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Old 07-14-2011, 12:50 PM   #1  
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Default trying to call back on the wagon

Well I fell off the wagon about 10 months ago and although I have tried numerous times to get back on I just cant seem to get with it! I have gained back 37 of the 68 pounds I lost and I just feel so hopeless! When I started losing the weight I had just ended an awful relationship and finally found the right medications to treat my anxiety and depression. I had this unbelievable self motivation to lose weight and excersise. I was a workout fiend and getting to my goal weight was the most important thing in my life.

Then things slowly began to slip and now I can't even motivate myself to get into the gym. I hate the way I feel and I hate the way other people are treating me. I know that some of this is paranoi from the depression but seriously I hate the way people treat fat people. When I started losing weight everyone was my best friend. Cheering me on, telling me how good I looked, blah blah blah. Now I feel like they look down on me, look at me like I am a failure. I am sure some of this is self projecting but seriously I really do feel like people treat me differently. Does anyone else feel this way or maybe its time to tweek my medications??
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Old 07-14-2011, 01:14 PM   #2  
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Hi! Please try not to beat yourself up. How much you weigh or don't weigh does not establish your value as a person. You have been through a rough time emotionally. Break-ups are so devastating...but so is staying in a bad relationship, so congratulations for doing something positive for yourself. you will get back on track with your weight loss/wellness journey. None of us are perfect. Most people fall on and off the wagon. I do it all the time LOL! But, slow and steady wins the race. You lost weight before, you KNOW you can do it again. Keep your chin up! I know it's tough.

It's not a bad idea to talk to your doc and see if your meds need adjusting. I just changed mine a bit, and so did a good friend of mine. We both have alot of anxiety issues. We both feel better after the "tweak". I wish you all the best.

Have a good day

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Old 07-14-2011, 03:07 PM   #3  
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You gained back 37 lbs which means you maintained a 31 LBS LOSS!!! that's fantastic!!! We all have times or issues when we just cant stick to it. I half *** tried to start for years (4) to be exact, I don't know how many times My friends had to suffer me saying im going to lose this weight, I have to get slim blah blah blah. Finally in march of this year something clicked and I said enough is enough and I have stuck with it ever since. Yes, I have had ups and downs but I still got back on the wagon and stuck with it. you will get that mojo back when YOU ARE READY! sure, maybe your meds need to be tweeked but you also need to see what you accomplished 31 LBS LOSS AND MAINTAINED. that's EXTRAORDINARY! You are awesome!
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Old 07-15-2011, 01:55 PM   #4  
On the slow track.
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I really feel for you and empathize with you. My story is pretty similar: I lost a bunch of weight and kept it off for a few years with careful eating and lots of exercise. Then I fell into a depressive slump, stopped exercising, starting drinking, stopped controlling my eating and wound up gaining 70lb in about 2 years. I've been struggling for the last year or two to get motivated to re-start all my weight loss practices. It's hard, hard, hard. This week I felt the 'click' so I'm trying to go with it. For me, this means being really strict about exercise so that it becomes a true habit, and logging all my food and all my alcohol in a quasi-obsessive manner. It's the only way I can really lose weight.

I really, really hope you have your 'click' moment and just start doing what you need to do to take control of your life, your body and your happiness. We know that you CAN do it, you just need to find a way to move your will!

One place to start might be to stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. It's a deadend trap of a thought process and it is going to make you feel worse, more depressed and helpless, less motivated and etc. You can't control other people's thoughts or feelings and ulitmately, they aren't important. What is important is how you feel and whether you are loving enough towards yourself to do what you need to do to feel better about yourself. You need a mantra: "screw 'em, they're not important" would be a possibility.
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:29 PM   #5  
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Bright - hey honey you can do this and like sms said you still have a 31lb loss and thats some good going. forget what anyone else said to you if you focus you can do it, you have done it before right. well done you on ending the bad relationship and you know being on your own is a big plus to weight loss. my husband just feds me and honey it isnt a healthy relationship i crave to be on my own, but children and circumstances get in the way.
Tweeking your meds may help but its you not the meds that need get better are you having any other help?
the main thing is you do this for YOUSELF and girls you are the only person that matters you dont have to be slim just healthy F*** what other people think you are you, your personality isnt going to change because you are slim love who you are and aim for healthy rather then slim and all will be good. im still trying to get to healthy myself but i know its on its way. i know its depressing and if you get to healthy and your still unhappy talk to your doctor.
Hope this helps xxx
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Old 07-17-2011, 08:41 PM   #6  
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I know how hard it is. I was losing weight and everyone thought I looked fantastic. I gained 15 of 45 lbs back, so some people who came to see me this weekend were expecting I had continued my weight loss efforts - I think when they first saw me I could see it in their face they were dissapointed. I don't think I've ever felt more awful about my body than I do right now. It definitely hurts to do so good and then just fall right off. I think that there is nothin worse than relosing weight you've lost once but gained back. I know I said I'd never see 300 on a scale AGAIN and right now I am. No one has the magic words to say to make it better, is what I've had to learn. You just have to wait until you're ready. And take it slow, maybe say tomorrow I will write down everything I eat. The next day, maybe you will go on a long walk and listen to some nice music. The day after, maybe make a caloric goal. It's hard, it's hard for me, so you aren't alone with your struggles - which I hope feels better than nothing.
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Old 07-17-2011, 09:04 PM   #7  
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I gained so much weight so quickly that I've had people NOT RECOGNIZE me after not seeing me for a year or two. That moment where they look past you without seeing you and then look back and realize that it IS you is really dreadful. Still. Head up. Trudge forward. Do the best you can.
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Old 07-17-2011, 09:25 PM   #8  
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I gained so much weight so quickly that I've had people NOT RECOGNIZE me after not seeing me for a year or two. That moment where they look past you without seeing you and then look back and realize that it IS you is really dreadful. Still. Head up. Trudge forward. Do the best you can.
YOu just described one of the worst moments of my life. I knew this guy through a friend, we kept in contact online since he lived across the country, so after a few years of talking I flew out to meet him for the first time. At the airport, I saw him, and walked up to him and he just smiled at me politely like I was a passerby. I had to stop and say his name and that microexpression of shock was just one of the worst moments of my life. Let's just say.. it was a long week... and that budding romance didn't last long after I went home. I still think about that to this day (it was a good 4 or 5 years ago) and it makes my heart sink.
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