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Old 12-07-2004, 01:40 AM   #1  
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Default Tuesday, Dec.7

Hi everyone

I thought I would start this before I went to is quite cold here today.....-23C this morning....I had the gas fireplace on in the basement all afternoon until this evening.

This morning....Monday....DH & I went for coffee with friends....then we went & walked at the multiplex.....stayed home the rest of the day.

Two of our DSs will be coming here for Christmas with their there will be cleaning & cooking to be done.

Well I should head off to bed now.

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Old 12-07-2004, 10:48 AM   #2  
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Good Morning Gang!

wow April - you sure have been a busy little bee! you sure can tell you are feeling better and I am so glad for you!

Sounds cold up there - I hate to even say that it is 70 here again today. wow. It is December right? at least the sun is shining today. We need about a month of sunshine around here to dry things up.

Got a haircut this morning. Just a trim, but it always feels good to get that done.

Also got in my 2 miles bright and early this morning. Each day I come in thinking I will go walk at noon, but by the time lunch gets here I have errands that need tending to, so this morning I woke up early and got it in.

what's everybody up to today?

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Old 12-07-2004, 10:58 AM   #3  
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Morning Ladies
Its damp and cold here today grrrr So I won't get as much done as I wanted too
(my body expells energy alot faster than the average bear's) I have to write an article that I already have notes for if i can get through the impassible office. Tonight DH and I are doing thank you notes I have to clean the kitchen
Cathy I want a haircut! hopefully i will get it as a pre-xmas gift.
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Old 12-07-2004, 11:28 AM   #4  
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OH! i Forgot to tell you guys I had an I got thinner moment!!!!!!!
I dono't have a scale here so when I was getting ready for my shower i looked in the mirror and I noticed my upper bod was slimmer. Then when I awakened DH after I was dressed I said Do I look thinner if he says yes he means yes if he says I don't know he means no lol
And he said yes you look thinner!
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Old 12-07-2004, 11:49 AM   #5  
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Hi ladies, It is my day off today. That is nice. But always so much to Just wanted to say HI though.. My daughter wanted me to go see her in the hospital today. But I want the Dr.'s to have time to see the real her. And have time to really treat her. You know?? I would like her to come back a little better, at least. I could have also went to see her Dr. this morning. Just to meet him though. I didn't want to drive almost 2 hours to just meet the man. Then have to drive right back home.. But when they schedule a counseling meeting, then of course I will be there..
I guess I will go take my bath, then go run my errands. It is nice to have a little peace and quiet for a change. My husband is not here right now either. He is running some errands too. Hugs to all, Lanee..
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Old 12-07-2004, 12:24 PM   #6  
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hey lanee - I'm also in Louisiana. I work in Lake Charles - where about are you?
I don't mean to butt into your business, but just wanted to be sure that you saw my message to you on yesterday's post? so I will copy it here again. I tried to send you a private message, but for some reason, that choice does not come up by your name.

"Lanee - you mentioned your 14 year old daughter is scratching/cutting. if you don't mind talking about it, I wondered if she has been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance like depression or anxieties or ocd or body dysmorphic disorder, etc - a lot of teens with different chemical imbalances may cut and scratch (self-mutilate). Hopefully she will get the treatment in the hospital that she needs and they will find the problem, but I have learned from years of dealing with my oldest son's chemical imbalance that sometimes as parents we have to be very diligent (bull dogs) to get a correct diagnosis and the help they need. Also, you may want to check out a thread I had started about earlier about low thyroid and mental problems. I don't mean to stick my nose in your business and I am only trying to help, but would like to suggest that you have her thyroid checked (with the correct tests) to make sure that is not part of the problem.

you can read the thread at:

I'm here if you want to talk."

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Old 12-07-2004, 02:35 PM   #7  
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Hi again

Today is my weigh in with Weight Watchers's been 4 weeks now.....have lost 8 the 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!I think I am eating more now.....but healthier food.

Cathy.....I am feeling a lot better these days.

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Old 12-07-2004, 03:08 PM   #8  
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Afternoon Ladies!

