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Old 09-11-2004, 07:32 AM   #1  
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Default Weekend Chat - Sept 11th and 12th

First I'd like to start this thread by remembering all the people who lost their lives 3 years ago from the terrorist attacks 9-11. I continue to pray that peace will come.

Good Morning !!

What a great day at the Zoo yesterday, hardly anyone was there, the weather was cool and crisp but the sun was strong. Excellent !!! Today there's a junky flea market up the street from my house so I will walk there with DD, just for something to do. Other than that, no real plans for the weekend. Got some laundry and things to clean ICK.

SueMarie, it took me a long time to find a doctor who would see me right away, for some reason they make you wait and wait. I hope Brit gets a good one that can help. Some times medication is a good thing. It might not be a forever thing you know so keep an open mind. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIT !!!!! little lady hope her party is a success.

Cin, how have you been feeling lately ? congrats on the WL and Walking w/hubby. You go girl.

Cathy, how's the family holding up since paw paw's passing? hope everyone is finding comfort.

Liz, you still going 200 mph ? w/ school work and family. What courses do you have to take this year.

Joanne, its really nice to see you, whats shakin today ? How's your family.

April, where are you ???? are things back to norm now that DS is gone. Whats going on with the meds ? does the dr. plan on starting you back up?

Tippy, please let us know how Lisa is doing ? I'm praying she's okay.

Clarrie, what plans do you have for the weekend with the little one? The sun is shining here and its lovely outside so thats where me and DD will be.

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Old 09-11-2004, 10:03 AM   #2  
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I spoke to DD in the late afternoon yesterday and she is a bit better. Very weak though. Her immune system isn't strong and she seems to catch everything. She asked me if she should go to the hospital. My advice was that if she is keeping some fluids inside, not to bother as all they will do is IV her and give her fluids. I said that, if she can keep fluids in her without running to the bathroom for about 12 hours, she can have a few small spoonfuls of plain white rice. Then we'll see how that goes. BTW, she is very tired of "going"! She doesn't ever recall being this sick.

Am catching up on cleaning and stuff today. Roger is going to work on installing an outside door. I gotta make a macaroni salad for tomorrows potluck.
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Old 09-11-2004, 01:24 PM   #3  
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Good morning all.....dropping in to say making some low fat turkey sausage for breakfast now......will come back later.

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Old 09-11-2004, 01:54 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone,

having a nice day here (although the rain's just started pouring down). Took my son swimming and he swam properly (tho with armbands) for the first time - that made my day.
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Old 09-11-2004, 03:37 PM   #5  
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Good Afternoon Gang!

I have been cleaning house for 6 hours! *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* But at least I'm finished for a little while. Now I need to get in there and color my hair.

My dh's 80 year old uncle passed away yesterday. He was in the same nursing home that my grandmother was. Sooooooooooo tomorrow we will go to our sunday school classes and then head to the funeral home (they are gonna be tired of seeing me) and then have the funeral at 2:00. DH is a pallbearer. Man I don't feel like spending another day down at the funeral home, but that is what I will be doing.

and hey!!!!!!

If ya'll heard a great big ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR from down south this morning, it wasn't Ivan, IT WAS ME!!!! I stepped on the scale this morning (several times) and it said 199! I could not believe it! I'm in the 100's! and I've lost 10 lbs! woooooohoooooooo me!!!!! I cannot believe it. Do you know how long it has taken me to get this weight moving, even if it is moving ever soooooooooo slowly! anyway, I'm happy about that.

Then I got a call from my oldest son who had gone on an overnight retreat with his friends from the Baptist Collegiate Ministry on campus. He called bec he was having a panic attack. He has not had one of those in a long time. I have no idea what brought it on, or if anything brought it on, or if the chemicals are just off, or if it was from too little sleep, or if his meds have built up and are causing him a lot of anxiety (a side effect), or if his meds aren't working like they use to and so he had a panic attack??? As you can see, I don't know much when it comes to the if ands or buts of his panic attacks. I feel so bad for him, and of course, as a mom, I always think that if I can just say the right thing I can get him to snap out of it and go on and have fun. I was in tears by the time I hung up the phone with him. I wish I wish I wish I could take this away from him so that he could be all that he was meant to be, but that does not seem to be the road he has to travel, at least not for today. Hopefully he perked up after we got off the phone (he usually does). They were heading back later this afternoon anyway.

