-06-2003, 07:40 PM   #11  
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My mother takes it.She loves it!
I do agree that you have to do what works for you. I think it is like any other suppliment. If it fills the need for what you want then do it.

I use to give the kids version to the kids. the loved it and I really think it was better than not getting any of the bennifits of fruits and veggies that would never pass their lips. I don't give it to them any more because they will eat fruits and veggis now.
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Old 03-08-2003, 09:13 AM   #12  
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Hi L

Glad to hear some more positive input here! Actually I started out on the kids vitamins because I won them at a women's meeting... also purchased the JP Complete! And your point about this being a way to get it past the lips is a good one... AND FWIW even the JP literature itself says that ideally we would get it all from actual fruits and veggies.

My lack of quoting sources was noted here... yet a negative one which was posted -- -- compared people's testimonies about JP to O.J. Simpson... which I really hardly think is a valid analogy. The site also clearly says that personal testimonials should not be regarded as valid evidence... well mine was clearly and enthusiastically backed up by my doctor. I was also interested to see that even on THIS site some of the "claims" made by people which are considered "not valid" are exactly some of my OWN experiences... i.e. clearer eyes, reduced allergies and sinus, sleeping better, less (in my case virtually NO) craving for sweets or overeating, better complexion, etc. Since I last posted here I have lost 4 more pounds... and often have to remind myself that it is time for lunch... or completely forget to eat my snacks.

As to the person who commented that my regaining the weight when I stopped... well besides the obvious that NO plan will work if you don't do it. -- during the past two years I have lived five places -- including moving from So Florida to Seattle... had to housesit in a mobile home that was absolutely frigid. Out of work completely for five months... NO source of income. A cross country trip on a Greyhound Bus from Ft Laud to Missouri to hold my special sis-in-law in my arms while she was dying; another death of a very close friend... being the main source of emotional support for both of the surviving spouses... moved away from my close friends and family, had to leave a church I loved and find another one... making wonderful but new friends and relationships; oh and right as I was planning the big move, 9/11 hit -- finding a job in the city with the highest unemployment rate in the nation. Then when I DID get a (fantastic!!) job, of course had to LEARN it all... a very difficult job. Lived on a lot of Top Ramen etc. during those months. Oh and dealing with the failing health of both my 87-year-old parents -- another cross country "emergency" trip, this time from Seattle to MO.

Now perhaps many here could deal with all of that and not "blow it" and fall back into unhealthful eating habits... but I admit I messed up.

But I am back on track... and people can scoff all they want; I know I am sitting here at the moment drinking a delicious orange creamsicle shake to start out my day and am very much enjoying craving more healthful foods, some of which I will go prepare now for breakfast!!

Sue - aka dance4joy
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Old 03-08-2003, 09:56 AM   #13  
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A number of years ago I was quite ill, nearly died from having bacterial meningitis. I spent three weeks in the hospital and came out of it really drained. Recovery took a lo-o-o-o-ong time.

After I spent almost a year struggling with life a friend suggested the supplement Juice+ which I tried. After about a month, all of a sudden I began to come out of my physical disfunction and began to feel much better. That feeling much better has continued to this day.

I never looked on the Juice+ as a weight loss tool. And I eat my fruits and veggies with relish. I purely use it as a supplement to fill in any cracks in my day-to-day eating plan. As a senior citizen I probably need some bolstering regarding what I eat. Age is a big factor in everything you know.

I am not a seller of Juice+, I also do not recommend it to anyone. I am just saying that I used it, I continue to use it, and I believe it has been of help to me.
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Old 03-08-2003, 05:10 PM   #14  
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Hi JoJoJo

Well I should add that I too look on it as a health supplement rather than a "weight loss tool" per se... as my goal is not only to be thin but HEALTHY! But it also helps me lose weight and accomplish my total goal so in that sense I guess I am using it that way.

We are all made a bit differently... so I guess what works for some people doesn't work for others; but this sure works for me!!

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Old 03-26-2003, 11:15 PM   #15  
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Just thought I would make these last few comments on Juice Plus... unless someone asks for more info. But today I decided to take my Juice Plus label to my doctor for her opinion. She said it is excellent -- she had no problems with it -- and that I don't need any other vitamins.

I also gave a friend a week's supply... she came in to work on Monday with a cup of it and said she could not believe how good it tasted! Today... two days later... she came in and said "Look!" -- Her watchband was "flopping around" on her wrist and she said she could just feel the bloating going out of her entire body like that and feel her system starting to function properly... already.

Again, not trying to persuade anyone -- just want to point out the positives.

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