Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 08-10-2011, 10:31 AM   #1  
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Default Stuck--- is it my med combo?

ive been trying to shed those 5-10 pounds ive gained the past year or so, but i appear to be utterly STUCK.... no matter what i do, the weight wont budge.
My Psychiatrist has me on a cocktail of 300 mg wellbutrin, 100 mg sertraline (zoloft) and 2 mg clonazopam, 3X a day (just the clonazapam) I have depression and generalized aniety...a history of panic attacks
i dont THINK ive really gained wight from the meds.....but i sure cant losse it... anyone have any knowledge or exxperience? yes, i know-- meds affect everyone differently
this is really the only forum i feel comfortable posting this kind of stuff in... everywhere else (on 3FC) i appear to have it so TOGETHER, with all the answers..... believe me, ive got the knowledge and understanding of fat loss and training it the implementation? is the sertraline causing mme to "give in" more to cravings?
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Old 08-10-2011, 11:30 AM   #2  
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I had a good friend with no weight problem, no food issues, etc. And she was on some anti-depressants and gained about 50lbs in 2 yrs. Eating habits stayed the same, exercise, etc. As soon as she quit the meds, she lost it all and returned to her normal size. This is without changing anything - food, exercise, etc. I think that the meds can affect the metabolism of certain foods, nutrients, etc. It's a common side effect. If the meds are helpful, maybe consider how much that outweighs getting those lbs off in the current moment? Working in mental health myself, I had a few people on meds say they preferred the weight gain and feeling better over letting go of the meds and feeling depressed (plus dropping weight again). I took Wellbutrin for a short time and found it caused appetite loss so I dropped a little weight. What does your doctor say/think? Good luck!
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Old 08-10-2011, 11:34 AM   #3  
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I wanted to add that a known side effect of clonozopam is appetite increase. I am wondering if you've noticed that? Is it possible to work with your doctor to lower doses of any of the meds?
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Old 09-01-2011, 12:52 PM   #4  
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Hi, I can concur with the sertraline. I'm on sertraline (Zoloft) as well and am stuck at my weight. I lost 3 lbs over a month with some serious work, but I think the meds are affecting making weight loss near impossible. I love the reduction in anxiety, but the inability to lose weight is making me depressed--so it's a bit of a catch 22. Anyone else on Zoloft? Any insights to dieting while on it?
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Old 09-01-2011, 12:56 PM   #5  
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I was on a different med but I can say that I put on 60 pounds with my use of Zoloft. It made me feel better but only short-term. For me, my anxiety comes and then followed by depression. I can't say I am 100% okay because I don't know that I am. I have found though with consistent, healthy eating and exercise I feel *almost* as good as the Zoloft made me feel. Fish oil has helped me too.
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Old 09-01-2011, 01:17 PM   #6  
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I have been on a diet and eating only 1300 calories a day for 5'7" and 233 pounds since March and nothing has came off so this week I thought I would try Weight Watchers and I have been walking at least 1.5 miles a day. So far I have not lost ANYTHING I am also on Wellbutrin 300mg and Effixor 300mg for depression. I just wish I would lose weight and be happy it get's tiresome to keep trying your hardest and then nothing!!!!
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