Leenie - thanks for remembering the thousands of people that lost their lives on 9-11. It has been on my mind all day. I hope you and dd have a good time today! glad you had a good one yesterday. To answer your question, the family is doing ok. Next Saturday we have everybody scheduled to help move a lot of furniture around so that will be a long day. My mother is dreading it, but all she has to do is point and supervise so I don't know what she's worried about. ;-) but thanks for asking!

Tippy - so glad that dd is feeling a little better! and how come you don't having a working bathroom upstairs?

Hey April - pass me some of that sausage please! hugs

Clarrie - glad you got to swim before the rain started.

Well I have got to finish folding clothes and get my hair colored and bake a cake for tomorrow and oh yea - what am I doing for supper?

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Old 09-11-2004, 04:43 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone!

I don't think that I go any faster than anyone else do I? It is just life.....

This morning was cleaning day..latest anyone can sleep in is 9 am.....have one hour to eat, veg etc......then is taking less and less time every saturday as we get more organized and keep things up through the week...also my family understands that I am now a mom with a life and so they are not dependent on me.....and cinderella doesn't live here anymore! So generally clean for two-three hours, lunch and the rest of the weekend is free.

DD12 is off to her friends for a sleep over. DD 6 is gonna get ditched and hubby and I may go out later.......depends how I feel as I have to work tomorrow at 7 am.....and I am gonna study for a couple hours now.

Have a good one everyone.

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Old 09-11-2004, 09:37 PM   #7  
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Congrats Cathy!!!! I'm SOOOO thrilled for you!
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Old 09-12-2004, 12:57 AM   #8  
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Congrats Cathy on onderland! You have worked hard!


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Old 09-12-2004, 02:59 PM   #9  
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Gee Cathy sorry to hear about your DH uncle, boy oh boy. Enuf is enuf !!
YEAH CATHY !!!!!!!!! So what are you doing now that is different than the past ?

Hi Ladies, just taking a 5 minute break from cleaning then its back to laundry

Hope your all having a wonderful day !!
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:09 PM   #10  
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Hi turned out to be a real nice day has been rainining for most of the last it is nice to see the sun.

This morning this couple we know came over to pick up some trees that had started to grow in the back yard.......I guess the birds must have dropped the seeds.....they are going to plant them at their cabin at the lake. I invited them in for coffee.....3 years ago I wouldn't have done that......I guess I am feeling better these days.

Leenie.....I am still taking one of the natural antidepressants......I stopped taking the made me sleepy.....I tried it at the end of June for 3 the end of 3 weeks.....I was wanting to sleep more....have naps. I did try it again in did the same thing.....5-HTP has tryptophan in it....turkey has tryptophan in it.....after eating turkey....people often feel sleepy.

I am still taking SAM-e.....3 times a day....1/2 an hour before meals.....I take it with Niacinamide & another vitamin....the naturopath prescribed them.

I think I am still having withdrawal symptoms.....I think....Two nights in a row this past week....had trouble going to sleep....this week....did feel sad some of the time.....but it was only for an hour or seems to go away quickly....I did read somewhere....sometimes people who have withdrawal symptoms from Celexa.....can have them for about 1/2 the time they were on them. I was on it for 8 1/2 the time would be 4 months......another 6 weeks. When I don't have these withdrawal feeling quite good.

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Old 09-12-2004, 05:16 PM   #11  
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Talking Cathy

Yeah! Welcome to ONEDERLAND!!!
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Old 09-12-2004, 07:28 PM   #12  
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Hey Gang!

THANKS SO MUCH! ya'll are the absolute best!

Leenie - in answer to your question about what I'm doing differently....well a lot of things. First I started taking armour thyroid for my low thyroid. Was only taking 1 grain, and upped it to 2 grains a few months back. Then started taking phentermine (diet pills) remember, and then finally quit taking birth control pills. I just knew those things were messing me up. I stayed hungry (craving sugar) all the time. I read they mess with your glucose levels which make you hungry and crave sugar and they were right. I'm sure you and Tippy (and others) remember a year or two back all I talked about was wanting sugar sugar sugar. That was when I started low carbing to see if I gave up all sugar and such if the cravings would stop, but they didn't. Well I'm not craving it since being off the birth control pills.

When I was taking the armour thyroid no weight was coming off, then I lost a few pounds after starting the phentermine (think they speed up my metabolism), and a few more after quiting the birth control pills.

Ok I will see ya'll here tomorrow! nite nite

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