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Old 11-09-2004, 05:34 AM   #1  
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Talking Tuesday Chat, Nov 9th

Good Morning

Just starting this bad boy up and off to work I go.

I owe, I owe, its off to work I go..............

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Old 11-09-2004, 06:14 AM   #2  
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Morning Leen, you sure are up before the sun today!
Stopping in to give a to my friends. I am doing great with the exercise, i just can't get the food under control...know what I mean?

Off to get the kids up for school and come back and hit the eliptical....

Good day,
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Old 11-09-2004, 08:28 AM   #3  
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Good Morning again

Hey L, how's it going. I hear ya on the food & control.

SueMarie, how's it going hon. How's Brit these days, is she okay.

Lynnie girl, I'm so glad BIL is doing better, gosh it was touch and go for a long time. Will he be moving back in w/you all?

Joanne, how are you feeling? Are the antibiotics helping at all?

Cathy, good for you for walking yesterday, your a determined woman!!

Liz, how's every little thing? did you have fun w/the little ones at school the other day?

KO, I hear ya on getting your ducks in line. You've come a long way, don't let anything stop you now.

Cin, how's the finger? are you feeling any better. Ohhhhhhhh I made that crock pot lasagna Sunday, it came out pretty good but I think I over cooked it. The noodles were a little starchy/gluey. But I'm determined to make that work because it was good nonetheless. I used ground chicken and light motz cheese. I did not use ricotta cheese but next time I will in one of the layers. DH likes it too. THANKS!!! Oh, I over cooked it b/c my crock pot is a big oval one, and it doesn't have a 4 hr low setting, its got 4 or 6 on high, or 8 or 12 on low. I think I cooked it for 3 hrs on high OY! I know better next time.

April chickie poo, where are you ?????????????? we miss you ya know.

All you MIA's we do so miss you and hope you'll pop in soon.

Hugs ... back to work for me
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Old 11-09-2004, 08:42 AM   #4  
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BABY its cold outside DH and i need insulators for our AC. I finished my project yesterday and today i have to study the drivers manual to make sure I can pass the test when DH takes me saturday. Our new Xmas house from ebay came yesterday woohoooo its gorgeous!
our soup became stew but it was sooo good!
leenie the crockpot lasanga sounds good I Need a crockpot!
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Old 11-09-2004, 10:09 AM   #5  
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Good Morning Gang!

Hey L - so glad to see ya hear! uhmmmmm yea I would say you are doing real good on the exercise!!!!! didn't I see the other day where you did 7.5 miles in one day! wow! YOU GO GIRL! you must like that elipitcal! how cold is it up there today? It was 50 here this morning. A perfect fall day in Louisiana.

Hey Leenie - thanks for posting all those messages. I was thinking about all our gang this morning and was gonna post some questions too, but you did it for me! thank you - cause I really wanted to but I am so busy (I know you are busy too!) Has anybody heard anything from Kemp lately? where is that girl at?

Leenie - I think I have the same oval crockpot you are talking bout. Got mine at Walmarts of course. I'm anxious to try the lasagna in it with Cin's recipes. sounds good!

Hey KO - you sure are doing good! keep up the good work! and thanks for joining me on the weekly food log! glad to have ya there.

Sue Marie - you asked about how I track my miles when I walk during lunch. I walk at the mall and they have markers on the wall that let you know what is a 1/2 mile, 3/4 mile and 1 mile, so it is pretty easy to keep up with it like that. But also I know that I walk between a 13 and 15 minute mile, I mean I know my pace that it takes to walk that, so if I get off the marked path at the mall, I still figure that for every 15 minutes I walk (at my right pace) that I have at least walked one mile. So when I walk 45 minutes, I know I have walked 3 miles. And yesterday, I had walked for 50 minutes, but just counted it as 3 miles. I probably walked a little over 3 miles - but it is just a gauge for me - just a way to count my miles and post them on the walking thread and get an idea of how much I am doing each month. (that was probably way more info then you wanted huh) LOL

Liz - hope you got some sleep!

Cin - how's the finger?

ok back to work. later gaters!

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Old 11-09-2004, 10:39 AM   #6  
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Hi everybody

I am off to bed. Working nights.....busy with school

Hope all is well!

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Old 11-09-2004, 01:12 PM   #7  
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Default Hi Gals

Good Afternoon Gals,
Sorry I havent posted for a few.I do read but dont always post.

