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Old 10-06-2008, 02:24 PM   #1  
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Default Addaroll???

Have any of you been on Addaroll (sp?). I have a couple of friends who are on it and it has helped them not only with their ADD and ADHD, but weight issues. There are many articles out there how people are abusing this product but I was just wondering if anyone on here has used it. I have two friends on the drug and one is dangerously skinny...

On the flip side, there are many people using drugs for weight loss and many of these drugs are harmful in other what is the problem with using Addaroll as a weight loss drug?

Just so no body is confused...I do not have ADHD, nor do I plan to use this drug for weight loss....
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:36 PM   #2  
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Adderall is a very addictive drug - particularly for those without ADD/ADHD, depression or other approved problms whom are using it for recreational and/or weight loss purposes. It's a prescription drug. Using it for weight loss is IMO about the same as using cocaine for the same purpose.
Side effects are: dry mouth, stomach pains, kidney failure, hallucinations, seizures, high blood pressure, etc.
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:39 PM   #3  
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One of my gal pals has it prescribed to her and "claims" she was given it for weight loss. Does that sound right?
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Old 10-06-2008, 02:47 PM   #4  
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I took it for a few years. It curbs appetite like you wouldn't believe (not a good thing)! I dropped weight fast by not eating. I had ADD and it fixed that too... but I was SUPER focused. I was more focued on school and work than on being personable and making friends. I'll be honest, I was a b****! When my family moved I stopped taking it so I would be nice and make friends. And thus the blooming effect! I got fat again.
I didn't find it addictive. Hallucinations... hmm... possibly, but none of the other side effects FatChickBGone mentioned - although I'm sure they are only in rare cases.
So to your question, it curbs appetite, but to the extreme. There's also no telling how it will affect your mind and body. I became a b****y empty shell. I'd never take it again. On a side note, my brother without ADD took one of my pills and it calmed him down, I guess you could call it a "low" in drug terms. It also made him really hungry. So. By my unscientific observations, if you dont have ADD it might have the opposite affect on you. There's just no telling.
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Old 10-06-2008, 09:32 PM   #5  
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Uh, I teach high school, and one of the main reasons kids at our school get kicked out and put in night school is for either selling or taking adderal. The kids who have it legally (and who need it for ADD or ADHD) SELL it to other kids who don't need it. It has a calming/focusing on people with ADD/ADHD, but it has the OPPOSITE effect on "normal" kids -- yes, it's a major upper, like speed, or coke. It's very in demand, and kids will forgo taking it to make a few bucks (I think they sell for 5 bucks or so per tablet).
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Old 10-07-2008, 09:12 PM   #6  
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I'm an adderall expert. I've been on it for years, necessarily. I have really severe ADD that interferes with my daily life if I'm not on it.


I've been on adderall for a few years and it has messed up my ability to feel hunger. Sounds great right? NOT AT ALL. I only feel hungry when I'm absolutely starving, which then leads to a gigantic binge. I have to make myself eat all day. If I don't, I start feeling dizzy, nauseous, my hands and feet feel icey, I get migraines. Those are all signs of malnourishment and starvation. And when that happens I feel so miserable I will grab what ever is quickest and easiest to eat to make those things go away, regardless of the healthiness of it. The constant going hours and hours without eating and then eating more than normal has messed up my metabolism, I lose weight very slowly. Sure you might lose weight quickly for a few weeks because you arn't eating anything. THEN the real affects take hold and you'll most likely end up gaining weight.

Weight aside- If you don't have ADD, it causes you to feel flustered, panic-y, you can't focus, your heart races. It's HIGHLY addictive. Even though I've been prescribed it I still have to moniter myself and be monitered closely because it's very easy to start saying "oh, I just need to take an extra pill to get through today" "taking a couple today won't hurt, I have a lot of work to do". The side effects are very dangerous, and if you arn't being monitored closely by a doctor you won't know what to look for: a slightly tingling in your hand for example may not seem worrisome, but that can be a sign of adderall messing up your brain.

So yeah, it'll curb your hunger. But it will do so many other things that will hurt you so bad, and it can't guarantee you'll lose weight especially long term. There are SO many other ways to keep your hunger in check - filling up on bigger portions of veggies, drinking water, eating frequently through out the's just NOT WORTH IT.
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Old 10-07-2008, 09:15 PM   #7  
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Adderall is basically speed. My boyfriend was on it for years for his add, and would never recommend it.

Last edited by kelly315; 10-07-2008 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 10-26-2008, 10:23 AM   #8  
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I'm rather late to this conversation, but I have two cents to put in.

I first popped an Aderall at work because I had so much work to do and so little time. One of my co-workers had ADD and offered me one. After carefully researching the side effects, I decided I would give it a try.

To be honest, I experienced no adverse side effects whatsoever. I was incredibly focused and really, truly, actually WANTED to work. I was not unfriendly, as mentioned above; infact, I was a lot happier than I normally am. I felt absolutely amazing on it and have tried it a few more times since. However, I DO see how it can be highly addictive, as I sometimes find myself craving it... BUT I don't crave it for the "fun" feeling... I only crave it when I have a lot of work to do and can't seem to focus. I also have my suspicions that I might actually have ADD based on the history of my scholastic performance vs. my IQ.

I definitely was not very hungry until (as mentioned above) I was absolutely starved. I ate more than usual at dinner, but it just made up for the rest of the day where I barely ate at all. That isn't healthy for one's metabolism, though... and for that reason, I do not really condone doctors prescribing Aderall or one of its cheaper relatives (Dexedrine, etc) for weight loss. I'm sure the long term use will screw with your metabolism and in the end, it is probably about as healthy as a crazy starvation diet.
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:37 PM   #9  
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Smile Thanks for the insight

I don't know about Adderall. I was just prescribed Focalin XR which is also for ADD/ADHD. I think this new psychiatrist frequently sees kids with the problem & therefore thinks I might have undiagnosed ADD & wants to try this. He warned me about losing too much weight & making sure I eat breakfast & got my height, weight & waist measurement. It seems like something that treats my depression & helps me lose weight would be good. I am now concerned reading these posts. I have never taken Dexatrim or the like to lose weight. I take enough pills ! I already have problems with overeating at night. So far I only took it yesterday so I don't know.
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Old 10-26-2008, 11:22 PM   #10  
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It sounds like you do have add- thats the effect it has on people with the disorder. Among my non add friends it makes them feel like they HAVE add - flustered, all over the place, with racing thoughts.

Originally Posted by NightengaleShane View Post
I'm rather late to this conversation, but I have two cents to put in.

I first popped an Aderall at work because I had so much work to do and so little time. One of my co-workers had ADD and offered me one. After carefully researching the side effects, I decided I would give it a try.

To be honest, I experienced no adverse side effects whatsoever. I was incredibly focused and really, truly, actually WANTED to work. I was not unfriendly, as mentioned above; infact, I was a lot happier than I normally am. I felt absolutely amazing on it and have tried it a few more times since. However, I DO see how it can be highly addictive, as I sometimes find myself craving it... BUT I don't crave it for the "fun" feeling... I only crave it when I have a lot of work to do and can't seem to focus. I also have my suspicions that I might actually have ADD based on the history of my scholastic performance vs. my IQ.

I definitely was not very hungry until (as mentioned above) I was absolutely starved. I ate more than usual at dinner, but it just made up for the rest of the day where I barely ate at all. That isn't healthy for one's metabolism, though... and for that reason, I do not really condone doctors prescribing Aderall or one of its cheaper relatives (Dexedrine, etc) for weight loss. I'm sure the long term use will screw with your metabolism and in the end, it is probably about as healthy as a crazy starvation diet.
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