3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Chelainabear 08-10-2014 02:42 PM

5 Attachment(s)
fool4fotos: Awww, that's sweet, thank you! :hug: I hope your extra long run feels good!

Fi: The visit sounds like it went SO well, and I would consider that an extra special occasion as well :)

Kathleen: Thank you! It was 9 alternative bands just outside Seattle. It's the summer concert hosted by my favorite radio station--the bands were Thumpers, Wild Cub, Bear Hands, Bad Suns, Sir Sly, The Orwells, Phantogram, and Bleachers! And everyone has those down times, I'm glad to hear that you're not giving up. You can do it! :)

So the concert was AMAZING! I had so much fun with my friend, who I hadn't seen in years, and we made some new friends while we were there. The bands were amazing, and we got to meet all of them because we were VIP. I attached some pictures of the day, with my friend Meagan, with the bands, with one of the DJ's from the station, and with the guy in charge of the signature line.

I had a couple beers during the day, and we didn't really eat real food until after the concert, we got burgers from Dick's drive-in. I thought I'd retain some water weight from all the sodium and unhealthy food but this morning I weighed in at.... 257! Wooo! I'm down almost 10 lbs!

All in all, amazing feelings right now :)

Fiona W 08-10-2014 03:59 PM

Ugh... I have to admit there's one "fly in the ointment" of my current happiness: the kittens still (or rather again) have that pesky cold they had a few weeks ago. My breeder treated it (after taking them to her vet) with an antibiotic, and it cleared up nicely, suggesting it was probably due to bacteria, not a virus. The first night we got them home we heard them sneeze a few times, and by the following day it was clear they had nasal congestion. Since my breeder had sent us home, just in case, with a newly prepared bottle of that same antibiotic and instructions on how to use it, I started giving it to them. I have been doing so, twice a day, all week. At first the sneezing and congestion went away, but by Friday, it was back again.

I hope it's just that the antibiotic is no longer any good, since my breeder said it would only last for about 10 days. She didn't tell me whether to refrigerate it, so maybe it's my fault, 'cause I have not been keeping it in the fridge.

So anyway, I have to take them to the vet tomorrow. Bob is at the farm with his mom, so I'm alone here, worrying about this infection my little ones have. Isn't it annoying when everything's going really well, but there's this one thing wrong, and it just bugs you like nobody's business? =big sigh=

IBelieveInMe2 08-10-2014 09:55 PM

struggling to get back on board
Chelainabear: So happy you had a wonderful time at the concert! I haven't heard of any of the bands you mentioned, but I enjoyed your photos. You are beautiful! :) I forgot to respond to your information about the girls you work with. That sounds like a difficult but rewarding job. You will definitely make a difference in the girls' lives. Very cool! I am glad you love it! I appreciate your encouragement. I am struggling, but I will NOT give up!!!

Amy: I am doing okay mood-wise, but my eating is off kilter the past few days. I am struggling to go back to low carb. It is just a matter of getting focused again and being strict with low carbs. I helped to host a bridal shower for my niece today and again chose to eat some carbs. I plan on definitely going back to low carb eating tomorrow! It is getting late, but I am still going to ride the recumbent cycle after I write here. Sorry to hear that you might need ankle surgery. :( You are wise to get a second opinion! Let us know how it goes.

Fi: Sorry that your kittens seem to be sick. :( I hope your appointment with the vet is productive and that it isn't anything serious. Please keep us posted!

Chelainabear 08-11-2014 12:43 PM

Today is a rare day off for me (from both jobs!) and it's off to a terrible start. I weighed in at 259, which is up 2 from yesterday. It's a bummer because I did SO well yesterday, and was on my feet for 8 hours working until late at night. I also went in to the doctor for my blood test results from last week, and apparently my blood sugar was elevated. It's pretty common for someone who is my weight, and who has PCOS, which I do, but my doctor had one more test run, and she wants me to lose 20% of my body weight, which would put me around 200. I think I can do this in the next year, and that's my goal. Either way, it's stressful.

But I came home, ate some cereal, some carrot sticks (I just found out we have carrots and I got so excited I just sliced one up) and :coffee: I'm just going to keep working hard, and hopefully it will pay off.

Fi: Sorry to hear that the kittens are sick :( We've had that issue with our dogs, one of them kept getting sick. It's stressful, but I will keep them and you in my thoughts!

Kathleen: Most people have never heard of most of those bands, so you're not alone! And thank you! I felt really good on Saturday, even though being out like that often makes me nervous and self conscious.
And I still believe in you! Bridal showers and other things happen, everyone's human, but you can get back to where you wanna be :)

Fiona W 08-11-2014 09:50 PM

How well these kittens handle being in the car! I can't believe how they just cuddle up together in their traveling crate and don't cry at all. I'm really delighted, because it means taking them to the farm will be a piece of cake. It's so different from our previous pair, who were flat-out terrified of traveling and just impossible to take anywhere.