My finger is just wonderful..this surgery was so much better. The screw stays in it ( I was glad to hear that) and it is splinted and I dont even return until the first week in December.I have to by-pass using it and be careful so it will heal well. I cannot submerge it in water.Yeah.......gets me out of pots and pan dishwashing! I am having 12 for Thanksgiving and cant submerge it........ Makes me happy! Cause you know how many pans needs washed! is what has been bothering me. After my July 28th stent in my stomach.I have felt 100% better and not had a problem. Last Thursday night I had one of those terrible "attacks"

So today I had an ultrasound to check on the stent and will see the Dr Thurs late afternoon.He reminded me it COULD be my low functioning gall bladder.IF the stent is fine I bet he suggests removing the gallbladder. I dont mind that too bad and need it now because we have almost met the deduct
able but who WANTS it as the Holidays approach? Sooooooooooooooooooo all I can do is wait & see and not get ahead of myself ( which we all have a tendancy to do)

So thats the latest!

L.great to see you!

Leens oval crock cooks almost too fast for a slow cooker ! are so awesome!

Liz.sleep well!

Hello to everyone else too!

This is toooooooooo long...........sorry!

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Old 11-09-2004, 02:12 PM   #8  
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that wasn't too long at all cin - I love hearing what's going on!

I cannot imagine having gallbladder surgery around the holidays girlie, but, if it is the problem you would certainly need to do it. keep us posted!

Liz - nitey nite

I walked 2 miles during lunch.
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Old 11-09-2004, 02:18 PM   #9  
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CIN, by any chance is your crockpot a Rival? I heard that a lot of models were recalled because they are cooking too HOT. Maybe their website has information.
Well, I had four trucks in my yard and four cute young men putting up the forms for the concete for our garage!
And, Roger is 96 miles away at the office with a car that won't run! He wanted me to come and get him so he could go back tomorrow and fix it. I told him to have it towed to a station and to rent a car if he wanted to come home. Heck, he could work on it all day and it might be a problem that he can't fix! Why must some men fix everything themselves!?
Nothing new here except the garage building. Man, you should see the lawn! Last summer I had wanted to do some landscaping and now I'm glad I didn't. Between putting in a new well and garage construction, the lawn looks like a war zone!

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Old 11-09-2004, 03:57 PM   #10  
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Hello Everyone!

Leenie – Hiya all is going well. I actually got about 15 minutes of walking in today. Not much, but it’s more than I have been doing. Brit is doing okie. We’re working on some relaxation techniques, doing a lot of “family” stuff together. I’m trying to be more hmmm what’s the word… not like in her face, but more “there” for her. Does that make sense? Schools almost over… at least for this session… 3 more weeks I believe (3 or 4) How are things with you?

Cathy – HEY! That’s a neat idea. I should go tell my mall to do that heheheh! The information was good tho! More is better, because I understood it and it helps me and gives me ideas to… I’ve been slacking on my walking, only because with school and work I get my walking in all day, and I stand up at work all day, so then I use that as an excuse, well I walked today I don’t need to walk now… not to mention I’m so worn out after all of it. Next term (January) I only taking 3 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That will leave me with 5 days of nothing (other than home work and work) to do some exercise. I should be able to get more activity in.

I gotta run to class, I’m late heheh Ill catch up when I get home tonight if possible…

Take care everyone!
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Old 11-09-2004, 04:40 PM   #11  
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Sue I make alot of excuses not too exercise so I'm right there with ya
btw I checked out your gallery OMG woman you look great!
Cathy I wonder if I could convince DH to mall walk Home Depot might be an easier sell
Tippy gotta love pretty men building stuff! did dh get home alright?
Cin I'm glad your fingers better and that there will be no T-day dishes for you
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Old 11-10-2004, 08:45 AM   #12  
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Sue, I'm glad the little one is doing better, its tough to be young. 15 minutes is better than nothing, thats for sure. I did my one mile on the tredmill yesterday so I'm happy because I do nothing at all.

Tippy pretty boys eh and no "R" in site.... ut oh !! My crockpot is a rival oval one, I got it at BJ's Wholesale Club. The only thing I don't like is it doesn't have a low 4 or 6 hour setting but other than that, its wonderful.

KO crockpots are wonderful!! Even if you don't use it during the week, I use mine alot on the weekends while I'm home cleaning or running errands. If you do get one, get a big one b/c you can put roasts, and whole chickens in them as well. Do you collect christmas houses ?

Cin, oy vey on the gallbladder but there's one good thing I can tell you about the operation, they now can go in laproscopic and your in and out in a flash. My mom had it done a few years ago and she is the biggest baby in the world, she didn't complain much when it was over. Poor hubby's gotta do the dishes HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! hehehe

Liz, hope you had a great rest !! see ya on the next daily
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