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Old 01-17-2005, 09:09 AM   #1  
In Pursuit of Divatude!
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Default Monday MLK Day

Hi Ladies
I'm slowly climbing out of my funk
I got my permit to drive and drove our big hulking van on saturday and then we went to Stewarts Rootbeer to celebrate and I was bad
We had some friends over for a val kilmer comedy fest we watched real genius and top secret too funny!
Sat night/Sunday AM Dh had a fire call to a car accident scene very sad a drug addict had stolen a car crashed it and died. . .
Sunday Am he got back around 8 in the mornign we slept in and took it easy for a while
we brought a pizza over to my moms and started to pack up my room DH had 2 more firecalls so i did most of it.
It was cool b/c i found alot of stuff i haven'tseen in years but it was really sad
My Mom moves in 2 weeks and a few days It's going to be very strange and very wierd and the @$%@ she had been under contract to buy their house sold it out from under her. sigh
we hit the grocery last night and have all kindsa healthy goodness
and watched the surreal life and Strange love lol
Leenie Did you get much snow up your way?
Suemarie i had somethign to say to you now i have to go reread your post! (i'm getting forgettful in my old age)
Cathy I read your post about the gym IF i don't want to look in the mirrors I close my eyes and if that creepy lady stares at you again Stare back she'll either come forward and say she was curious how to use the machine or she'll back down and leave you be.
April (I think) Can you post the WW cranberry muffin recipe?

I stepped on the scale and I'm up to 202 but it gave me more of a wakeup call to get off my buns and stop eating bad foods
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Old 01-17-2005, 09:16 AM   #2  
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good morning gang!

hey kierie - glad to hear you are climbing out of your funk! I am always glad for a "new day"! good idea - I could just close my eyes like I'm straining to lift 20 lbs or something haha just wonder where I will be when I open my eyes haha maybe with time I'll get use to it - we will see - I did get some gloves for weights on Saturday night, so I will be glad to use those. Did your mom live right by you? or with you?

Liz - did you find any exercise tapes? which ones did you get.

I've got lots to do at work today so I better get with it. I'm meeting my mom and brother for lunch at Logan's today, so that will be nice.

will check back later - hope everyone has a blessed day!

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Old 01-17-2005, 09:27 AM   #3  
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Cathy she lives 5 minutes away and will be movign 1 1/2 hours so its a big change for me
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Old 01-17-2005, 11:08 AM   #4  
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wow! I guess so Kierie! that is a big change!
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:22 PM   #5  
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Default Good Morning Ladies

Will someone have Spring come knock on its door already? I am sick of snow and thats all its been doing this weekend.Last night I had my second sleep study to get the pressures measured for my CPAP machine.Which I should get by the end of the month.I had to take an ambien and when I went to sleep I was knocked out.I slept like a bear most of the time.Got up to go to the bathroom once. The technician said I should do great on the CPAP because of how well I slept.

This makes me happy for 2 reasons.1. No more sleep studies. 2. I will have more energy to lose weight.
I have already started having more energy since I got diagnosed and medicated for my asthma but this should help more.

Dh starts school tomorrow.So I will be home all by myself and I am going to start doing a crossstitch for my friend Felecia.

Does anyone watch "Extreme Makover: Home Edition"?

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Old 01-17-2005, 01:54 PM   #6  
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Happy Monday Everyone,

I'm just getting around to posting, I am home today b/c DD is sick. She was up most of the night and crying of a sore throat. I was dragging this morning and couldn't even think about turning on the PC. I'm a little more awake now LOL. A nap sounds good but then I'm afraid DD won't sleep tonight.

I just filled my belly with a bowl loaded with veggies and some asian noodles (just a little of those).

KO we only got a light dusting up here, I mean no more than an inch for sure. Sorry to hear your mom is moving, which way is she going? Hang in there sweetie.

Lynnie, its good to hear your sleeping much better and congrats DH for me for going back to school. What is he going for?

Cathy, sounds like a busy day for you too. Enjoy!

Nothing much is happening here SOSDD.

TTYL, Leenie
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Old 01-17-2005, 02:18 PM   #7  
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Hi Ladies…

Kierie – Congrats on your permit I do the same thing with posts hehe… I’ll be responding and then *ZAP* whatever it was I was about to say is gone hehehe… No worries I am glad you are seeing a light at the end of your funk possible… I think I’m in a funk now though, I stepped on the scale as well… those 5lbs I lost recently, well 3 came back… *sigh* Just when you think the rollercoaster has ended, the operator tossed it back into action… I’ll get myself going, its hard to get back into motivation once you have not had any for a while. I hope yours keeps going…

Lynnie – I know what you mean! We’ve had so much rain here in the last week and half it was really starting to suck… Now we have had sun for a few days and they are saying another storm is coming in… storm #3 My backyard was a lake, I’m not looking forward to this rain. Mother Nature must be upset this year. I watch Extreme Makeover… the last one I saw was with the family who had 1 hearing son, 1 blind son with autism and 2 deaf parents. That show made me cry. It was amazing what they did for them. All that great new technology in their home… I was bawling…

Leenie - *big warm hugs* well wishes to your DD.

Nothing much new here today ladies, at least not yet. I’m thinking about calling Cal State’s Nutritional Services again. Last time they sorta disappointed me. I had two appointments made and when I showed up no one was there… like DUH! Basically it’s upper class students who are working on some hours for their degree before they can move on to do their masters or something like that. Well, not gonna get anywhere if you make appointments and not show up. However, I have been thinking about calling them up and seeing if they have hours available when I’m off so I can *try* and make another visit to them. I’d like to know whats up with my trying to diet and then eventually getting sick. It’s a thought. We’ll see what happens will have to call them on Wednesday, they are closed today for MLK day.