That's the good news re. the trip to the vet. The bad news is that in addition to having colds, for which they'll continue to need antibiotics, they also both have ear infections. What ugly black gunk came out of their ears—yuk! So I'll be giving them drops for that. My breeder promised to pay for any vet bills from problems they had when we got them. I hope she'll come through on that, 'cause with DC-area prices, it was an expensive visit.

Meanwhile, the kittens are acting like there isn't a thing wrong with them. They eat very well, and both gained weight in the past week. They are super enthusiastic about running everywhere and playing with their toys, and were very affectionate with me all weekend. It continues to be a wonder that they are such good friends: they always want to do things together, whether it's playing or eating or cuddling up to me or taking a nap.

And they're so funny about music! Last night I finally found time to sit down and watch the 2014 Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame ceremony. Their response to the music coming out of the speakers in the den was to turn into complete maniacs—climbing and climbing at high speed, from one level to the next of the many opportunities for mountaineering available in that room. They say oriental shorthairs are such exuberant climbers and jumpers, they reach the ceiling within their first year of life: this pair may achieve that feat within six months.

The most hilarious part was their reaction to my singing along with some of the songs I know so well. They both stopped in their tracks and stared at me in shock when I began singing, then they scurried up my chair and my body, all the way to my mouth. The two of them took up positions on either side, pressing their fuzzy lips against mine as if to find out in that way what in the heck I was doing. In no time at all I was laughing so hard, I couldn't sing anymore. And they repeated the same behavior every time another song came along that I wanted to sing aloud. What a hoot!

I know I'm not writing to any of you individually, but please know I'm cheering with gusto for your weight loss efforts and remarkable feats of working out. You really make me want to put on my walking shoes and join the parade. But not tomorrow: Grace is coming over again, and we have to try to ignore the kittens and finish a collage we're making together for Bob's mom's (Grace's great-grandmother's) 90th birthday party, which is coming up soon. And I have to bounce back from my post-BERP laziness and do something about the guest room, which is a zoo, because my best friend Mary arrives on the 20th for our annual 5-day horror movie festival. Lots of work =whew= and goofy kittens eager to be a part of every single thing I do...

IBelieveInMe2 08-12-2014 12:20 AM

Chelainabear: Sorry to hear that your blood sugar was elevated. What is PCOS? Does this mean you are diabetic or pre-diabetic? What all did your doc say? I am confident that you will be able to lose the weight you need to lose. I will be cheering you on! :cheer2: Don't let the 2 pound gain get you down. It might be the late night burger from the other night catching up with you. You will get those pounds off in no time.

I appreciate that you still believe in me, especially after I failed to go back to low carb again today. :( We were at a picnic at my Mom and Dad's house, and again I chose to indulge in carbs. :( I went to the store tonight, though, so I am prepared to eat low carb tomorrow. The only good thing about my carb consumption lately is that I am conscious of when I am making that choice, compared to before when I just ate carbs all of the time without thinking about it. So that is PROGRESS. I rode the recumbent cycle up at the lake late last night, but didn't get in any exercise today. Will be sure to get something in tomorrow!

Fi: Sorry to hear that, in addition to colds, the kittens have double ear infections. Good that it doesn't seem to be bothering them. I hope the breeder will follow through and pay for the vet bill! Oscar and Nenu sure sound adorable and like they have really bonded with you already. That is great! :) I am glad that you are enjoying them. That is a riot about them climbing on you and putting their lips on yours while you sang! :lol: I would have been cracking up, too. Sometimes, my pups do that, and it does make me laugh! :lol:

While I was at the lake with my friends, my hubby cleared all of the crap that was covering our kitchen counters. He had a BERP of his own! ;) I get nervous that I won't be able to find my stuff when he does that, but I must admit that the kitchen looks much nicer! I will be working with the professional organizer again starting in September, once the kids are back in school. I still have a lot of clutter in the house that I want to get rid of and/or put in its proper place. I really do want an organized and peaceful home, but you wouldn't know it by looking at many areas of the house. I will get there, though! It is a work-in-progress.

Waving HELLO to everyone!!! :wave: Hope all is well!

hannahbeanies 08-12-2014 06:36 AM

Hi all. Sorry it has been a couple of days since I have posted. I have been keeping super busy. We found out that the landlady is selling our apartment building.

Looks like there has been a lot of activity!

I just wanted to comment on Robin Williams passing. It is suspected that it was suicide. One of the funniest people alive could not just "snap out of it." I am horribly saddened by his passing, but it brings to mind how important it is to have support, especially during your darkest hours. I am grateful for the support of this forum.

Chelainabear 08-12-2014 10:04 AM

hannah: I agree, it's incredibly sad. And just one of many examples of depression affecting those who others find the most joy in.

Kathleen: Being conscious of your choices is half the battle! Just being aware of what you're putting in your body is a huge step in the right direction.

