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Old 07-23-2004, 10:28 AM   #1  
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Talking Freaky Friday, July 23

Good Morning Gang!

did ya'll miss me yesterday?

I'm plumb from messing with my computer at work. Can you believe that when I finally was able to load the new Norton AntiVirus program, that there was some sort of glitch in the program or the disk or something, and I had all sorts of trouble. Had to finally get on line with them and get some tech support to get things going! *sigh* My computer is up and running but not exactly like it should, so I may have to get a computer expert in here next week to help me fix a few glitches.

I did not exercise yesterday morning or today, but I will catch up tomorrow.

I've got tons to do around here, but wanted to check in.

I quickly read over the posts from yesterday, and don't have time to respond to them, but wanted to say that I hope and pray everybody is doing ok, and that all the glitches in life will give you a break today!

I'll be back later, so let me know how everyone is doing?

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Old 07-23-2004, 10:41 AM   #2  
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Default Howdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Good Morning Gals,
Cathy...glad to see you back! Did you miss us is the question???? Ha! Bet so!

Leens.......I am anxious to find out about your little one....hope all is okay with her! Hope you got a decent nights sleep too!

Lynnie.....boy you all sound like you are having a rough time! Do you work or can you work? I dont know how anyone "survives" out there without some income from somewhere. It costs so much just to keep "our boats floating" these days!

I went for the second opinion and am having angioplasty next Weds morning.
I am not saying much about it because last week when I went to Google to find out some basic medical info...............would you believe what I typed in here and what YOU all type in here POPPED up under the medical term I was searching? Blew my mind when I clicked it and it referred me to here! I do not mind strangers reading in here but I never dreamed my medical condition would be posted on GOOGLE! so...................I didnt know they could pick stuff out of forums and chat rooms............did you all??? I was shocked.

Hope everyone has a good day.I will check back later!

Stay focused on positive things!

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Old 07-23-2004, 11:21 AM   #3  
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HI dd 6 is having a sleep over so both girls are happy to have touched base with some friends as of late. I work evenings tonight and over the work scheduale is great this summer. Seems to be keeping everybody happy.

Cathy glad you are back!

Cin I did not know that about Google that is freaky! Good luck with everyone.

Sorry to hear about your rough time LYnnie.......

Hugs to everyone........Eliz
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Old 07-23-2004, 12:20 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone.....just dropping in to say hello.....I am going to go have coffee out on the deck now.
See you later.

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Old 07-23-2004, 02:20 PM   #5  
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Has anyone heard from Leens? I am quite worried.....I hate the sound of that rash on her little one's feet........

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Old 07-23-2004, 03:32 PM   #6  
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Hi ladies,

Just a quick note, Grace has a virus called foot & mouth, large outbreak of kids getting it here. Nothing they can do but let it ride its course, she is 1/2 way thru it the doc tells me. She's cranky and tired (just like me lol). but thanks for your warm concerns HUGS !!!!

Cin, good luck next week. We will be praying for you. Last week I typed in something in google and it brought me here as well....... TO MY VERY OWN POST!!! in atkins. I think it was a recipe. ROFL !! it is freaky

Liz, a bunch of 6 year olds.... ROFL have fun, sounds like you'll need a set of ear plugs lol. Can I come ? lol.

Cathy of course I missed you, I always do. Your such a sparkle here.

April its thundering, lightening and raining so hard they are calling for major flooding here, hope your enjoying your deck.

It took me almost 3 hours to get from work, to my mom's to pick up grace and then home b/c of the weather. Streets are flooded and its just mad !!! but thank GOD i'm home safe and sound DD is napping.....phew! doggy is sitting here shaking b/c of the rain & storm LOL

Love you !!!
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Old 07-23-2004, 04:10 PM   #7  
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Hello Everyone…

Hi Cathy… sounds like yer just having a ball of fun! I’m hoping to get my two computers over to my dads this weekend. I’ve been wanting to get the two systems set up for quite a while now. But with needing to fix up the house it’s been on hold. Not to mention the kid needs her computer just in case she gets a report she needs to do. Can’t do much with a dead harddrive. So I’m hoping this weekend I can get at least the harddrive in.

CIN – YIKES! I didn’t know search engines picked up chat forums. Wow… I wonder if that can be changed? I know some ladies on here talk personally with everyone because they feel comfortable with the group. I think a lot would plug up if they knew what you just mentioned. That’s shocking. I am sending you my warm thoughts and prayers for next week tho.

