Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 08-26-2009, 11:14 AM   #1  
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Default Spiraling.

Crap, I seem to be in a downward cycle. I can't focus, I'm crying a lot, I don't want to do anything, I'm grouchy. I do not want to head into that dark tunnel again! I'm trying to think of the basic things I can do to keep my head above water.

Can you suggest some things that would help? I just can't seem to think straight, even though I know I have tools, I can't remember what they are!

Yes, I am taking my meds, and go to see my doctor in a few weeks.

What helps you keep functioning?
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Old 08-26-2009, 11:18 AM   #2  
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Hey Thinpossible.

I hear ya. Believe me I do.

Here is my recipe. Cook it up.

First, get social with someone you can handle right now.
Secondly, get some fish oil in your system and clean up your diet if it needs to be.
Third, get some exercise and get some sunshine.

That's it. Thats all I got. I am here. Feel free to PM anytime my Dear. Things are gonna look up. Really, they are.
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Old 08-26-2009, 11:26 AM   #3  
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Thinpossible: Sorry you're headed downward. It's been a rugged summer for me too.

Thighs Be Gone's advice is good. Make yourself get up and move. Outside in the sunshine. Hard, I know. But it really helps.

And repeat after me: I will feel better again. I will feel better again.
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Old 08-26-2009, 11:35 AM   #4  
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Thinpossible, first of all let me say, I have read your posts in different threads and you are an inspiration. Just remember..... you have something to offer people..... you are important.

Next, agree with the other two ladies. Keep your head up, watch your diet (I found through my own experience I am depressed and lethargic, which leads to more bingeing on the weekends if I start off eating junk). Keep taking your meds.... and get OUT and enjoy the pre fall. So often we fall into our exercise routine of being inside that our bodies really need to be out and get fresh air.

The offer stands for myself.... PM me if you need someone to talk to.... Oh, btw, my name is Tammy
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:24 PM   #5  
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Also, to add...

Play music and make yourself hum along while you do something productive that you don't want to do. See if the humming will stick with you or not.

Make yourself smile--I almost always found that if I went around forcing a smile, eventually I started to believe it and didn't have to force it.

Those are just two little tricks that can be added to the other ladies' suggestions. The biggest thing is, if you can't get yourself to stabilize soon, I'd call and see if you can see your doctor or psychologist in an emergency capacity. It may cost your pocketbook, but it's well worth it.
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:27 PM   #6  
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Originally Posted by Thighs Be Gone View Post
Hey Thinpossible.

I hear ya. Believe me I do.

Here is my recipe. Cook it up.

First, get social with someone you can handle right now.
Secondly, get some fish oil in your system and clean up your diet if it needs to be.
Third, get some exercise and get some sunshine.
Excellent. Not isolating, not becoming a slug on the couch, and sunshine are keys for me too, and picking one small, doable way to get each every day is sometimes all I can handle, and it's enough to keep from going under and in a place where I can then consider other things to do.

Some other helpful things:

Make sure you do everything you can to increase your good sleep (hold the caffeine, ensure complete darkness, quiet as much as possible and use white noise as needed [right now I'd never survive without white noise], get up early [I can't sleep well the night after I sleep in], nice sheets and perfect pillow).

Shower and brush your teeth (forget about hair and makeup if you want to).

Do one enjoyable thing just for you, like window shopping, having a latte and people watching, buying a magazine, whatever (make a list when you're feeling better so you don't have to think of things at times like this).

You don't have to solve everything today. Today you just have to stay above water. Remembering that helps me.

Last edited by JulieJ08; 08-26-2009 at 12:28 PM.
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Old 08-27-2009, 05:56 AM   #7  
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This is a very helpful post. Thanks! You are braver than me thinpossible, by asking for advice and help.. you've probably helped yourself, me and some others.
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Old 08-28-2009, 07:40 AM   #8  
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Smile Stop the spiralling

I used to be depressed all the time. Then I started to do some serious research into sugar substitutes. Aspartame (Equal) turned out to be the cause. The food industry touts it as this great no calorie alternative to sugar, when it actually blocks serotonin production (which makes you feel good AND FULL!) So, I stopped using it cold turkey and I felt much better within a couple of weeks. Aspartame also makes you crave carbohydrates! Nice huh? I hope this helps you, cause it sure helped me!

