3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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IBelieveInMe2 08-20-2014 11:50 PM

fool4fotos: So sorry you didn't get the job you wanted. But that just means that a BETTER one is waiting for you! Maybe you ARE supposed to go to WA and get your granddaughter. BTW, thank you and your daughter for her service and sacrifice in serving our country! Very admirable! :) Good luck deciding what to do. I love your POSITIVE attitude!!! Congrats on being down another .6! :carrot:

Hannah: CONGRATULATIONS on getting your driver's license!!! :D Good for you for facing your fear of driving. I am sorry that you are having a difficult time with sugar cravings. Hope you can get control of them soon!

Fi: Hope you are enjoying Mary's visit! (Who is she? I missed that part somehow. LOL!) Glad you are letting Bob help you and taking time to REST!!! :hug:

Chelainabear: Thank you for having so much confidence in me and for your support. You are doing the best you can with how much you are working. Good for you for resisting late night cravings. That is great! Also, not overeating is a big accomplishment. Focus on those POSITIVES and keep it rollin'! You will get the healthy food part down soon enough! ;)

Lisa_C 08-21-2014 06:58 PM

Hello friends,

I hope this post finds you well.

My migraines have been bad lately. I have been having tests done to see if anything is wrong. So far, I am ok which is good. I have an MRI scheduled on the 27th.

i have lost 4 pounds. I am trying to cut down on eating but it's hard.

I see lots of new names in the thread, that is so wonderful. I will try my best to get back in here more often.

Much love to all of you and best wishes in your lives.

fool4fotos 08-22-2014 03:33 PM

Thank you IBelieveInMe2 for recognizing Katie's military contribution. Miss and worry about them terrible, but very proud of her and her family's commitment : )

Fiona W 08-23-2014 09:15 AM

While drinking my coffee this morning, I have a quick moment before my visitor, my best friend Mary, wakes up. About Mary, who is about 53, six and some years younger than me: a Midwesterner through and through, she lives now in St. Paul, Minnesota, and loves it there. She has many passions, but three grand ones: (1) early (baroque) music: she plays the viola da gamba—a large viol that predates the cello by many, many years—in various ensembles in her area; (2) the German language: she's self-employed as a German translator of mostly medical & legal documents; (3) pop culture, especially movies, especially horror and action flicks. The latter passion is shared by the two of us, and we get together every summer for five intense days during which we watch about 50 hours of movies. Our favorite sub-genre is splatter comedy: fake blood played entirely for laughs, a lot like Buster Keaton's silent comedy. We met on the Internet in 1990 (years before the Web came along) and have been having our annual "Blood Binge" for over 20 years.

This year I shared Mary with my great-niece Grace for an afternoon. Mary drove from Minnesota to Maryland in order to bring along her viola da gamba, named Cedric, and jam with other baroque musicians in this area. Since Grace plays the double-bass in her school orchestra, I arranged for her to meet Cedric and participate in what Mary calls a "gamba petting zoo." Mary gave a patient and humorous introduction, one-on-one with Grace in which I was a fly on the wall, to everything from the history of early music and its instruments, to musical notation of the period, to the physical characteristics of the gamba itself. She played three lovely, complex pieces for us, then let Grace hold (with her legs) Cedric and try playing him a bit. It was marvelous! I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson and did not regret giving up some of my time with Mary. After Grace left, Mary paid her the high compliment of saying that if she were in high school with Grace, she would want to be one of her friends.

Now soon Mary will be up and we will be back to our packed schedule of movies. Wishing you all well... I will write again on Monday...

Lisa_C 08-23-2014 04:42 PM

Hello everyone,

I am having a nice relaxing Saturday, I really needed one. I actually needed the whole weekend off and I got it. yay! My Nascar race is supposed to be on tv tonight but I may not get to see it. Some of the tv stations are showing NFL football in place of the Nascar race. :( I will be so sad if I don't get to see my driver race tonight.

It really is great to see some new faces in here. That makes me so happy. :)

My school starts soon. I need to gather up my math book, calculator and notebooks. I need a new bag though. I go to DeVry University here in Columbus, Ohio.

When is Labor Day, does anyone know?

Fi, have a good time with Mary.

fool4fotos, it is lovely to see you here on the board. I'm Lisa. :) Did I read that you did not get a job? I'm so sorry about that. How disappointing. Congrats on losing your weight though.

hannahbeanies, congrats on passing your driver's test. Now that IS a big accomplishment. I remember when my daughter passed hers. I was beginning to think she would never pass her maneuverability portion. yay for you.

IBelieveInMe2, way to go with those carbs, girl. You can do it!

I know I didn't hit everyone with my post and I am so sorry. I promise I will talk to you all soon and get to know you. I am looking forward to it. :)

Check back in soon.