Does homework count as exercise?

Take care everyone…
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Old 01-17-2005, 03:08 PM   #8  
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Well Ladies...

I decided that since I gained so much of my lost weight back (approx 10-13lbs), that I'm going to re-do my goals and start over. I figured, new year, new start. Hopefully new motivation hehehe...

Let's see how it goes...
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Old 01-17-2005, 03:14 PM   #9  
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Good afternoon all is the recipe for the WW cranberry muffins....they are really good.

Cranberry Muffins

Servings ....12


1 serving cooking spray
1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup uncooked old fashioned oats
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup fat-free milk
2 Tbsp fat-free egg substitute
1 Tbsp reduced-calorie margarine, melted
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 tsp table salt
1 Tbsp sugar


Preheat oven to 400ºF. Coat a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray, or fill pan with paper liners.

Combine flour, oats, 1/4 cup of sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl; mix well with a fork, make a well in the centre and set aside.

Whisk together yogurt, milk, egg substitute, margarine and vanilla in a small bowl. Fold mixture into dry ingredients until blended; fold in cranberries. Spoon batter into prepared pan, filling each cup about 2/3 full.

Bake for 20 minutes; sprinkle tops of muffins with remaining tablespoon of sugar. Bake until a wooden toothpick inserted in center of a muffin comes out clean, about 5 minutes more. Allow to cool in pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes; remove from pan and cool completely.

Our deep freeze has ended....but we are supposed to get freezing rain later today. It was snowing this morning.....but it has stopped now....DH has just come in from snowblowing the driveway & a path for the dog in the back yard....he was out there for quite a while....we have a wide driveway.

DH & I were up early & met friends for coffee....then we went & walked at the multiplex....came home & had breakfast.
I have been trying something new for breakfast.....dried cranberries....20 gm. are 1 point....they are really good with cream of wheat

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Old 01-17-2005, 03:36 PM   #10  
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Hello Ladies.
I lost the Internet for a week because the SH forgot to pay the phone bill. It's back up now but I can't stand to be sitting long. Yesterday I got got into a car accident and basically totalled my car. The appraiser will be calling me later today to tell me if it is totalled or if it can be fixed. I slid on some ice and the car slid and spun and hit a telephone poll. The volunteer fire fighter and a few other people who were at the accident said I was lucky to make it out alive. I have a few bruised and my neck and upper back are killing me, but other then that I am fine. On top of that I have gained 7 lbs back so I have to start my diet over again. Which I have started today but I am limiting myself on the amount of exercise I do until my neck stops hurting.

It's nice to be back online and reading and being able to post.

have a good day


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Old 01-17-2005, 04:55 PM   #11  
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He is going CNC Machinist.It seems there are alot of jobs but you have to have the certificate for it.

I cry on them all because it shows the compassion that some of the people in the world have
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Old 01-17-2005, 06:35 PM   #12  
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UMMMMMMM I will catch up in a day or so.......lots happening right now.
Unless I get a chance to post from work tonight.
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Old 01-17-2005, 06:37 PM   #13  
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Hi Everyone!

Just popping in to say hi! Hope everyone that is sick starts feeling better and hope everyone in the funk (this includes me!) gets out of it. And Stephanie, I am so glad you are alive. Sounds like your guardian angel was watching over you. Just take it easy and don't overdo it!!!!

I was in NC for the yard sale I had at my mom's. It was cold but I got rid of a lot of junk and made $96. I sold everything for $1 or under. The ad said 8am and there was a lady there a little after 6am waiting...too funny! Well I am tired. I will check in tomorrow.

Have a great evening!
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Old 01-17-2005, 09:56 PM   #14  
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Hi Ladies…

Ashlie – Thank Goodness you are alright!! Have you seen a doctor since the accident? Might want to be careful for whiplash Don’t worry about the weight… go slow and just heal up and be safe with your exercising and body. *big hugs*

Lynnie – Yes, it’s truly an amazing thing they do for these families. When it first came out I was like “Oh no not another Trading Spaces” wanna-be. I like Trading Spaces, just there’s so many spin offs now. But yes, it’s truly a good tear jerker!

Setina – My parents housing association has yard sales twice a year. I go through a lot of junk in my house that I try to sell (I’m a pack rat heheheh) but WOW $96!! I’m lucky to even make $20… The yard sale gets a lot of advertisement because of the association, and it’s usually very busy… my junk must be really junk!

Well…I wrote myself a mad note today and then ripped it up. Ever have one of those days where this one particular person just bugs the living heck out of you and you would just like to give them a great big…. Smack OY! I’m telling you… I have so much pent up frustration and cursing *gasp* that I’m gonna go yell at the TV while I do some WATP.


What a day heheh… hope tomorrow is better.

Take care everyone!
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Old 01-18-2005, 01:08 AM   #15  
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okie ladies... well I lied in my last post. I mentioned I was gonna go yell at my TV and do some WATP. Well I didn't do that. Instead the kid and I got on the Playstation and we did some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) WHEW! Let me tell you... that thing is a work out and so much fun too! I think I found a new toy

Well I just thought I'd come on and yap a little...

Does anyone else have DDR? I remember a post a long time ago about it but I don't remember which forum I read it in.

Well take care and have a good night everyone. I'm gonna go get some homework done and crash out early tonight. Long day tommorrow.

Ni Ni
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