Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 01-06-2011, 06:38 PM   #1  
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Unhappy please not again.

Every time I start on a weight loss journey I do really good for the first few months. Last year I started in January and lost about 20 lbs by march but my depression hit in april (luckily I managed to keep 15 of it off. and my depression comes in waves. I'll be fine for months and then have just a period of absolute hate for myself and no energy or hope) and I started again determined in November. Since then I've lost about 20 or so lbs and though I havent gained any back yet I feel really depressed lately and find myself with this overbearing feeling that Im going to fail. theres other issues at play but theyre mostly centered around my weight and its scaring me to think that I might not make it to my goal weight.
side note but it doesnt help that im apple shaped so even though Ive lost 40 pounds since last january there isnt much difference to see. only in my sizes (20 to 16) but I still look big up top.

Is there anything that helps you guys when you feel this way or if you ever get this way?

I really want to make it this time. Ive been overweight since I was about 12 and would like to feel confident and pretty at least once while Im still young.

Last edited by hilariousness; 01-06-2011 at 06:39 PM.
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Old 01-06-2011, 07:27 PM   #2  
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I find it helps to think about how far I've come already whenever I get really discouraged. You've already made some amazing progress, just make sure you don't forget about it! Remember what it was like having to buy size 20 pants. Now you're down to 16! That's a big difference! Also, try buying clothes that really flatter your figure. It can be a great confidence boost when you really need one.

I know it can be hard though. I've found that even though I've come a long way too that I'm almost more self conscious now than when I was at my heaviest because I think I'm just more aware of it now and I've stopped accepting that I'm just doomed to be fat forever. But just always keep in mind how far you've come.

I can also relate to wanting to feel confident and pretty at least once while I'm still young. I was overweight all through my teen years and I don't want to be that way all through my 20s! That gives me a lot of motivation too.
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Old 01-06-2011, 07:44 PM   #3  
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It is really hard to lose two sizes. It took me forever to leave the 16/18 range. Please know in the very near future you will start dropping sizes much more quickly.

On the depression front. I am not a stranger to it myself. I wish I could tell you about some magic meds but can't. I can only say that FOR ME the only thing that helps is sticking to whole foods and taking fish oil daily. In addition, make sure you get plenty of sunshine and make yourself get out and MOVE. If you don't want to be around anyone at least make a phone call or interact positively with someone at the cleaners, market, carwash or wherever.

For me, when I allow myself to become my depression, it makes my weight go up and makes my depression worse. Even knowing this truth doesn't always work for me--I still give in at times. But at least I know my own truth and how to fight it.

Keep the faith. So many women can identify with you. You are reading from one now!
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:40 PM   #4  
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thank you both. your messages helped me alittle.

Its just hard to stay strong and keep going sometimes. lol
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Old 01-07-2011, 01:31 PM   #5  
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It's difficult to struggle with weight and depression at the same time. It can feel so overwhelming.

I'm apple shaped as well so I understand that it can take a bit more patience to see the results you're hoping for; but they will come!

What I did that was helpful was to reward myself for every ten pounds I lost. It was always a non food related reward and something small, but it gave me some incentive to keep going when the going got tough.

Take care.
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Old 01-07-2011, 01:45 PM   #6  
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Depression is so tough. Im constantly dealing with it myself. I too am easily discouraged so I understand. Its a yucky cycle for me- depressed so I eat- depressed cause Im fat EAT etc... Im new to this site but there are many strong encouraging people here. Dont let that bad feeling ruin what you HAVE accomplished.
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Old 01-18-2011, 11:58 AM   #7  
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It helps me when I can talk to someone about my struggles. The trials of life, depression, and struggling with weight are very draining. Everyone needs to get replenished on a regular basis. Sometimes the comfort of others and knowing that someone else cares replinishes me or gives me the will to keep moving. Sometimes watching or reading about people that have similar struggles with weight loss and/or depression makes me feel less alone. It is hard for me to stay on track when I feel empty so I try and do little things to fill me up emotionally so that I don't fill up on food.
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