IBelieveInMe2 08-23-2014 07:39 PM

Lisa (ohiofreespirit): It is so GREAT to hear from you again!!! I am sorry that you have had terrible migraines. :( I get them too, often, so I can relate to how AWFUL they are. I will pray that your MRI goes well and shows NOTHING. Glad they haven't found anything seriously wrong with you. When you have those terrible migraines, it sure FEELS like there is a tumor or something causing it, doesn't it? They are the worst! Glad to hear that you are still plugging along with school. Labor Day is Monday, September 1st. That is so great that you have lost 4 pounds!!! :carrot: Believe me, I know how difficult it is to lose anything, so I would savor those 4 pounds! Be proud of yourself and keep it rolling!!! :D Glad to hear that you are having a nice, relaxing Saturday and the weekend off. Hope you get to watch that Nascar race! ;)

Fi: Thank you for sharing about your best friend, Mary. She sounds great and very accomplished! Neat story about her lesson with Grace. :) I am NOT a horror movie fan at all, but I hope you two enjoy your "bloody marathon!" :lol: How wonderful it must feel to have a house guest (other than the kittens) now that you have done the BERP! My guest room still has too much clutter in it for anyone to sleep in (and no extra bed). :( Maybe one day.....

fool4fotos: You are welcome! :hug:

I have indulged in SOME carbs this weekend at the lake, but I am doing much better at keeping things under control compared to the weekend I had my friends up. Mostly sticking to low carb eating. No plans to go off completely again, as it took me 5 days to get back on track last time. :( I have initiated contact with an endocrinologist. They need a referral from my doc 1st (and blood work and records). I won't be able to get in until October or November, unless she deems it necessary to see me earlier than that. But I am happy that I at least got the ball rolling! I SO want to get this thyroid situation to a point where my own metabolism is NOT working AGAINST me!!! I hope she will take my levels up higher within the "normal" range, so that my metabolism will function at an optimal level. Maybe THEN I will get some kind of weight loss reward for my efforts! Can't wait!!! :^: I need to pick up the exercise outside of my 2 week days of training. That has fallen off a bit, but I plan to get that consistent again ASAP. Getting it ALL together is such a constant challenge, isn't it?!? But..... WE CAN DO IT!!! :D :grouphug:

FleurDeLis 08-24-2014 01:26 PM

Ohio- We only have bunny ears to catch channels so ever since the second half of the season we haven't been seeing any races. Luckily last nights was on ABC and we got to watch it. We went to bed before it was over since Jeff Gordon wasn't doing very well and we were tired. My husband and I were talking about taking a trip next year to the night race in Bristol with my dad. It would be really fun! We have the Indianapolis Motor Speedway here, but the Brickyard isn't a very interesting race to go to. We went the past two years, but not this year and wouldn't you know it Gordon won! Our luck!

Ibelieveinme2- Glad to hear you're getting to the bottom of your thyroid issue. My levels were much better the last time I was checked a few months ago. My doctor decided to wait to check me around April of next year. Be nice to not have to take the medication anymore.

I'm rededicating myself to my exercise again. Since starting my new job I have just gotten lazy and stopped going. I was trying to do it all by calorie counting and it just doesn't work for me. I started back yesterday and once my lunch digests I will head to the gym today. It's just really difficult to make myself go to the gym when I get off work at 5pm. The gym is crowded and I still have homework to do, but I know it's the only way I will continue to lose weight.

I again apologize for being absent lately. I'm still trying to adjust to my new schedule and still do all the things I was doing in the evenings when I got off work two hours early. Time management!!

Good luck to everyone this week!

Chelainabear 08-25-2014 02:11 AM

I'm so sorry I've been absent lately, I'll update on my life after I reply to others.

hannah: Thank for the support, and congrats on your license!! Driving can be scary, but it does make life a bit easier much of the time :)

fool4fotos: I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get that position, but that just means there's a better one out there for you! I know you can do it! That's so exciting that your daughter's family will be moving closer to you, it's nice to live near family like that :)

Kathleen: Support and confidence is what I'm here for! :) Thank you for your support as well, but I'm afraid I haven't been doing so well lately :/

I'm glad to hear that your medical efforts are moving forward, if not at the pace that you hoped for. Your goals sound great and achievable, and YOU CAN DO IT! :)

Lisa: It's nice to meet you! Sorry to hear about your migraines, I hope that gets better.

Fleury: I know how you feel about the busy schedule! Glad to hear you're getting back into your exercise goals, good luck :)

Again, I'm sorry I've been absent for the last week, it's been crazy. I worked over 50 hours in the last 7 days, and it was (as inconvenient as possible) TOM as well. So I've been in pain, feeling gross, and eating TERRIBLE. Not that TOM is 100% the reason, it just makes things harder. Today has been WAY better than the last few days, I've eaten well, reached and passed my water goals, and did some cardio as well as strength training. I've been trying out the Walk Away the Pounds videos, and I really like them.