Leenie – Sorry to hear about your daughter I bet she’s not a happy camper! It also sounds like the skies are not happy campers either with all that rain coming down. We could sure use some out here in Cali. Specially with all the fires… rain could really help those poor firemen right now to help them put out the fire. Nothing major, just enough to slow or put out the fires.

It’s been a busy week. I’ve been running back and forth to my study groups for my CEBST exam. You know, we’re doing good, but neopets and studying don’t mix LOL. Tuesday we ran around mostly looking for other books and software to work with and then we came back to the house and played with our neopets ( the games are addicting… then Thursday I come over and we’re playing for over an hour LOL awful! Heheheh then the kid calls me and says she locked herself out, so I have to leave 2 hours into the study session heheh. We’re on a roll, makes me wonder what’s going to happen next week hehehe…I didn’t do much exercise this week, mainly walking. My neck feels better tho so I am hoping to get back to my weight lifting video.

I hope everyone is doing well…

Take care…
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Old 07-23-2004, 04:31 PM   #8  
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Hi Gals
Popped back in to see if everyone checked in! diagnosis was right from yesterday.Did you read the post last night? It is prevalent in day cares especially. With 4 grands they have had everything including lice! Yikes....that was a nightmare!

I am going to a big annual awards banquest for WW Sunday.Formal dress this year or dressy stuff! I get my 15 year service award..................there are almost 500 in attendance.It is really fun.It is in Louisville.They tell what will be new this coming year............and give out awards for many things!Some hate it but I love seeing everyone.getting lunch and presents! all free! And its fun to dress up every once in a while.....and DO THEY ever!

Cleaned house like a mad woman Mother is coming down to be here for the angioplasty...she was supposed to come when I had the cath done but was in the hospital..she is better now.

Glad everyone is ok.

Have a fun weekend if possible!
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Old 07-23-2004, 04:53 PM   #9  
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hi everyone

Leenie, so glad to hear your daughter is 1/2 way thru. *Hugs*.. hang in.. the more they catch now, the less they will in school and therefore miss less school.

Cathy *hugs*.. hope all is well.

Lynnie.. so sorry to hear about you & your hub's troubles. I wish I had some answers for you. Can you phone back whomever it was who told you that you had til the end of the month for the truck? Maybe it can be reversed.

hi Cin.. will keep you in my prayers with your upcoming surgery. yes, chatrooms and forums can show up not only in google, but in just about any search engine.

hi April.. hope you are doing well

Liz, glad you are having a good summer. It sure makes winter easier, doesn't it.

SueMarie... you constantly amaze me. You always sound so cheerful and positively on the run all the time!!

update on back - I got into and out of car today without having to lift (by hand/arm) my second leg into the vehicle. This is a big step *S. I still have to move very carefully and avoid sitting for lengths of time... I can handle about 1/2 hour then it's back to the floor or walk/stand for a bit.

son is starting a 3 week long day program at the local addictions foundation.. starting on Monday. He had two appts earlier this week. It means he has to get Dr note for 2 additional weeks off, as he was to return to work in one more week. But it will be worth it - if he will stick with the program. he hasn't been too energetic getting out and looking for a roommate or apt. That is really getting me down. I know he needs the support right now, but his living here takes a toll on the other three of us. As much as I love him, we can't live under the same roof. I'm finding myself getting more and more down as the days go on. Perhaps with him gone all day for the next few weeks, things will be better. Daughter has been away at a music camp all week. I go to pick her up tomorrow. She is having a really hard time with her brother here... I feel guilty because she deserves her last two years at home in peace and quiet.. not walking on eggshells. That about sums up life in our house and has for many years (except the 14 months son lived elsewhere when he first left home). It's not fair to any of us, but I don't see any other choice at teh moment.. because he needs the support too. If he wasn't going into treatment it would be a different story.

It's so hard to have faith somedays. It seems everything I ask for support for is ignored and things get worse. Not good thinking I know, but it's what I do.
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Old 07-23-2004, 09:57 PM   #10  
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Hey ladies.
Well Dh got a vehicle he borrowed until we get our own wheels.We did some running today and got some food and toliet paper and bunny stuff.Dh has his interview on Monday and tomorrow we pick up his check from when he was helping the other guy the past week.

So I am looking in the apapers and looking online for a cheap vehicle.So I am feling alot more positive today.

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