As far as PCOS, it stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is basically a hormone imbalance. In my case, I do not produce enough estrogen to ensure that I ovulate and have a regular cycle. Other than irregularity, the most common symptoms are weight gain, acne, depression and anxiety (ha!) which basically explains my life since high school. It's also a little more severe in my case because since '09 I've been operating on only one ovary, the other had a large tumor wrapped around it and had to be removed.

Still at 259 this morning, but I had an incredibly lazy day yesterday. Didn't eat late last night but I wanted to SO bad. It was a huge struggle.

Fiona W 08-13-2014 05:43 PM

Not much new to report: just kitten crazies that are so much fun to watch and to get involved in, and pressured about finishing up the collage Grace & I are making together for Bob's mom's 90th (the party's not until the 23rd, but we want to get it professionally matted & framed for her).

I see Grace again for art education on the 19th. My friend Mary arrives for our annual horror movie festival (we call it the Blood Binge—a yearly event since 1991!) on the 20th. Grace is coming over again briefly on the 21st to see and hear Mary's big bass viol, called a viola da gamba (Grace plays the double-bass). Then, on the 23rd, I have to leave Mary briefly to run to the 90th birthday party and present our gift and then scoot back home again. I don't like it that my precious five days a year with Mary will have these interruptions, but there's nothing to be done about it except go with the flow. I tried to talk Bob into letting me skip his mom's party, on the grounds that she won't remember whether I was there or not, but he said, "Everyone else will remember if you were there, and Grace especially will remember," so... that was that.

Meanwhile, I have tons to do over the weekend to beat the guest room and guest bathroom into a semi-acceptable state. And Bob even wants to go to Grace's father's 40th birthday party this Friday! And not long after Mary leaves, we'll be driving to the farm, with the kittens, for a long Labor Day weekend during which (hopefully) my auxiliary studio will get painted—the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the door, the windows, the woodwork—all of it. We're hiring someone to do it, but still, making the arrangements, buying the paint, dealing with the fumes...

I don't like having a schedule this packed because I worry that I'm going to suddenly cave under the stress, even if it's positive stress, and go into depression pain. Then I'd be useless to everyone, including the kitties. =sigh= Please wish me luck that I can live through it all without losing my joie de vivre....

FleurDeLis 08-13-2014 06:59 PM

Hi everyone! I know I've been absent a lot lately and sadly I don't have enough time to post anything long. I wanted to let everyone know that I'll make a good long post on Friday or Saturday and get caught up with everyone.

Work is going well, but is exhausting. Weird how a desk job can do that! Anyways, I'm tired from that and then having to come home and do homework lives almost no time for posting during the week. On top of that I have really no time to go to the gym during the week. I'm just soooo tired when I get off work ad having to do homework when I'm tired is hard enough. So for now I'm just going on the weekends. I've been doing good with my calories and still losing with this plan

That's it for now, dinner, then homework. Talk to everyone this weekend!

Fiona W 08-14-2014 11:54 AM

Just a quick note to say that the kitties are fine: they've stopped sneezing, the nasal congestion is clearing, and they're full of energy! I have a new picture of them. That's Nénu looking up (but sleepy-eyed) and Oscar is curled up against her. Here you can see that even at four months of age, they have the long body type of the oriental shorthair breed. And as I've explained before, their ears won't always look so huge: as their heads get bigger, the ears will be more in proportion.

sw49a 08-14-2014 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by aryastark (Post 5049714)
Hi all. I'm a new member to the site and glad to see a depression support group. My depression is mild compared to most so I'm lucky in that regard but I've been having a low week and it's reflected in my diet, I'm eating a lot of rubbish and not taking care of myself.

Hi. Welcome to the forum! Low weeks happen to the best of us and generally we all do indulge in eating comfort food or drinking or whatever. Generally I find i feel less like exercising also (although best thing for low feelings). Be kind to yourself when you feel low. Don't let guilt about not being on the ball make the low feeling amplify. Wishing you much support!!

hannahbeanies 08-14-2014 09:05 PM

Well, everyone. I came to check in and apologize for not posting. I am slipping hardcore right now. BAD BAD. Going down a dark tunnel...hole...

Fi - the kittens are just adorable!

I will write more later. Very distracted right now.

BamaGalRN 08-14-2014 09:22 PM

Hi everyone! I'm Melissa and I'm relatively new to 3FC. I suffer from anxiety and have dealt with depression in the past. I look forward to getting to know all of you!

seabiscuit 08-14-2014 09:55 PM

Hi there!

How's everyone doing? I went to WW tonight, I gained weight but I'm going to get back on track. I really feel like I connect with the leader. He is very nice, funny and I feel like I can relate to him. Darn, the med student who I have a crush on wasn't there tonight.

Chelaina- I think I'm going to try Balayage tomorrow, I'm psyched! How are you?

Fi- your kitties sound cute, at the local pet store they have kitties in the window up for adoption, they're adorable! That's awesome about the collage, I like collages too.

It's so nice both new and familiar faces here, welcome to the newbies!!!

Take care!


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