Personally (outside of health stuff) a lot is going on there too. I'm back to being blonde, which I absolutely love! I also got a new phone, because my old one had a terrible battery life and I need a consistent one for work. I'm going back to the doc tomorrow morning to check in about my antidepressants, and I'm having coffee with a friend from high school :)

Things really sucked during the last week, but they're looking up. And TOM and my poor choices only sent me up about 1.5 lbs, which I should be able to drop soon!

PhoenixAshes 08-25-2014 03:25 AM

Hello! I would like to join in here, if that's alright. :) And hopefully be able to give some support and get to know people who understand how depression can affect everything else, especially weight loss.

hannahbeanies 08-25-2014 06:57 AM

Hello PhoenixAshes && Welcome!

Fiona W 08-25-2014 10:44 PM

Welcome to the thread, PhoenixAshes! I hope you'll check in with us often. When you're comfortable with doing so, tell us about yourself.

Well, Mary set off this morning for her trek back (1100 miles!) to Minnesota. We had such a satisfying Binge. What with the interruptions, we didn't watch as many movies this year, but with just a couple of exceptions, the ones we did watch were top-notch. It's so much easier to screen them than it used to be, since almost all of them we streamed right off Netflix or Amazon. We also watched all of Season Four of "Game of Thrones," which was amazingly excellent. The changes the writers are making from the book version really make the emotional moments hit home. What superb acting that series has! And speaking of excellent series, Mary brought with her the whole DVD set of "The Wire," on loan, which I hope I can talk Bob into watching with me. Mary and I only see each other for five days a year, but we sure do make the most of them. We did our usual exchange of gifts, and she gave me a gorgeous black cloth messenger bag with Godzilla on it—the Japanese characters for "Gojira" in bright red. I love the way the cloth is all frayed around the edges. I'm going to find that bag especially useful for taking books to the farm.

The biggest news from the Binge, though, is that I didn't go off plan even once. Most importantly, I did not have one single cookie the whole time—woo hoo! I had a bit more carbos than usual, because Mary and I have a tradition of making a huge bowl of tabouli to sustain us through our movie-watching, but I partially made up for eating the bulghur wheat by skipping my muesli most of the nights.

Today I slipped easily right back into my modified Atkins regime. I didn't do my monthly weigh-in on the 22nd, because it fell right in the middle of the festivities, but so what? I look forward to seeing where I'll be on September 22nd, and to putting another data point on my downward-sloping graph. Tonight I did three sets of lifts with my left leg, 120 per set. I know that soon I'll be back up to my usual 600 per night.

IBelieveInMe2 08-26-2014 08:26 AM

PhoenixAshes: :welcome: to the group! I am so happy that you posted. Yes, we know what it feels like to be depressed and how hard it is to lose weight under those circumstances, especially on meds. You have come to the right place! Please tell us a little (or a lot) about yourself when you feel comfortable doing so. We are here to support you and cheer you on toward your weight loss goals. :cheer2:

Chelainabear 08-26-2014 03:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
PhoenixAshes: Hello, and welcome! I hope you find this forum to be a safe place where you can share your ups, downs, and everything in between!

Fiona: I LOVE Game of Thrones, and you're right about the changes. They're different, but not bad different :)

Just wanted to check in really quick today. I work 8 hours tonight, 8 tomorrow, and almost 12 the next day, so things will be hectic for me and I'm not sure how much I'll be on.

But I weighed in this morning, expecting to be hovering around 257-258 like I did all week of my TOM, but lo and behold... 254! Yay! It's not much, but it's a drop, and I might even meet my goal of 250 by the end of August. Even though I have 6 days, and it's not super likely.

Also, I'm attaching a picture of my new blonde hair. I'm really happy with it :)

IBelieveInMe2 08-27-2014 02:13 AM

a quick hello!
Tonight, I went off low carb for dinner and a snack later for the sake of ease and convenience. I will get right back on board in the morning. Had a great workout with my trainer Tuesday! She used strategic muscle confusion. Included more cardio than usual, along with the weights, which I liked! Now, I just need to get in some cardio on the days I don't train with her, like Wednesday and Friday. I have NO EXCUSES, as both of my kids are in school.

Chelainabear: Lookin' great with the blonde highlights! :D Hope you find some time for yourself during your busy work schedule the next few days! Congrats on 254 and a new phone!!! It's nice to see a drop on the scale, especially when you're not expecting it! How did your visit with the doctor go?

Sabrina (FleurDeLis): Howdy stranger!!! ;) It's great to hear from you! Hope you are still loving your new job. Time management is always a challenge, it seems. You can do it! Good for you on rededicating yourself to exercise. I'm doing the same thing. Good luck! :hug:

Fi: It sure sounds like you had a wonderful time with Mary! And you didn't go off plan or eat a single cookie!!! That is great! :D Good job on the leg lifts! How are those adorable kittens?

HELLO to everyone else! :wave: It's really late and I need to hit the sack!!! :tired:

IBelieveInMe2 08-27-2014 08:21 PM

Where is everyone?!?

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