I'm in a super mood today. The Staff is having a pot luck again on the last day of work (17th) before christmas break, so I'm pondering making some of my pecan tarts for the pot luck (as evil as those tarts are, they are good!) I weighed myself today... I'm just on a roller coaster right now. Everything is so irregular right now with the hectic schedule. Up and down, up and down... at least it's not all up up and up. I'm thankful for that. Specially after Thanksgiving heheheh.

I met my first mini goal of 350lbs at the end of June, however, I gained a few lbs back. So I've reset my goals, and left my mini goal #2 open... heheh at least until I can get back past my first goal (eeek!)

April hey girl! good to see you around and so glad yer doing well with your weight loss. Are you still using Diet Power? I'm still working on it. Although over the last few weeks, it's been off and on with recording stuff.

Cathy - One of these days... I'm going to attempt to get up before going to work and trying to do my exercise at that time. I'm so bad with mornings! hehehe I hear people say how exercising in the morning just makes the rest of their day better. I take it you agree with that?

Kierie - Congrats on the "Thinner Moment" ya know, I lost about 25-30lbs a while back, and when I look in the mirror I don't see it. So when I first started dieting, I took a before picture. Then I compared it with an "after" picture and that was when I able to see a difference, but boy I could see it in the still pictures, but not the mirror. I'm so glad you were actually able to see a real life "Thinner Moment". Congrats!

Lanee - I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I think it's the best place for her, she can get help there. When I attempted suicide back when I was 16, I wasn't placed in a hospital. I wasn't even seen by a doctor. Of course I would never do that again, however, thoughts of suicide, to this day, still run through my head. It's been a while tho since I've had any thoughts like that (a year or so maybe) but I think I would have been better off if I had at least been seen by a doctor. *great big HUGZ*

I hope everyone has a great day... keep warm!
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:27 PM   #9  
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Sue.....I have the Diet Power at it called a CD?.....but haven't been using just doing the Weight Watchers online....really like it.

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Old 12-07-2004, 07:13 PM   #10  
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Hi Everyone, I'm so sorry I haven't been around to really read and get involved more but my job is really hairy lately, my new boss is very needy and with my project that is due at the end of the year I'm going mad but its okay, I just don't have time to come here to see you all.

I do get vacation starting december 18th so you'll see me more then, thats for sure. Please Please PLEASE know that I do read but don't have time to comment like I would like to.

Your all in my prayers!!!

Love You ! Leenie
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Old 12-07-2004, 11:00 PM   #11  
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Cathy, HI! I live in Port Barre. That is near Opelousas, LA.. Know where that is at? I work at the Opelousas WalMart.. Yes, I read the reply you wrote me yesterday. Thanks. My daughters' thyroid was tested. And it is ok.. The hospital where she is at now says she has Major Depression. I have that also.. We go to a family counseling meeting tomorrow afternoon. Hope all goes well then. My daughter says she misses me alot. And that she is ready to come home. She sounds so sweet on the phone. Hope she means it.. It sounds like they might keep her there until Monday.. And you see, she was molested when she was little by her biological father. I think that is a big part of the problem. How she feels, and what she does.. Best wishes to everyone. Hope you all had a great day. Mine was ok. I am off tomorrow also. But again, we have things to do. Never a dull moment.. Oh, Cathy. I fixed my profile thing, so that I can get private messaging.. Hugs to everyone, Lanee...
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Old 12-07-2004, 11:08 PM   #12  
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Hi Sue Marie, Thanks for the reply. My daughter faked a suicide attempt this weekend.
She told us that she had O.D.'ed.. So I had called 911.. She was brought to the hospital. And her stomach was pumped out. Turns out, she hadn't taken a thing.. Scared me half to death though!! Kids!! Well, that's how she got herself sent to a Psych. hospital.. I am glad you haven't thought about suicide in quite awhile. Life is supposed to be worth living. You know?? Although, sometimes I seriously wonder about that. Well, I'll check in here tomorrow. Probably in the morning.. Hugs, Lanee...
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