Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 09-19-2004, 07:56 PM   #1  
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I was looking for some guidance. I am 22 and married. I also have depression. I am almost always tired (or can't sleep for days at a time). I am on Paxil, but that doesn't really help. Unfortunately, this combined with not eating right has lead to some severe weight gain. I ultimately want to lose 40 pds. I know that exercising helps depression, but am normally too tired to exercise long. I was hoping some one knew of foods that might help.
I am also concerned because the last time I lost weight I did it very unhealthily. This time I want to do it right. My husband has a degree in exercise and sport science and is a licensed personal trainer, so that might help. This is going to sound awful but I don't like to talk to him about it because he is in perfect shape no matter what he eats. Basically some help and support would be really great. Thank you!!!

Feel free to PM me for my email address (email edited sorry...hugs Leenie)

C.W. 151
G.W. 111

Last edited by Leenie; 09-20-2004 at 08:20 AM. Reason: To protect poster from any unwanted emails.
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Old 09-19-2004, 09:01 PM   #2  
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Hi there tmk,

First, you might want to edit your email address out of your post. You could end up with a lot of spam or nuisance email that way.

I've been on Paxil which made my sleeplessness much worse, and a lot of other medications. I also gained about 40 pounds after I started taking anti-depressants. I was able to lose it and have kept it off for three years by completely changing the way I eat, and changing the way that I exercise. I'm now a personal trainer, and in fairly good shape, but unlike your husband, CANNOT eat whatever I want. The changes I made had to be lifestyle changes: forever, if I want to keep the weight off.

When I first started dieting (this time!), I cut most processed food out of my diet. Specifically, I cut out any foods made from or containing white flour, high fructose corn syrup, added sugars, or any foods high on the glycemic index such as white potatoes, corn, white rice. I restricted starchy carbs to only 2 portions per day. That meant 1 slice of 100% stone ground whole wheat bread, and a 1/2 cup of brown rice, for example. This worked for me, and I was committed 100%. I also added about 40 minutes of intense cardio a day, as well as 3-4 full body weight workouts per week.

I know you feel tired, but cutting sugars and increasing exercise WILL make you feel better. So will losing weight! I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and I really do understand how difficult it is to take the first step.

If your husband is a personal trainer, I'm sure that he can help you. As a trainer, your story is probably the most common that I hear the first time that I meet with a client. Don't be afraid to ask him for help, it's his career choice!

The first step is always the hardest: try setting small goals for yourself on a daily basis. Commit to a fast 15 minute walk for 1 day, then the next, then another...pretty soon you have a week of successes and it gets easier each day. Then add another goal, maybe add resistance training or nutrition changes. Baby steps, all in the right direction

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Old 09-20-2004, 08:30 AM   #3  
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Hi and Welcome !!

I totally understand how you feel about not talking to DH about your weight. My DH does not know how much I weigh, although I'm sure he has an idea. But exercise we do talk about, it helps and I think if you give in w/that part of it you'll really benefit WOW a professional exerciser, take advantage

As far as foods go. What Mel said couldn't be more true. I followed Atkins for a year and boy, what energy I had. I swayed from it and started eating carbs and the minute I did POOF!!! I felt sleepy and sluggish all the time.

I am now on a modified version. Atkins taught me ALOT. I am eating low fat meats, like tuna, chicken and tky. Ooooodles of veggies (sweet potatoes ) and some fruit. Low fat yogurts and dairy. 100% whole wheats products IF I have them. I am staying away from white products like rice, potatoes and breads. LOTS of water !!

When I want a sweet snack, lately I've been choping up apples, sprinkling w/raising and cinnamon and smashing one graham cracker on top !! whoohooo You will learn to think of healthy things to make, but give it time. And READ READ READ, ASK ASK ASK its the only way to learn (IMHO)

I feel really good, my energy is starting to come back....oh thats another thing, don't expect it to work over night, give your new eating a few weeks to kick in.

I am not exercising at the moment but I will be starting up soon. Some walking, some light weighs, dancing...anything just to move a bit. Before you know it, you'll be addicted !! (I know this b/c it HAS happened to me in the past, I just need to get back into the groove).

Don't think BIG!! Think small changes and you'll be able to live with these changes better than making huge changes really fast.

Losing weigh slow is the best way to go. 1 lbs a week is awesome !!!!! more is great but don't beat your body up, be gentle.

I'm so glad you decided to join us. Come chat on the daily threads with the rest of the girls (chatting helps to ya know ).

Hugs, Leenie
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Old 09-24-2004, 01:29 PM   #4  
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Thank you ladies for your help. I am starting slowly but surely. I decided after reading your posts and going through all the diet explanations listed on this site to try the South Beach Diet. I am currently reading the book, so I plan on starting Monday. I need to make an appointment with my docotor because I have run out of medication, so I will talk to her about the diet too.
The really nice thing is that I listened to both you and spoke more with my husband. He is going to do the diet eating to make it easier on me (I just hope he doesn't blow away
I am still very tired, but I didn't think that would miraculously stop, but I feel that I can change my life which is a big deal to me.

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