The sunshine is also a great idea! Good luck!

Last edited by goldie6175; 08-28-2009 at 07:41 AM.
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Old 08-30-2009, 08:49 PM   #9  
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Thanks for all your helpful suggestions. I will try to remember to do all of them Hopefully this week will be a bit better. Thanks again.
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Old 08-30-2009, 09:00 PM   #10  
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...hope you are doing better!!
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Old 08-30-2009, 09:33 PM   #11  
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I've been clinically depressed nearly all my life. Here are a few tips I have learned over the years.

Start A lowfat vegan diet. The additives and pesticides in foods are terrible for people with depression, or any other condition.

Do good for others. I am amazed by the people that I see at the food bank. Many are long term unemployed. This is like the great depression to them and many others, though most people have not been touched at all, millions are really depressed and struggling. As mean as it seems, stop thinking about yourself. Self reflection can get you into trouble.

Get a dog. A Pound dog is a lot of responsibility. If you have a dog already, then go and take him/her out on runs or walks. My dogs (2) really have helped with the depression.

Take a class. Now's the time. You get those flyers and catalogues about adult continuing education. You can take classes from feng shue to welding, from tatting to ancient Chinese poetry.

Join a group. There are plenty of meet-up groups. I am in a few political groups, and end up at rallies and protests.

Most important of all: I believe that depression, although it is chemical, is brought about by stress and anything you can do to solve the physical problem and to change your life will help.

Learning to cope with problems is one thing, but another thing I have found is that when you are drowning, you need a lifeline. If you are drowning, I suggest a Counsellor or other trained therapist. If you are having problems (for instance, problems at home due to an abusive spouse) then you need to get some help.

After years of abuse I left my situation. Unfortunately it got me into a habit of burning bridges and also avoiding the real hassel of dealing with people. You can't play with half a deck, and depression messes up your reality, so it is something to avoid.

Good luck.
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Old 09-20-2009, 09:05 PM   #12  
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Hi Thinpossible,

How are you doing? I understand the ongoing battle with depression only too well. It's so scary when you feel yourself slipping. I've felt this way recently, too, and I'm trying to remain optimistic and just go with the flow. Hopefully it will wane naturally, since I'm already on medication. JulieJ08 had some really good advice that I'm going to try to follow. Hopefully it helped you, too.
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Old 09-21-2009, 02:16 AM   #13  
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Wow, looks like I'm going to stop using Equal. That's crazy!!

Originally Posted by goldie6175 View Post
I used to be depressed all the time. Then I started to do some serious research into sugar substitutes. Aspartame (Equal) turned out to be the cause.
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Old 09-21-2009, 02:18 AM   #14  
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When I get really really down and out of touch and numb to who I know myself to be - I pop in something like an old movie that I know I love.

I think I honestly allow my mind to revert to some form it was in during high school, when I was fresh and a bundle of energy. It's not a cure all, but that and even a short walk outside helps!
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Old 09-21-2009, 01:15 PM   #15  
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I was on Paxil for several years while dealing with an anxiety/depression problem. I started going to see a therapist who eventually weened me off the medication. The tricks that she taught me when I start to feel that depressed or anxious mood coming on ... was the following:

Cut back on caffeine. It's not just in soda and coffee ... it's in chocolate, tea, etc.

GO FOR A WALK!! MOVE!! This was the most important thing. Even if I wasn't feeling down in the dumps, she encouraged me to walk atleast every day ... because just by going for a walk - it releases endorphins which make us feel better. It's basically a natural " medicine " for your body. So you can kill two birds with one stone ... get happy and get fit!
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