Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 08-26-2009, 10:22 PM   #16  
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When I went off of the Wellbutrin, I noticed that I had terrible hunger cravings for awhile. It passed eventually, but there were brutal for a few weeks. It almost made me go back on it.

When I first started on Wellbutrin, I lost 18lbs. I eventually gained a few back, but I maintained the 15lbs weight loss. While I was taking it, I found that I didn't feel any need to binge. When I went off of it, I wanted to binge all the time. Although that has now passed, I did gain back the weight I lost when I first went on it.

So far, I have managed to stay off the anti-depressants. I had been taking them for a couple of years. So far, I'm doing okay ... but I must admit there are times - especially when I'm pms-ing, that I'm regret going off of them.

I never experienced the racing heart rate while I was on it. I found that I couldn't take the heat though. I would sweat really easily - made me feel very attractive.
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Old 08-27-2010, 05:54 AM   #17  
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Yes I agree effexor xr is really costly. So I switched to generics and got the bio equivalent of effexor xr online at International Drug Mart and save my money.
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Old 08-29-2010, 10:01 AM   #18  
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I've been on Welbutrin 2 different times. The first time, it was great. I was at 150 mg a day and felt great. But as with every antidepressant that I try, it stops working after 6 months to a year. So a few years later, I decide to try it again. My doctor STARTED me immediately on 300 mg a day. It was wayyyy to high to start off at. I thought I was going to die. I was having brain zaps, fast pulse, sweating, sick headaches and panic attacks. After 4 days, I had to wean myself off of it. I would love to try it again at a lower dose, but a little afraid to after that last episode, lol. I'm on generic Effexor right now and so far, so good.
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Old 09-11-2010, 09:18 PM   #19  
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When I was on Wellbutrin I got extremely paranoid, which led to not daring to leave the house. I sat in my bed all day, fearing others burning eyes on me. Yelled if anyone came in to see me. It was not my most succesfull medicine experience...
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