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Old 09-14-2008, 08:16 PM   #46  
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Hi, Chicks!

I performed a miracle - I managed to keep my aunt from bringing dessert to a family function.

Mom said that she wanted sishkabobs for her birthday dinner, so I decided to make it a "build your own." I cut up and marinated chicken and steak, laid that out with cubed apples, pineapples, onions and peppers. I steamed some rice on the side and accepted my aunt's offer to "bring anything" by asking her for a bag of salad.

A good time was had by all, even if some of the chicken didn't stay on the stick. (Marinated chicken is really really tender!)

I'm really not much of a chef, but when I asked Mom what she wanted for her birthday, she said, "I think what I'd really like is for you to cook a nice dinner for me." Heck, it's the least I could do after all the dinners she cooked me!!

Lauren: Congratz on the new gym membership!

Sassy:I certainly don't think of you as someone's employee or wife or whatever. You're right that YOU need to accept and appreciate you as YOU. Good for you for deciding now that this is what you're going to do.

It's a matter of making habits of thought. Listen to your gut and to your heart. Speak up when you have a need, opinion, whatever. Do not let anyone, not even yourself, (especially not yourself) marginalize you and what you value.

K: big and please let your daughters know that wish them much improvement. That dislocated elbow must be excrutiating (barring good meds)!

Has dB been getting migraines for long? How old is she? What have doctors said about the headaches?
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:49 PM   #47  
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Hi tera,
thanks for the good wishes for my girls. So far DdC is doing alright pain wise, but she is still in her splint and sling, who knows what will happen tomorrow when I remove it.
DdB is 18 now and has had headaches for years, she's just following in her mother's footsteps and I followed my mother's and she followed her dad's. My grandfather would pass out every so often as well when he had a migraine. I have to get her into the docs and see if there isn't a med that can help ward off the pain rather than wait and try to treat the pain after the fact.

Your dinner for you mom sure sounds good and thats great that you got your aunt to bring a salad instead of desert!

Take care,
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:12 PM   #48  
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Buddly: Sorry to hear about your dd's arm and the migraine. I hope they feel better tomorrow.

I had a long day, but it was ok. One of the department heads at work asked me to apply in their department b/c a spot opened up. If the pay is better I may think about it. He said that the other people in the department thought I was cool and he was impressed that I had learned the computer system quickly. That made me feel a little better, but I'm really struggling with the self loathing thing.

I'm off tomorrow but I have a lot of reading for my tax class on Tuesday. I'm just glad I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn.

Sassy, I have felt just like that many times. It's hard not to get lost in your roles of taking care of others and focus on yourself and who you are and what you want.

Twilit, good job on the dinner and avoiding sabatage.

Hi Leenie!

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Old 09-15-2008, 12:15 AM   #49  
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OK are you sure your not my seriously I just talked to my friend earlier. A little different area but the same thing. We are to go on this retreat this weekend and her mother is going and so I feel like I will be the third wheel. My friend and I had decided to find a church like ours near the area....the retreat does some service but is way laid back and different and the whole time last year all i was wishing was that I was at my church. Well when her mom got snippy about her going to a dif church she decided she would stay. Finally told me today she wasnt going to a diff church. In the beginning that is the reason I said I would go. Like I explained to her I wanted to go to a church and not be the youth pastor, not have my kids to tend to while the singing is going on, Not be the drama director, Not be anything. Just be me and no boby there knows me or expects ANYTHING of me....JUST BE ME. So like you sassy I feel that I have so many roles and expectations of me that I cant even be yeah when I was reading i was just like WOW...she read my mind!!!
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:17 AM   #50  
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Last edited by Sassy_Chick; 09-15-2008 at 12:45 AM.
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