Why is this time so different?

  • I've struggled with depression a few times in my life, and I have ALWAYS used food as my coping method. I was always hungry, always had cravings, and was definitely a victim of boredom eating.

    I'm at another rough patch in my life and feel that it's quite different than my usual depression. I can't eat. I have no appetite and I feel sick if I try to force down anything (I don't want my body to go into starvation mode, so I keep trying to eat foods in my low-glycemic diet). I take my vitamins but that's all I seem to keep down.

    Everything else is the same. No energy, lethargic, headaches, random crying combined with a fit of rage here and there. Are there any reasons my depressions have done a 180?
  • Hi KK,

    Wow, that is a total 180. Did you talk to your doctor about this? if not, I would suggest doing so (sooner then later) as none of us here can really diagnose you... we can hug you tho

    Until you can get an appointment I would suggest maybe buying some protein drinks.. something, anything that won't make you feel like you are forcing food down. Keep hydrated and yes, take your vitamins...maybe some omega 3's.

    Do you go to counceling?

  • I don't do counseling or doctors. The ones in my town have never done anything good for me. None of them are worth being called doctors (there are only four and I've been to them dozens of times a piece).

    I will try the protein drinks. Thanks =)
  • There are different types of depressive disorders. They have different affects on the appetite, sleep patterns and can have different methods of treatment. Some increase appetite, while others decrease it. Some times people think depression affects everyone the same and it doesn't. One can also experience different types of depression throughout the course of his/her life. The different types also have varying levels of severity.

    I have also struggled with depression throughout my life. I am sorry you have had a bad experience with therapists and doctors. They aren't all bad but sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone else. Good luck! I hope you feel better. I know from experience with depression how debilitating it can be.
  • Quote: There are different types of depressive disorders. They have different affects on the appetite, sleep patterns and can have different methods of treatment. Some increase appetite, while others decrease it. Some times people think depression affects everyone the same and it doesn't. One can also experience different types of depression throughout the course of his/her life. The different types also have varying levels of severity.

    I have also struggled with depression throughout my life. I am sorry you have had a bad experience with therapists and doctors. They aren't all bad but sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone else. Good luck! I hope you feel better. I know from experience with depression how debilitating it can be.
    Thanks. I just wasn't sure that it was normal for the same person to get different side effects for the same disorder.