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Old 10-02-2009, 11:34 PM   #1  
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Default A question about depression

Hello all,

I am feeling blue ~ in a funky mood, but not all the time. It seems to kind of come and go and not be all the time. I think the dr felt that maybe I needed to be on some kind of medication (I had been in the past), but because I don't feel depressed all the time, I said I wanted to try to not have to take medication. Any way, my question is (I hope you all don't think I am being silly), could the blue/funky mood have anything to do with the monthly cycle ~ or in someway coincide with the full of the moon each month? Just trying to kind of figure out things.

Thank you for your help.
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Old 10-03-2009, 12:05 AM   #2  
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The only way for you to know for certain is to chart your cycle, moons, and moods for a couple of months. I would say cycle definitely effects my moods. I don't know about moons but possibly--I have heard crime rates go up during full moons.
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Old 10-03-2009, 12:13 AM   #3  
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I suffer from depression. For most people, its not a daily thing. It comes in streaks. For me, I will be fine for a week, and then I will be totally depressed and anxious for two weeks. Something like that. But no matter what, when and right before its that time of the month I am depressed no matter what. Crying and miserable. I hope this helps at all?
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Old 10-03-2009, 01:53 AM   #4  
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Thank you for the helpful comments and suggestions. I think I will try to kind of keep track of my blue times and see if I can make some sense of it. Maybe somehow that will help me to be able to be prepared and deal with things a bit better.
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Old 10-04-2009, 12:17 AM   #5  
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Yes, anxiety is definitely linked to my depression. It alternates which comes first.
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Old 10-04-2009, 01:51 AM   #6  
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Way back in the day, before dirt was invented and the dinosuars still stomped the earth, I tracked my monthly cycle and watched the moon cycles on the calendar.

For me, TOM followed the moon like clockwork, as did my moods. I could watch the calendar and tell you with in 12 hours, when my period would start. And that for 2 days before that I would be *****y, cry, whine, complain, have fits, want to sleep late, skip work, etc.

Yeah I know it seems weird, the comfort for me was I knew, and I could warn hubby, thankfully, although he didn't understand, he was understanding.

I did go through a period, late 20's where the family curse of crappy reproductive organs hit, and I had cysts, pain, anxiety attacks and all kinds of totally off the wall hormone weirdness. Who else stands outside, in a tee shirt when it's 20 below zero, and won't come in the house for 20 minutes, because the sweat is running down their back like a spring flood, and you're so hot you want to barf?

In looking back, track your cycle, your food, moods, everything in a journal or blog or whatever works for you and then go back and analyze it.

There is a lot that could be going on, hormones, depression, food allergies, monthly cycles, stress, relationship issues, yada, yada.

Tracking it, and then looking back and looking at what you journaled is important to going forward.

By the by, I don't think you're weird or mental, and you have a legit ?

I wish I'd have found this place 20 years ago, except it did not exist then.
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Old 10-07-2009, 10:45 AM   #7  
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Hi, there,
I've had clinical depression for almost 20 years (I got the depression gene and the fat gene, how fair is that??). Your cycle will definitely, definitely affect how you feel. Some women are ... 'altered'? for up to ten days before their period. You could try some extra vitamin e for PMS, and also vitamin d is very good for depression, among other things. Some little things to try, if nothing else. Good luck!
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Old 10-10-2009, 01:37 PM   #8  
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Yes, I find my depression and sometimes anger peak about a week before my period starts. It took me a while to figure this out because I always think of PMS just being a day or two before.

I deal with depression by seeing a therapist and exercising, no meds. Moderate exercise three times a week can have much of the same positive impact on depression as meds.
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